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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Well... I'd say the better Highlander won.
  2. Actually CS Lewis always commented that Children could see them better then adults.
  3. Lets compare shall we? Episode 3 Episode 5 Yeah... vader's got bigger hands in Episode 5.... one can assume he's spent the last 20 years bulking up. So that he can indeed get his mits around Rebel's throats, without having to use the force.
  4. I always felt like it was a LoTR for small children. Later I found out that there was some kind of religious allegory in it, which turned me off even more. It turns out, though, that Tolkien and Lewis were good friends. I think I can avoid seeing it, unless the trailers and reviews are so great that I actually want to. Tolkien, Lewis and one other guy... were part of a group called the Inkilings and were also called "The Oxford Christians". Tolkien was infact (according to what I've read) one of the major influences who convinced Lewis to give Christianity a try, (Lewis was a hard core atheiest). Tolkien however hated allegory (preffering to use mythology which reveiled facists of god's character rather then a direct allegory to the Bible) and so he hated The Narnia books. ^^... but yes, they both taught at Oxford at the same time, and apparantly they were great friends, who while they didn't see eye to eye on some subjects impacted each other's writing. All of the Narnia books with the Exceptions of the Magicians Nephew, A Horse and his Boy and the Last Battle... have been made into TV movies by the BBC. Check 'em out if you want, they're not that bad. Anyways as for the religous allegory Magicians Nephew = Genisis Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe = The Gospels The Last Battle = Revelations Aslan = Jesus The Emperor Over the Sea = God Father Christmas = The Holy Spirit *no, really* Tash = Satan It's so blatant... Aslan even says at one point "I have brought you to know me in this world so that you may better know me in yours". It's really blatant. Oh, I think they will remain intact... infact I've read that they will... because that was part of the deal that's been negociated. Meanwhile all the anti-christian overtones are being taken out of the His Dark Materials movies... though that's a horse of a different color.
  5. No, you're right, it is a new helmet. If you watch the darth vader feature on disc 4 of the trilogy DVDs, you will see what changes they made to it. I like the old one better... Vader's armor in general just looks better in the OT... but in a way that's good.. cause he could have got better armour by then.
  6. Anime VS Cartoons Anime- 43,300,000 Cartoons - 23,400,000 The Winner --- Anime Sakura Wars VS Sakura Taisen "Sakura Wars" -- 188,000 "Sakura Taisen" -- 94,700 The winner... Sakura Wars Card Captor Sakura vs Card Captors "Card Captor Sakura" --299,000 "Card Captors" -- 103,000 The winner Card Captor Sakura ^^ Fushigi Yuugi VS The Mysterious Play "Fushigi Yuugi" -- 241,000 "The Mysterious Play" --17,700 Oh FY ownz the Mysterious Play "Carl Macek" Vs "Shoji Kawamori" *if this one hasn't been done yet" "Carl Macek" - 10,500 "Shoji Kawamori" -9,430 The winner... Carl Macek R2-D2 Vs C-3PO R2-D2 986,000 C-3PO 262,000 The Astromech owns the protocol droid.
  7. Dating sims... heh... well there have been US games to use elements of dating sims (like Harvest Moon, KOTOR II and others have some dating sim elements to them). But I think if Sakura Taisen V actually comes out in english that will be the true test of the genre... *Lord_Breetai wants everyone to know he does not like Dating sims, but is a huge fan of Sakura Taisen*
  8. you know they have trailers for most of them on www.gundamofficial.com as well as plot outlines for all of them... you could take a look and judge for yourself. 08th MS team - I really like this one and it has music from my favorite composer Kohei Tanaka, I havn't seen the final volume though, so I can't give a complete review 0080 War in the pocket - This one is a pretty slow, though well written coming of age story. About a kid named Alfred, it's got tragedy and it's one of my favorite gundams. It also features character designs by my second favorite Chararacter designer, Haruhiko Mikimoto 0083 Stardust Memory - There are those who hail this as the best Gundam and those who hate this, I'm somewhere inbetween really... I think it has a fairly good story... but the coencidences get a bit too much for me. But over all very enjoyable... it also has Mechanical designs from my favorite Mech designer Shoji Kawamori F91: Not great, but worth watching V Gundam: Honestly I havn't been able to stomach this one very much G Saviour: Some don't even consider this UC... stay away! Of course that's just my opinion... I havn't seen Double Zeta so I can't comment on it.
  9. Well according to the pilot IIRC... the Dragon Katana was Connor's and he gave it to to Duncan... it was only later that they changed it so that it had a different origin. so if he we went by the pilot there is only one Dragon Katana. IIRC... however since that was rewritten later I guess it dosn't matter. What about the new Highlander anime that's in the works? Highlander Vengence.
