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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Well of course: A) Darth Blank is the name that all Sith Lords have had since the days of Darth Reven and Malak (maybe before that? I don't remember many Darths in Tales) B) "When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed"
  2. That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy! I believe I've seen an interview where JEJ has confirmed that he is doing the voice. He finishes by saying, "who else are they going to get?" And I've seen nothing but confirmation about what the spoiler states. Didn't Prowse do Vader's voice for a couple of video games? Like the Super Star Wars games (I know it wasn't James Earl Jones) and who did his voice in the original Tie Fighter?
  3. oh... yes I have to agree with this... the Fantastic Four comics flop when they tried to make them a Super-hero team. Yeah they fight Galacticus, Super-Skrull and Dr. Doom on a regular basis... but they are scientists and explorers more then Super-heros. When sales were stagnent for Fantastic Four a couple years back they dropped the title to 35 cents for one issue (calling it the "world's cheapest comic magazine") and had a story about a man working on the Fantastic Four merchandise machine in the marvel universe trying to figure out why the comics wern't selling... and he decided it was because they were potraying the FF all wrong... they arn't live the Avengers or the X-men. Anyone read that issue? Still my favorite FF storyline has to be when Read was trapped in Dr. Doom's armour. Only time I ever liked Read...
  4. The cartoon with Herbie the Robot wasn't so bad... I've only seen one episode "Meet Doctor Doom" which was on the marvel masterpiece collection that had two shows staring Doom (the fantastic four episode and one of the incarnations of the spider-man cartoon not the 60s, Amazing Friends or 90s one... another one). And the Fantastic Four episode was much like the very classic Fantastic Four #5 in which Dr. Doom first appeared... I have no complaints about it. The Herbie design was used in the first and only issue of Fantastic Five (set in the MC2 timeline, of which Spider-girl is the only good comic) as the body of Big Brain... who was supposidly a robot housing Read Richard's mind.
  5. Sue Storm... and Mr. Fantastic you mean. Not Ghram and Incredible
  6. you're not the only one...didn't doom get his powers some other way? (can't remember how at the moment since i haven't read any marvel titles in over 8 years) Doom is a master of science and sorcery... he dosn't have powers he has skills that he learned. His only real power is the ability to swap bodies with anyone... and he was taught that trick by some Aliens. Doom's powers are a result of arcane and sceientific knowledge and a suit of armour of his own creation.
  7. I'm still a little worried about them screwing up Dr. Doom... I dunno... this movie... I'll give it a chance.
  8. Okay I take it back... the ending was... ehhh Spoilers You know all the cool stuff Keria told me about what would happen to everyone. Confirming my suspision that Mandalore was Canderous... that was all cool. But I would have liked to have seen a proper ending... like maybe having seen him say goodbye to Mira and the others before he struck off for the great beyond... or to say, "no screw you Kreia I'm staying". The ending was kinda sad... and a little unfullfilling. And once I knew the trick to runaway and take the lightsabers out one at a time, her second mode was more of a push over then Malak. Edit: and what about the thing ith Go-to and the remote at the end? I would have liked to see how that played out. Obviously the remote must have got the upper hand... I had assumed we'd see that... ehhh.
  9. Spudme ^^ and then.... Mashed Windu
  10. This is really OT. But I dunno... I really liked how in the Marvel DC war Batman and Captain America were used as the keys cause they were the two most human of the heros. Batman has charm ^^ But yes Vader would ownz him.
  11. You do not know, the dark side of the spud ^^
  12. lol... those chairs look so small like kiddy chairs... or Yoda sized chairs. They look wrong.
  13. Batman & Robin (1997) Blade (1998) Blade II (2002) Blade Trinity (2005) Captain America (1978) The Fantastic Four (1994) The Hulk (2003) Steel (1997) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles in Time (1993) Superman III Those 10 are the only ones I saw that I didn't like... I saw a bunch of others on the list... but I liked all of those. Supergirl wasn't that bad IMO though I know a lot of people hate it... it wasn't a good movie but I'm such a fan of the character that I could forgive it.
