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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Yeah, well, I'm Canadian--no matter where I get it (local brick-n-mortar or online) I'm paying a premium because of the exchange rate Well I've seen it reasonably priced at Canadian HMVs at least here in Edmonton I have... But I ended up paying way too much for the second box.... I need the third and final box still.
  2. Awww... well I'm in Edmonton! Oh well... so Ogami looking foward to Sakura Taisen V Episode 0... it's finally coming this week, yay! I want to go to Vancover sometime.... i've never been further away form Edmonton then Kowlona (okay I know I spelt that wrong).
  3. Saber Rider just came out on DVD in the UK and Bismark just came out on DVD in Japan... it's so cool I also remember staying up till 3 AM so I could see Samurai Pizza Cats or Kyatto Ninden Teyande on YTV.
  4. Yeah I quite like the YTV line up... Heh I remember waiting for Teletoon to show Vol 4. of macross plus... and it never happened... they also showed Patlabor and Ninja Scroll a lot... Teletoon's line up was all Manga shows... and I think Space's was all CPM, Gall Force and so on... Yeah I miss that. Hey Ogami? Sakura Taisen fan? Me too one of my other handles is Oogami Taichou... I don't know that many other ST fans in Canada... so it's always cool to meet more fans of the Musicals, Anime, Games...
  5. It's okay for newbies cause they explain what everything is very well... but it is RTS and a hard and involved one at that... it isn't turn based. Sorry!
  6. ahhh only one campaign mission and two skirmish missions? I was hoping it would be like the Star Craft demo where it was a whole pre-qual story (the magazine version which had the extra level that made things really interesting). Oh well... It's still cool and I'm still gonna buy it.
  7. Final Lib was the epic 40, 000 Ultramarines vs Orcs one right?
  8. So anybody feel like making a paint design for "the emperor's pointy sticks" Space Marine chapter? Those guys should have their own codex. http://www.turnsignalsonalandraider.com/?ep=1072065310
  9. I am the emperor. They are in my chamber feeding me with their psychic energy...and various bodily fluids. Yummy! Ahhh... I mis-typed the name of my own order. I am the Canoness of the Order of the Eternal Violet not the Eternal Light... that kind of mistake could land me in a Repentia squad... fortunatly I am the Canoness, and that is my decsicsion to make. Wow, I'm loving the demo... and it's actually pretty hard... wow.
  10. Sorry for the double post... does anyone know if you can unlock the Buster Machine-03 as a playable mech in SRWF, Final, Alpha or Alpha for Dreamcast? I've played through Alpha three times but I havn't gotten it (then again I still havn't been able to figure out how to get the MK II Monster in that game either)... if anyone knows that would be great.
  11. Yeah I agree with that Keith that was my initial reaction too... Nuriko: Onee-sama we've finally come back 12, 000 years later... look they've lit up a sign for us... They're welcoming us back. Kazumi: Lets go Nuriko... Army Man: Welcome back to earth... everyone you knew is now dead... But guess what the Space monsters are still around... yeah we've had 5 sequal series, and still havn't gotten rid of them... but now is your chance, and it will only take up a couple more thousand years of your time... Ehhhh... I found the original ending to Gunbuster to be quite sad... I mean Nuriko would never be able to celebrate her birthday with Jung Frued again... so sad... And she would never see her friend or her friend's daughter... ahhhhh... I think I actually cried the first time I saw it...(for me those kind of endings always get me... I cried the first time I saw the Sandlot Gang's ending... even though that was an awful movie). And yeah... to have the threat of the Space Monsters go on... kinda cheapens it.
  12. Or as the cover of a book I once saw "Jems of Japanized English" stated "is that R as in London?" "No it's L as in Lome"... I once spent half an hour trying to get two Japanese girls to say light and right correctly... that was a total waste of my time... But it was kinda fun.
  13. Ah well... I still have Super Robot Wars Alpha...
  14. Edit: The gracious Emperor has shown he is with us our problems have been fixed and warp communications are open. Post text deleted For the EMPEROR!
  15. Downloading the demo now... Death to the enemies of the immortal god-emperor of Mankind... But where are my Seraphim and my brave Celestian warriors? --Lord_Breetai AKA Cannoness Sumire of the Order of the Eternal Violet
  16. That's what I always thought... but the name change idea is kinda cool too.
  17. Dang straight... Um are Super Robot Wars F, Final, Alpha and Alpha for Dreamcast the only video games apperances the Gunbuster has had? I have the urge to make a video compiling all of the gunbuster's attacks from SRW Alpha for Dreamcast... I don't know why, just cause they are so cool.
  18. My Ex-girlfriend's favorite character was vincent so she'll probably like this... Personally I've only beat to FFs XI and X and I doubt that'll change anytime soon.
  19. Well for info on the plot go here. www.toponeraegunbuster.com has sort of become the place for Gunbuster info for me... even if I did have a bit of a misunderstanding with it's webmaster over on another board. And wasn't it 10, 000 years not 1, 000?
  20. Okay quite a while back I was told there was a mission in DYRL for the Sega Saturn where you controlled the Macross... I've played through the game on easy and am half way through on hard now... was I lied to about this mission, or is it something you can unlock? I mean if it isn't there it's still a great game, but I don't like having been mislead (even though I can't remember who told me that in the first place). Are SRW Alpha and SRW Alpha for Dreamcast the only games you get to control the Macross in?
  21. You know I really loved this game, but I would have liked it to have more of a sidestory feel... that Is I didn't want to be the one to take on the spies in an armored Valk, or be the one to fly into Bodolza's fortress and destroy his Jar... I woud have liked the characters develope in a Zeonic front manner. but ah well it was still a good game.
  22. Ah so they renamed it from Megalord to something the Japanese would pronounce exactly the same anyways?
  23. WAIT a minute... does that remind anyone at all of the SDF-5 Megalord project from the final instalment of Tigercat varrients? (Issue 11 of the Antarctic Press Robotech series)... I think Fred Perry ripped this off... shame on Fred, shame on him.
  24. text deleted never mind...
  25. I always thought it refered to the folding ability too... I never thought it ment Super Big Fortress Macross... hehe. Wait wait... The Supersize Fortress Macross that would be funny. They could sell Super Dimensional meals at MacrossDonald's!
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