  10. Um... they actually mention the movie in the TV series. Dawson mentions Conor killing the Kurgan... the only thing thrown out about the movie was that Conor and the Kurgan were the last two immortals... and how could it be a prequal when Duncan killed Conor in Endgame? The TV series was better then the movies anyways... so what does it matter if it dosn't conform to the movies. Meaning no disrespect to Chris Lambert (I'm a fan) but the movies jut don't hold a candle to the series. Sorry if I wasn't being clear. I know the TV series acknowledges the movie, which is why it sucks. Sequals should never invalidate the original. The movie established that Conner was the last one and that the whole thing ended with his killing the Kurgan. The TV series coming along and throwing this out the window was just asinine. And no, the TV series was not better than the movie (the ones after I could couldn't give a rat's ass about). You see the problem... here... if the TV series had been made a prequal and we belived Connor would be the least immortal... that would mean our star would have been doomed to die.. originally they thought about making Connor the star of the TV series... if they had done that it would have been okay for it to be a prequal... but with Duncan as the star... no... cause then we know he won't be even one of the last 5 or so... that sucks. Pecking order for Highlander form best to worse -TV series -The Raven -First Movie -Endgame -Animated Series -Highlander II -Pressumbly Highlander III though I doubt I'll ever watch it. ^^ okay I'm weird.. but Richie, Amanda, Dawson, Methos, Duncan... I love these characters a lot more then anything from the movies.
  11. Official TV series Katana... the TV series is the best part of Highlander... why is there no Signature sword for Amanda? And Endgame would have been better if Amanda was in it. The TV series might have been good had it been clearly stated to be an alternate reality from the movie or (as someone above mentioned) a prequal to the movie. As it is, the fact that it just throws the movie out the window means it blows goats and is best ignored completely. There are no sequal movies. Um... they actually mention the movie in the TV series. Dawson mentions Conor killing the Kurgan... the only thing thrown out about the movie was that Conor and the Kurgan were the last two immortals... and how could it be a prequal when Duncan killed Conor in Endgame? The TV series was better then the movies anyways... so what does it matter if it dosn't conform to the movies. Meaning no disrespect to Chris Lambert (I'm a fan) but the movies jut don't hold a candle to the series.
  12. I prefered the duet from Flashback to the Iijima Solo from the final ep... personally.
  13. Official TV series Katana... the TV series is the best part of Highlander... why is there no Signature sword for Amanda? And Endgame would have been better if Amanda was in it.
  14. Uh... he has as there is EU source that says that Owen Lars is Obiwan's brother... It was on the old Star Wars CCG card in the West End RPG and I belive in one of the books. Plus what about the "kiddie" books like The Glove of Darth Vader and Zorba's Revenge? those deffinitly argue with things.... and they are all EU sources.
  15. I have the same wall scroll... it's a saturn add too. it says Sega Sata-n on it.
  16. well there was this one fanmade recuritment video for the empire... it showed a bunch of Storm Troopers shooting at a riffle range and none of them were hiting the target then one trips and gets a bullseye and the instructor declares "Expert Marksmen... get this man a sniper rifle".
  17. Only problem I see with that is that the L/R sound is neither or... really it's kinda half way inbetween... and a lot of Japanese people can just not tell the difference when they hear it... I once spent a whole day with two Japanese girls... trying to get them to say right and light differently... it was a wasted day.
  18. They had board games on there but not Omega Virus? Ripp-off. Honestly did not think much of this list at all.
  19. 'Accuracy'...........Stormies, yeah right Graham Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4? "These last points, too acurate for Sand People... only Imperial Storm Troopers are so percise"
  20. Work on Boba seems to have begun almost immediately after preproduction for ESB started. Whatever involvement the "Supertroopers" (as I've seen them referred to) would have had in the film, it must have been discarded in the earliest scripts. And in a related topic, Star Wars.com says Merry Christmas, fanboy. damn, can't link to the stupid flash 'toon. Just click on the wampa at the bottom of the main page. but it my supererior skills... I can link directly to the video! yeah, I'm showing off... not that it's anything special ;p. just clicked on the picture for the individual video and opened in ne window.
  21. But didn't his apperances as a Bounty Hunter in The holiday Special and Droids pre-date his apperance in ESB? and nah... the Mandolorian armor as a trooper uniform? Maybe the Jango version but not Boba's it just wouldn't work.
  22. What makes you say that? In KOTOR it seemed as if ny character was coming on to the girl pretty strong and she wasn't exactly rejecting my guy. Bastila tries to resist at first. "No this is wrong... we are Jedi... we need to control our feelings... oh... forget it... kiss me.... no... that was wrong... lets never talk about it again."
  23. The comic you are thinking of is most likely Tales of the Jedi. In the Tales of the Jedi comics Jedi are allowed to get married and are not always trained from childhood. Nomi Sunrider only became a Jedi after he Husband (a Jedi) was killed. but 40 years later in the KOTOR games... Jedi are not allowed to marry and not allowed to have children. this is in response to the Sith wars of TOTJ to try and deal with the problem of Jedi turning to the darkside.
  24. hmm... again, in Tales from the Bounty hunters they say that the roundevous for the rebel fleet was outside the glaxay... the bounty hunter thought they were crazy... I'll try to find that short story again. But it would seem to agree with what you've said.
  25. Actually...the novels get it wrong. Rewatch the end of the Empire Strikes Back and you can clearly tell that the Alliance Fleet met somewhere in a dwarf galaxy near the main one as the Millenium Falcon is shown jetting out towards the galaxy proper. It was probably relativel close by, much like the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy in our own universe. There are probably a myriad of small satellite galaxies near the big one. In the EU, I always took The Outbound Project as trying to reach another large galaxy...say like someone going from The Milky Way to Andromeda. In tales from the bounty Hunters... the one Bounty Hunters learns that the Rebel roundevous point is beyond the galaxy. And yes in the novels they do go beyond the galaxy in a few places.
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