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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I'm going to add my thoughts in after yours... cause their are a couple series I really , really disagree on. 1 Neon Genesis Evangelion Ok, its pretty important, but in the long run the series kinda sucked ass at the end, and the movies pretty much ruined whatever good vibes (well as good vibes as such a dark at the end show could have..) they had left. Mostly popular for deviants lusting after 14 year old Rei Ayanami these days. -- Eva was okay... had an interesting ending (meaning the End of Eva movie) and I kinda like Asuka's character... but it didn't stick with me. 2 Cowboy Bebop Still haven't seen it, but its widely popular. Sure, ill bite. --Only seen a little bit of it not my thing 3 Inuyasha If the manga is any indication this is PURE UNADULTERATED SUCK. --It's Rumiko Takahashi and I'm kinda a fan... the Manga's a lot better then the show though (the show get's super repetitive and I beilve the manga not as much). is it one of the greats of all time? No, not even close. 4 Rurouni Kenshin I enjoyed the hell out of this series, but best? No. Its a less stupid Dragonball Z in a historical setting with attempts at making the super samurai crap less unrealistic. --I enjoyed ths series a lot... and I think it has a fair bit of importance... it might make it on my list but a lot closer to the bottom. 5 Trigun Haven't seen it, don't really care. --Again, it's a fun show... but nothing that special. 6 Fruits Basket Haven't seen it, REALLY don't care. --Fruits Basket is a wonderful series... it's cute, funny, and moving to a point. It's also somewhat original how they work the transformation cliche' and how it affects the character's personal relationships. Worthwile watch but not deserving to be on this list. 7Robotech Important? Absofrickinlutely? A personal love of mine? Sure. Best ever? NO. --Very Important, not too bad for what it is. Do I care about it anymore? No, does it deserve to be on this list? No. 8 Ranma 1/2 BECAUSE THE SAME BARELY FUNNY JOKES ARE EVEN MORE FUNNY OVER 200 EPISODES HAR HAR!! Mediocrity can't be the best ever. Its the Friends of this list except Friends was actually laugh out loud funny for the first few seasons before diving into the same old mediocre crap. Ranma pretty much hit it before the end of the first "season". --I gave Ranma a good three seasons before I got tired of everything and only started watching the Shampoo and Ukyo character episodes... like Inu-yasha the manga is a LOT better, the OVAs are also better (the movies suck!). It was interesting up to a point, but Happosai just ruined it. Then it got interesting again later for a bit with Panty Hose Taro, and Saffron... but meh... not a great series, dosn't need to be on the list. 9 Love Hina BECAUSE HAREM ANIME GIVES SAD LOSERS SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO JERK TO WHEN REI AYANAMI GETS BORING. -- Ehhh... recently read some of the Manga, don't care about this series at all... the onlything that was funny about it was the line in the first episode of the anime "what's a tokyo? Can I eat it?" other then that... no I don't give a damn. Shouldn't be on the list. 10 Sailor Moon Important, especially for really getting the female fanbase started? Yeah. Best ever? NO. Its a formulaic sentai show with miniskirts instead of ranger helmets, and sweetness instead of toyriffic giant robots. --Well Sailor Stars isn't that formulaic and the Sailor Moon Live Action isn't and the manga isn't and the musicals... well they kinda are. ... but the first four series? yeah they are pretty formulaic... personal favorite of mine? Yes... Important? Yes, not so much for the female fan base as shoujo manga was established in 1953... but it revolutionized the Mahou Shoujo genre IMO. Yeah it's a great series... might make my list but would be lower. 11 Hellsing Haven't seen it. --Hellsing, great? This series is just messed up... maybe the manga is better I don't know, but Hellsing isn't a top 25? Too much of it makes too little sense for anyone to care. 12 FLCL Haven't seen it. --Havn't seen it, don't care. 13 Fushigi Yugi Read some of the manga. It sucked. -- Well again the manga is better then the anime, but both versions of this story are quite good... very slow moving but powerful and emotional... I think this might deserve as spot on my top 25... yeah... probably does. The first and Thrid OVA suck though... (the second was great). 