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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I'm at lothe to say this but I think I might have actually liked that cartoon... was that the one where they had a "Christmas Carol" parody the one time where Hook was visited by his brother and then the three spirits... and the Ghost of Christmas future showed that Peter would totally forget him and he decided he would have to be even worse then before to make sure peter never forgot the name of James Hook? Please people whatever you do don't start bashing the Jungle Book cartoon and the Bush Baby.
  2. Well my fav is really Macross TV but I voted for Dynamite 7 just to give the 7 series some love... So you and Haterist just gave it a sympathy vote!!? Terrible. Uh no, I really do like Macross 7 but nothing can compare to the original 1982 series for me... so if I was totally honest I would have voted Macross. But I just didn't think 7 would get many votes... okay so it was kinda a sympathy vote... but I reall do like it.
  3. Ages? You must have missed Gladiator, Hannibal, Black Hawk down and Matchstick Men... I know those movies are low budget, limited release so I can undertand the fact that you may have overlooked them... That was sarcasm right? Cause Gladiator, Black Hawk and Hannibal were all big name releases... I havn't heard of the last one. Havn't seen any of them but I know the first three were big.
  4. I did my part to support a franchise I liked and went and saw it... I actually thought it was worth my money... Dumb but fun.
  5. A. You wern't supposed to like Simon in that Cartoon... you were supposed to think he was stuck up and useless. B. Apparantly Princess Lana actually is from some game, I was told that by a friend can't remember which one. C. It's not good at all it's corny, I just downloaded the first season a while back... and yeah it's awful but you can laugh at it and that's what makes it great... same reason I watch a lot of shows... same reason I liked Van Hellsing cause I can laugh at how pathetic it was. And yes Link was annoying (I didn't think Zelda was too bad) but that show could be amusing sometimes, I was watching it free on Yahoo a while back and there are a couple of interesting episodes... It was a lot more watchable then The super Mario Bros. Super show at anyrate...
  6. Dangaioh's Psychic Wave becomes Sidekick Wave... This is kinda common... at first I thought it was a joke... the Inazuma Kick it was her own version that was the Oneesama kick... Then I listned to it again and it was Inazuma... The Oneesama didn't make much sense anyways... But they might have been confused since US Renditions called it Plasma kick anyways... *shrugs* whatever... we all know what she was saying.
  7. Well my fav is really Macross TV but I voted for Dynamite 7 just to give the 7 series some love...
  8. I can do Newton's voice perfectly "Hey Herc, Hey Herc is Daedalus, Daedalus... It's Wilomina" And that other guy "No one can touch me now that I wear the mask... of Vulcan" I can't belive people didn't like Captain N and the Zelda Cartoon... man those were two of my favorites... you have to laugh now that there are more refined versions of those characters that are nothing like their cartoon counterparts... I could just see them trying to release Captain N on DVD... you think Capcom or Konami would let them?
  9. They still called the Macross PS2 game Robotech and veritech fighters too. Well that's easier to understand if annoying... I saw a walk-through for Super Robot Wars Alpha that called Hikaru Rick and treated all of the Macross/DYRL plot portions of the game as if they were Robotech... You kinda expect it after 20 years of it don't you? I mean it sucks but what are you going to do, strap every video gamer in the world down make them watch Robotech and Macross back to back? "See This is Robotech and this is the much better Macross... never confuse them again!!!"
  10. http://www.animesuki.com/series.php/486.html errr of the OVA itself? Yes the frist epsiode.
