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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Okay so... General Type guy: Is there something you want to say Bernard? Bernard: Those ships... the cones at the back... those are kinda silly don't you think.. I mean why did we go back to using those after the first Robotech War... I mean that's not preriod correct with out made up universe and time period arn't they? We should scrap the whole fleet and build new ships before we go off and find the SDF-3, really I think we should cause we wouldn't want the MW forumers to think we look silly. General Type Guy: Good point Bernard we can certainlty scrap whats left of the fleet and pimp out a whole new one in about a week or so... do you think that will stop the MWers from hating us? Bernard: No of course not, but it would be totally silly and crazy and asine. I think it's a good idea lets do it. Sorry for the sarcasam... nothing against MW Forumers I hang out here far more then on any Robotech board... but honestly I think it would be kinda silly to change all the ships at this point.
  2. Wow... I'm just psyched by actually getting to see Watanbe as Rah's Al Ghul
  3. I like tailfins on cars though... not those ones in particular but I do like them.
  4. yeah there is actually a whole shadow force thread already... and those designs are mostly re-hased MOSPEADA stuff.
  5. all the OVAs and movies (the Naga stuff) before the TV series (dosn't really matter which order... they are all fairly episodic.) TV frist season TV Next TV Try Premium There you go. for that matter while the Naga stuff does take place before the TV series... its not going to really affect things if you watch it out of order (you might get bored of the Naga stuff after a while). Its the TV series you have to watch in order.
  6. Honestly Keith I love Macross 7 but it could have been shorter... it dosn't get interesting until City 7 and Battle 7 are seperated and the number of episodes prior to that could have been cut down... But thats just me.
  7. An SC character is actually confirmed to be in the series? Yayyy... you have renewed my faith in this series... now if only Dana was confirmed to come back. And the whole Janice Em series bot fills me with hope of actually seeing Janice herself.
  8. In the Super Robot Wars games the Eva are treated more as Real Robots then Super Robots... much weaker and more agile then a Super Robot (like Mazinger or Gunbuster)... So just a love for Gainix robots then. I think they are more "real robots" too... though they arn't realistic at all.
  9. Well I actually heard someone say that in a TIA or something "he" has breats... so I heard he was a hermaphrodite... I'll have to ask where that picture was... Anyways it was a joke...
  10. Alright Keith... What Gender is Mash from Macross II?
  11. Anyways leaving aside the fact I was joking I'm a Canadian Zentradie and they don't let us run for the highest office... I'm also too young...
  12. Did it occur to you I wasn't trying to come up with a good argument... I just like SC and was having fun? Did that occur to you guys at all? That maybe just maybe I didn't think those were serious reasons for SC being great? and I just did it to amuse myself? Although I do think Tomizawa Michie is great.
  13. You know...Im pretty certain that the only sources that state the Logan is weak come from either the novelizations of Robotech or the RPG. Both sources are incredibly flawed. As for the Spartas....well....Im gonna repost thoughts HoverTanker (a RL Army Tanker) had on this subject Open cockpit is STILL stupid, kinda eliminates the purpose of calling it a tank. And the Logans are horribly weak and are just plain FUGLY. Southern Cross mecha suck, the Masters Saga SUCKS that's why there is no game or almost no merchandise except for a few mugs and other crap. Oh it's on now, boy... Brook and I we iz going to have to teach you some respect. You will learn to respect the Spartas and fear the Logan. Southren Cross Pwnz all lesser sagas (meaning New Gen) and is only slightly Pwnzed by Macross. I have one Robotech DVD (in comparison to my many Macross DVDs) and do you know what saga that Robotech DVD is from? That's right Masters... cause Southren Cross rocked. Each Episode of the original Japanese Southren Cross is garunted a higher percentage of Michie Tomizawa then a competing Macross product or your money back. Michie Tomizawa Pwns all lesser Seiyuu (thats most of them). Oh what you wanted a serious reply? too bad. But it is a fact SC Pwnz SC' Seiyuu Own and SC's Mecha Own
  14. Noriko the preview and the episode... the episode is weird but I'd say it is a far cry different from the actual episode itself... The preview looked blah, but I did enjoy the episode it just wasn't Gunbuster enough for me.
  15. Lord_Breetai does not wear a bucket!
  16. *shrugs* The only store in town that carries import games (and hence my only option if I don't feel like buying them online...) happens to cater mostly to collectors and their prices reflect that... cause the PSX version has that missing level of Patlabor... Patlabor collectors are apparantly willing to pay something extra to get it. Whatever the Saturn version is good enough for me.
  17. and they are very pretty pages to be sure... oh Original Aim for the Top, how I love you!!! LOL.
  18. edit: post text deleted.