  14. I think you expect too little for the hard earned 50 bucks that these games cost. Battlefront is fun as hell though. Playing as the destroyer droid makes things too easy though. I dunno... I think Kotor II was worth it... story characters and gameplay arn't bad.... and Spoilers Kotor I offered no challange at all... but... once you get to Malachor V... oh my god... I'm fighting who I assume is the end boss now... managed to get past the first form (after quite a few tries), but once I offered my mercy... and said boss kicked into mode... ouch. Malak was a sissy... even with all his extra lives... a bunch of destroy droid spells on his captive Jedi... bang... take him out... bain... but this girl ain't no Malak-sissy... she's helluva tough. and Mira and Handmaiden rock ^^. Edit: Oh... being an Edmontonian... I was among the biggest worries about it not being done by Bioware (I have some civic pride you know ^^) ... and the fact that Edmonton organizations like Noble House Kenjistu worked to do the Saber coreography in the first game was just cool. So I was prepaird to hate Kotor II when I started playing it (like I hated Baulder's Gate Dark Alliance) cause it was "stolen" from the home town boys (I know it wasn't stolen)... but I like it. And I had just finnished reading my Tales of the Jedi graphic novel that talked about Ulic and freedon Nadd and Exar Kun before I started playing... I just finnished reading abour Onderon and Duxun in the Graphic novel... so it was really cool seeing that brought to life in the game.
  15. And its Broughsperior (or Blowsperior) not Blow Superior. I thought on the toy packaging it said Blow Superior... guess I was wrong... Glad this Morgenstern guy agrees with my assesment though.
  16. SPOILERS I'm enjoying it so far... in some ways a vast imporvment on the original... but the story could have used work. I of course still enjoy all the Tales of the Jedi references. Having every organic with the exception of Mandolore turn into a jedi was cheezy The story could have been more solid. So far... beaten: Dantooine and Nar Shadaa... working on Onderon... like I said I'm enjoying the game... but it could have used some more work. Also... I havn't fixed HK-47 yet although my brother had at this point? Did I miss something thereby screwing myself over... I'm sure I looted all the HK-50s, I've fought.
  17. I was reading the Ah My Goddess Manga... and is it possible that the Blow Superior from MOSPEADA was named for the Brough Superior motercyle mentioned in this manga? Just a thought.... It's a pun cause it delver's superior blows but it would be pronounced the same way in Katakana.
  18. Well I'm enjoying this show... it's a lot better then "playing" the game... with it's hour of cutscenes for every 20 minutes of gameplay. The design work is nice... and the animation dosn't look too bad to me. I'm enjoying it so far.
  19. oh my god... I would pay good money to see that. I'm a huge Rainbow Bright fan, but I never thought to mix her and Noah. Maybe... she's actually Halfaway's kid Sister... no, not the kid from CCA but a new little sister.
  20. I am well and truly shocked how many people, prefer the original Movie to the TV series... I mean the original movie was okay... but... nothing special.
  21. Exactly... There is Transformers the Books, Transformers the Japanese Anime, Transformers the English Cartoons, Transformers the CG cartoons, Transformers the Comics, Transformers the British Comics, Tranformers the G2 Comics, Transformers the Dreamwave Comics, Transformers the Toys (the kids love these). I'm not much of a toy collector so the super thread bores me... but I love the Transformers story... that's all I'm saying.
  22. And Doom Again side by side... It's actually not that bad a costume...
  23. Ahhh.... that's no fun at all... I love Tranformers but hate Super threads... don't visit them, they are so annnoying.
  24. As did Huxly... there was a book where JFK, Huxly and Lewis all meet on the other side and have a dialouge... cause they all died on the same day. Shadowlands was okay... but it left out Tolkien... and really he should have been in it.
  25. I can't wait for the series premeir on Space next weekend. I like the original more... but the new BSG isn't bad.
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