  11. I'm sorry did you just diss Jem and the Holograms? No way no one would do that I must have read wrong. Next you'll say Rainbow Brite is crap and really tick me off. lol, just kidding. But I actually like over half your list. 10. Bey Blade 9. Beetlejuice 8. Freakazoid 7. Pinky, Elmira and the Brain (way to ruin a great series) 6. Shrek 5. Shrek II (so they're movies so sue me their animted and they suck) 4. Monster by Mistake 3. GI Joe Extreme 2. Beast Machines 1. Princess Quenivere and the Jewl Riders (can't stand the sissy girly version of Dragon Flies)
  12. OMG... I've come up with one... Yarr's Revenge... Atari 2600 rules!
  13. That game was really fun... I managed to put it down though. I'll admit the gameboy game got tiring especially cause they had to throw a week plot in there hmmm... Sakura Taisen V episode Zero??? I havn't gotten tried of it yet... must unlock all 8 secret characters and get A rankings in every mission... and defeate all trial modes... after that though it might get dull Macross DYRL (Sega Saturn) And Macross PS2 are good games to thrown on when I'm bored... I don't think there is such a thing as a game I could play forever Maybe Hana-gumi Taisen Columns 1 and 2???
  14. SRX (Made up of R-1 Powered, R-2 Powered and R-3 Powered) From Super Robot Wars Alpha for dreamcast Gunbuster (hey it's made up of two buster Machines) Dangaioh (Cross Fight! (Cross fight, Cross Fight) Just cross for love!) I'm not the hugest fan of the combiners... but pretty much anyting in Super Robot Wars Alpha for Dreamcast.
  15. Two words: Bubble Bobble
  16. What no Final Act spoilers here? Let ME!!!! Spoiler Power Make-UP!!! So here we are at the end of all things; the end of the world... The princess is so torn up with grief about the death of Prince Endymion that she decides to the destroy the world... the Sailor Senshi (Merc, Mars and Jup) follow her in an attempt to stop her... even if they have to fight her. Princess Moon summons minions to fight the senshi... the senshi create new weapons from their Tamborines (Mecury a sword, Mars two daggers (one from Venus' Tamborine) and Jupiter a Naginata. Berayl releases Jaedite from her curse but he stays with Beyral out of loyalty and the two are burried alive. Princess Moon's minions prove too much for the sailor senshi and they are defeated... And Princess Moon destroys the world. Endymion appears before Moon on the barren surface and speaks with her... she is happy to see him but saddend that everyone is now dead, he says she can revive the world with the power of the Maboroshi Ginzuishou but it will most likely take their lives... He gives her a wedding ring and they use the power of the crystal. We see the bodies of the two lovers as sand blows over them... hand in hand... the moon watch in the Princesses hand. Cut to class... Ami is sitting and worried cause there is an empty spot... where is her friend? Then Naru arrives late and she get's scolded by the teacher. Rei is playing hide and seak with the kids at the shrine... MINAKO (they ignored my no Minako revival policy... I'm so glad) arrives for a song recording. Then as they are walking an image flashes in their heads... of a smiling girl... they realize they've forgotten something important... USAGI! They all rush off thinking her name. Somewhere inbetween life and death... Usagi in in a shimerring white gown lies on the gorund she hears someone faintly calling her name "who?" she asks. "Usagi? Me (well not simply me "watashi no koto, I'm simplifying")?" Her moon clock that was given to her by Mamoru and stopped ticking so long ago starts again. She looks over and see's Mamoru also in shimmering white is there with her... Princess Moon appears before her and says (to the best of my Japanese knowledge) "Your friends havn't forgotten you, you can live. Return." (I think she also says something about the crystal having taken it's last life but I'm not sure). Mamoru tells her to go... she asks about him he says not to worry about him, she says something about being alone... Then the S H I T T E N O U show up (take that evil board censor) They show the painting that was taking his life (his picture which became clearer as more and more life engery was taken disapears). Kunzite asks him to live for their sake and the other three express simillar sentiments. The four senshi run into each other bridge And then Usagi runs up and meets them... as Mamoru looks on... (The order Usagi calls out to them by name is "Ami-chan, Rei-chan, Mako-chan Minako-chan, in case anyone cares) and a really cool song plays. THE END! But wait.... at the very end it says "see you again" so maybe there will be a sequal after all? Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon R[omance], anyone? That is what I originally posted on Anime alberta... it looks like there are a couple of specials in the work... but nothing on a full sequal. Apparantly two specials in the works from what I've heard... and the first will have Usagi and Mamoru get married.
  17. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/557/557501p1.html To me it sounds like Sakura Taisen the Gunbuster years... honestly thats what it sounds like, Sakura Taisen... really it does.