14 Chobits More sad loser jerk material from the queens of pretty art but utterly ass storytelling, CLAMP. --As good as CLAMP's stuff usually is, I never really got into Chobits... those girl's have had much better stories (Rayearth, CCS so on). I've only seen the first few episodes... is Chii like that the whole series? Why do people like her? 15 Akira Ok.. now its the only movie on here? OVER MIYAZAKI AND GHIBLI WORK? WTF? --I understand the movie's importance to Anime (particularly over here) but really... not my thing, I've heard the manga is better... but I don't know about that. 16 Tenchi Muyo! The only non annoying harem anime that exists to the best of my knowledge. Still, its not that great im just easily amused by incredibly hot female space cops. Its an overall fun happy series. Dunno about best ever though. --Hey, the Sakura Taisen anime/games count as Harem don't they? what about them? I like the TV series and Pretty Sammy not a huge fan of the OVAs or Movies... and I loathe Tenchi in Tokyo. It's a good show over all... wouldn't make my list though. 17 Azumanga Daioh FINALLY A SHOW I CAN AGREE BEING ON THE LIST. Its just so heartwarmingly cute, fun, and happy. -- Havn't seen enough of it to judge... though I love the opening... this one looks a little too silly for me. 18 Initial D Haven't seen it. --You know for all the character designs make me want to barf, it's not a bad show... great music and stuff... but not top 25 material. 19 Dragon Ball Z This show is for retarded children, a formulaic anime equivalent of goatce. IT IS CRAP. --Okay to watch if I want to induldge in mindlessness... but I agree it's crap and not top 25 stuff. 20 Vision of Escaflowne A solid show, but I dunno.. its missing a certain something... -- ehhh... never got into it. 21 Full Metal Panic! The manga blew. --Seen one episode of Fomoffu, didn't think much of it. 22 Gundam Seed Ok manga, but its just a retold 0079 Gundam mixed with the bishiness of Gundam Wing. Its not the most important or popular US released Gundam, and its not even close to the greatness of War in the Pocket or 08th MS Team. -- I could just c&c your coments and post them here... 23 Wolf's Rain Haven't seen it, but ive heard its got the highest recap episode percentage of like any anime ever, something like 4 eps in a 26 episode series or something. Supposed to be good otherwise. --Read some of the manga... in Japanese... it seemed okay... not really my thing though. 24 Cardcaptor Sakura More CLAMP crap. Only seen 1 episode of the Nelvana dub, but given CLAMP's so far unstoppable record or sucking more than Michael Bay movies, I doubt this one is any different. It might make my list... but Prorobably Magic Knight Rayearth (not the Rayearth OVA... gods not the Rayearth OVA) might make my list in it's place. --Well what can you say? It's CLAMP... and CLAMP is usually pretty good. despite the butcher hack dub of Nelvana... this is a great series... one of the most original Magical Girl shows I've ever seen. 25 Excel Saga Ive only seen a handful of episodes, but the manga is pretty awesome. Im not sure its TEH BEST EVAR, but its probably the most intelligent show on this whole damn list. --It's an okay show... pretty clever how they do parodies of everything... but you have to know what they are talking about or it'll seem stupid. Hyper show... it was funny for a while. Not deserving to be on the list though. Let's see, no Ghibli, no movies outside of Akira, mostly shows released in the last year or two.. yep.. utter crap idiot fan pandering. Worthless. --Um I could just C&C your conclusion...
  2. well once again, I'm certain they would only be interested in R1 releases for the article... I said as much in my post. Though I'd be tempted to pick up the R2s... I love my R2 DVDs!!!
  3. Well some of those are older then 10 years though... Sailor Moon's pushing 13... heh.
  4. There was a reigon 1 DVD release of Gunbuster? When? I mean I know the region 2 DVD release rocks.... but I thought MANNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAA was still sitting on the rights to it and had yet to produce a region 1 DVD... I'm sure this list only concerns R1 releases. Aha, I knew ADV published Newtype USA... hence the whole "why would they need paying they are making money off Robotech, thing" I also sensed you were being sarcastic... so was I.
