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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. That was revealed a while back... apparantly Duke left her at the altar (possibly litterally) and she disapears and comes back as the Baroness. Also either Ripcod or Breaker (can't remember which) is supposed to spend most of the movie trying to put the moves on Scarlett.
  2. Well it's a piece of fluff designed to promote the book, and it just gives us the basic set up. There's gotta be a lot more meat to it, and hopefully the execution is good.
  3. Plot summary from Chapters.ca for the GI Joe movie novelization: source here: http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/JOE-Ri...78565-item.html
  4. you know if it's such a big deal the GM could just ignore the "crew of 2" stated and say that one character can operate it... house rules exist for a reason.
  5. I bought my brother the 1/1 gravity saber for his birthday.
  6. wait... do we want the Otaku to speak better English?
  7. In the SRW games, Valks pretty much die if they get hit... they're just good at not getting hit, and they can still dish it out. Gundams, are a little more durable but there are tougher mechs in the game (Gunbuster).
  8. Say wha? That's stupid. A black super soldier is fine... but Captain America was the Weapon 1, and he was the test subject for the serum. I calll shennanigans.
  9. I think the movie itself somes it up nicely... "it does look like poo"
  10. Oh wow... all this time I thought you were the same Cory LOL. Sorry. That's confusing, I've thought you and the Cory from the Anime Alberta Forums were the same person for a few years.
  11. Pretty sure he's the same Cory from Anime Alberta... at least I thought so AKA SharonAppleBoy, AKA Paleogothica... AKA I forget the AA name. Pretty sure it's the same one though. *hasn't been on AA in a long time.*
  12. HAHAHA I love how it's just the three Anime Alberta people posting in this thread so far.
  13. Can you feel the thunder inside? Make the lighting crack as you ride! (SABER RIDER!) Nemesis, Gattlar, Jessie Blue... tons of great villains. Have the best of episodes considered the R2s... but now I don't have to. (now if only Captain Power DVDs would come out, my childhood nostalgia collection would be complete) And yeah, I think as impro-altered-dubs go this is up there with Robotech and SPC. Edit: You still had some awkwardly edited scenes though, that tried to shift the emphasis off the Japanese main character (Shinji/Fireball) onto the American Cowboy Colt.
  14. Augh... no, just no. Captain America is one character who's whiteness is essential. Because he WAS the Nazi ideal, a blonde haired, blue eyed example of human perfection. But he was so against everything the Nazi's stood for. Being that he suffered from polio before becoming the Captain and was weak, he had a better understanding of the plight of those who were stepped on by society for thought of as inferior (even in the US). Making him anything but a blonde-haired blue-eyed, perfect human, ruins the essential irony and commentary of the character. BOO!
  15. Do we need to rest the world? or just Tokyo and Osaka?
  16. Why I think discussing matters of scio-political import like this is very important. oh and just before you guys get any idea, I've got dibs on Sheryl, (and Minako, Sumire, Gemini and Hanabi) So dere! * this is a joke.
  17. But there's a large scale starscream that has a crown too.. but yes Grimlock not gozo, he king.
  18. Here in Canada, gays and lesbians won the right to be wed to the people they love... but the Otaku culture of Japan have long been denied this right. And now they're fighting back http://www.shomei.tv/project-213.html Discuss. English article is down, and site contains NSFW material, updated with direct link to petition.
  19. I actually prefer food on my Sheryl.
  20. I had a G2 Prime when I was in elementry, sadly I was kinda tough on my toys (I also had a G1 in Elementry too).
  21. Because they got Samuel L. Jackson to play Fury in the movie, which makes him based on his Ultimates apperance which is patterend after Samuel L. Jackson. Probably didn't want to confuse people lol.
  22. I made this one myself and and it first I believe! lol Anyway this is relevant, to prove that it can be done well (and with a sense of humour) Sakura Taisen's Shin Saiyuki (New Journey to the West)
  23. I dunno, I've seen a few different plays based on the novel "The Journey to the west" and they've all been very good. Chinese Opera is good, but the last time I went to one it was fail, the super titles made no sense and it was just "excerpts" from different plays and the selection sucked.
  24. Did you destroy all the captured Jedi first? (either with destroy droid if you're light, or force lightning if your dark or a light who wants to spend the extra points? Anyway balance issues can be dealt with by making spawns scale to the level of the party, that way you never outlevel a boss.
  25. heh... the reason I typed out in Japanese is I was thinking if he said that there has to be some other meaning to uta I don't know, cause Ramba Ral wouldn't have said anything about 歌の力 so I looked it up, and there is no other meaning I could find lol (well there's poetry but that's still close enough). So I was like, is there some Japanese slang I don't know that it could have been besides 歌? lol... just wondering from a stand point of being student of the language if you were making some pun off something he said.
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