  18. NO REBA! If there is an idol singer in the new robotech... as I've been saying there should since the inception of RT.com they should get Mari Iijima to do her voice and songs... Iijima is my favoritest singer in the world... Angel Paint is such a touching song.... always cheers me up when I'm sad... If they bring back Minmei then actually get the good Minmei to do the voice... she lives in LA, she speaks and sings in English... why not?
  19. Wait a minute... are you telling me that Nemisis and Ramrod had the same voice??? weird... and you are not alone... how many people on AA identified themselves as fans in your thread there... sheesh. I being one of them. Now we just need a crossover where Nemisis, Ramrod, Iron Hide and Prime all sit down and have a conversation. Yes I know the only thing Ramrod can say is "Acknowledged April, Ramrod initiating Challange phase, power stride and ready to ride" but I'm sure you could work those phrases into a conversation some how.
  20. Okay my point still stands then... I think "Top O Nerae" is the official name though as you said, cause if you look at the Super Robot games that include Gunbuster none of them list Gunbuster in the copyrite info either on the actual disc or on in the credits (where they list each series and the staff that worked on the designs and the VAs who did the voiced... it says Top o Nerae... So yeah like you say I think Gunbuster is the popular title and Aim for the Top is the official title. Edit: Another thing that is possible... sometimes there are official english titles the studio wants used instead of a direct translation of the Japanese title... in the second Sakura Taisen OVA each episode had two titles a Japanese title and an English title and they were not close to each other... I've even seen this done for things wich are not going to get an English release... So it is possible "Gunbuster" was ment to be the English title all along and "Aim for the Top" was ment to be the Japanese title... cause Japanese people would recognize the ref. to Aim for Ace and English people wouldn't, so they gave them the more dynamic title Gunbuster... that's just a random thought. And the Diebuster courus sounds dumb... the Gunbuster thing is cool... but the Diebuster thing sounds so annoying, anyone agree?
  21. really are you sure? I remember in the Japanese credits it only saying "Top O Nerae" and only being called Gunbuster in the eyecatches... Infact in the Super Robot games when they credit all the different shows they only say "top o nerae" too they don't say Gunbuster... So I'm fairly certain the official name was just "Aim for the Top"... though I could be wrong.
  22. That was the assumption I made going into this... I mean even the original, it's not Gunbuster or even Aim for the top Gunbuter... it's just "top o nerae" I think the title Gunbuster is more of a Fan thing, though US Renditions did call it that name... I think maybe cause it has more *pazaz* then Aim for the Top. Lets face it Aim for the Top sounds like a sports show, Gunbuster sounds like a scifi giant robot show. Oh by the way I actually like the show... my "grrr, argh" post was more about "Is this really Gunbuster?" But Togo's comments make sense.
  23. I'd say download the Fansub at least... I don't think its worth buying but give it a try... It wasn't my post that changed your mind was it?
  24. Episode 1 Spoilers So Nono wants to go get a job as a space pilot. She runs away from home, moves to the city and gets a job in a little restaruant... Okay that's fine. There are talking cats and an elite group of space pilots called Topless, who have psychic powers... Getting out there but I can handle it. The Buster Machine shows up with classic "Aim for the Top" music... yayyy that's cool. A Space monster drags Nono off into space and into martian orbit, with no protection. Okay Fine but you'd think she'd die rigt? No she's alive and she rips off her shirt (cause it wouldn't be Gunbuster without breats... never mind we are in outer space)... and she does her own version of the SUPER INASUMA KICK! and she actually seriously hurts the monster with her foot... What has happened to Aim for the Top? Edited: cause the first post was awful.
  25. in a war that is kinda goofy. why? because if you sing to someone in war they're going to pause just long enought to aim their riffle at you and make you stop. Well Basara is a peace movement kind of guy and it's not like the enemies even care at first... As Gigil said after about ten seconds "continue the operation"... And it seems crazy in our world... but in the world where he learned how Minmay lead the Zentran and Meltran to peace with her voice... maybe it seems a little less so.
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