  5. Why would ADV need paying? Robotech was released on DVD by ADV If people read this and go out and by Robotech... who rakes in the money... why the publishers of the magazine. Notice also that its and ADV release in the number one slot... makes you wonder. Note: Sorry I'm horribly mistrusting of any Anime Magazine published by an anime company just like I'm mistrusting of any "official" game magazine. Maybe everyone should start reading the new relaunched Protoculture Addicts instead. In my mind that's more a Canadian counterpart to Newtype then Newtype USA is. I mean they both got their names from popular anime... but neither of them are in the pocket of a company that releases anime.
  6. can someone post a screen cap of 50+ people fighitng the Treant? cause my friend dosn't belive me.
  7. hmmm... I had a link to the video but it's dead now... I'll see if I can't get my friend to put it up.
  8. Really... Knight in Ribbons... on the Tezuka Osamu world it said it was Princess Knight. So I was expecting the Japanese title to contain kishi but also Hime... stupid Tezuka Osamu world!!!
  9. hint it was published in 1953.
  10. it was used by the iron chefs of pain at my anime club.
  11. Alex: I'm sorry that's incorect.
  12. Jepoardy style: This, the first ever girls-story manga, was written by Osamu Tezuka and inspired by the Takarazuka Kagekidan theater.
  13. mospeada.com is really cool looking... so where is southrencross.com ?
  14. An Ultra-Magnetic Weapon.
  15. Well, that's news to me! It's more of a romantic thing, for couples. More like Valentine's Day. Well Christmas isn't an official holiday... it's more like that "hip american holiday they celebrate to be cool like americans"... and they have KFC holiday dinners and Strawberry Christmas cakes. And yeah its more of a party/romantic holiday and New Years is more a family thing.
  16. I'll belive it is the last film when they don't make a new one in my life time... then I'll get to heaven and find out they are making more. Oh No! It's Gojira! Last Godzilla film... yeah that's been said before.
  17. Castle of Cagliostro, and it was actually on episode three or four. I can't remember the exact order, but the episode it's from (Here Is Devilwood) is on the middle disc. ooops my bad... It's been a long time... certainly last time I saw it i had no idea what these discs you speak of were. Anyways... despite my error you got it right... your turn.
  18. Well sometimes NCSX gets direct order stuff that you normally are only able to get through the main store. (they did that for Sakura Taisen V Episode Zero, thats how I have all the Sega Direct Pre-order goodies). Anyways have I mentioned that I'm getting this game yet? Anyways they may call it a "3D action platformer" but I think it is more a Dramatic Action Game or maybe a Dramatic Adventure game... oh wait those are copywrites of Sega. From the trailer though i think it is fair to compare it to Sakura Taisen... cause it has the same "anime TV series where you control the main character and this effects the battle at the end of the episode" kinda set up. Edit: Well the NCSX picture is actually a litte bigger then yours... just a little. http://hh141.hiphip.com/templates/frmTempl...&subFolderID=97 You can pre-order it there! YAYYYS
  19. Okay following off of Green Wood... as an Omake in the final episode we see a drama production recreating the climax of what famous anime film?
  20. I think I've seen them used in the first few issues of Protoculture Addicts but I'd have to go back and check.
  21. Just a guess... "Koko wa greenwood" wa nandesuka? What is "Here is Green Wood"?
  22. The NES one can't be as bad as the Mac 7 Gameboy game... I remember playing the rom of that.
  23. No idea what that means, but glad you liked it! every week the Iron Chefs of Pain bring something to our anime club to cause pain... a short little anime related thing... and we may challenge them... and I shall!
  24. Ain't that the truth. One easy lesson in life, never believe anything a game store or comic store guy tells you Graham Well I suppose the same guy told me Sakura Taisen V Episode Zero and Sakura Taisen V would both be released on Xbox as well as PS2. That was funny.... Sakura Taisen on Xbox... I'd kill the people at Sega.
  25. With this I shall challenge the Iron Chefs of pain at my anime klub. Bwhahahaha Thanks that thing is gold.
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