  19. Heh. This is the one reason that I think Transformers Headmasters (the dub) is the BEST SHOW IN THE UNIVERSE. Precisely because it is SUCH A PIECE OF RETARDED GARBAGE. I don't think any other TV show has entertained me more before or since. Narrator: "There are now TWO Optimus Primes!" Me: "What?? Where?! Show me them!!" That didn't entertain me at all... the dub made my head hurt It was hard to make out what they were saying and it wasn't usually worth the effort not that the sub is much better mind you... oi!
  20. I'd get it and pretend I was fighting a Meltradie... a really big meltradie.
  21. Again... I never said they were good shows... they were two of my favorites but I was young and stupid... Anyways... they are not good shows... and that isn't why I enjoy them... so why are we even fighting about it? Since you don't seem to know why we are fighting about it either lets move on. Has Beyblade or Foo Fighters been mentioned for bad shows yet? Man those two suck. see this is a top ten least favorite thread not a ten worst... on ten worst Captain N would most certainly make it... but I can laugh at it and it was a childhood favorite... so it's not top 10 least favorite. Alien Vs Predator is a bad movie that I like Shawshank Redemption and Bridge Over the River Kwai are masterpeices that I'm not that fond of. Dosn't mean that I don't know AVP is bad and the other two are great... I do... but thats the way it is.
  22. The Macross DYRL for PS1 is highly sought after because of the missing level from Patlabor on the Demo disc that comes with it... easier to get the Saturn version (which I have)... but yes Japanese PS2s are nice *Hugs his*
  23. Power to the FORCE! Power to the Force Power to the Dark Side atarashii yume ga hoshii no sa Power to the Empire Power to the Galaxy ore-tachi no PAWA- wo tsutaetai yatto tsukanda kibou ga yubi no sukima kara nigete'ku BURAKKU HO-RU no kanata made zutto omae wo oikakete'ku Power to the Passion Power to the Prophecy hontou no ai ga mitai no sa Power to the Sith Power to the Future akirametara o-shimai sa kagayaku suisei no kiseki ga MERODI- ni SOURU wo ataeru hito wa hitori ja ikirarenai ai suru dareka ga hitsuyou sa Power to the Force Power to the Dark Side atarashii yume ga hoshii no sa Power to the Empire Power to the Galaxy ore-tachi no PAWA- wo tsutaetai Power to the Force Power to the Dark Side Come on! Feel the Power From you and me Power to the Empire Power to the Galaxy Come on! Feel the Power From you and me Oddly I think that song suits Vader Pretty well.
  24. Um I did say I didn't think it was a good show... just that I had fun watching it cause I can laugh at it... its corny and it's a nostalga thing... The Simon Belmont in Captain N has nothing to do with the character in the Castlevania games as far as I'm concerned... the show was so totally off anything from any of the games they are not even worth comparing. Did King Hippo in Punch-out have blue skin? Was the main character of "Kid Icarus" even named Kid Icarus? No he was named Pit. Did Mother brain have a lair ON metroid? Was Metroid a place? I thought it was a lifeform. Even the comics which did a much better job... were pretty far off... lets face it Gameland... isn't the land of our games... the fact that Kevin even understands whats going on shows he isn't from our earth, cause if he was playing the same games as us he'd wouldn't be able to say "I've played this game before the warpzone to metroid is here!" He'd be scratching his head and wondering what the hell was going on. But back then I'd never heard of any of those games much less played them... that cartoon was my first exposure to Megaman, Castlevania, Metroid, Punch-out and scores of others. And you just hit on a really good point, the Zelda Cartoon had great music... mostly redone themes from the games... and some of the episodes (a very few of them) were actually pretty good. I had played Zelda before but it's not like the first game had developed characters... you had a guy in green who had to collect the triforce, defeate the evil wizard and rescue the princess and that is exactly what the cartoon gave us... not on the epic level Zelda desreves but on a cartoony silly level that fit most american cartoons of that era. I think you missed the part in my last post were I said these WERE NOT good shows... but there is a nostalga factor and I can laugh at them.
  25. my brotha! i stand united with you, our solidarity against sh!t movies while the rest say "i hate it, but i'll be in line when it hits theaters and buy the boxed set when it comes out" you and i will be standing strong in defiance of utter crap. I didn't see it either! Just like I didn't see Freddy vs. Jason. The only vs. I like in my life is Red vs. Blue. Same here Except for the Red VS. Blue thing... Dunno what it is btw... Haven'tseen Red vs. Blue either, but know what it is. Red and Blue Halo guys. Online vid. I thought he was talking about Superman Red Vs Superman Blue... one Vs film I want to see is Spy Vs. Spy
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