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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Oh hey I forgot to post this... In the Gunbuster game as I said you get new paint schemes by challanging and defeating other RXs... well I got three interesting paint schemes Unit 00, Unit 01 and Unit 02... that's right it has the paint schemes of the different Evas. Unit 02 is now my new favorite paint scheme... they look a little weired in the RXs but cool none the less. I also noticed this time around when I did the tournament ep, the first team I fought used Unit 01 and 02 paint schemes meaning they were Shinji and Asuka ^^, I don't know if its them all the time or just sometimes I never noticed before (first time around I lost to the first team flat)... after you beat them you go onto fight Jung and Linda (well Linda anyway as Jung's too busy with Kazumi)... But I thought that was kinda cool. The Unit paint schemes have shown up a few times since I unlocked them... fighting all three EVA RXs was interesting.
  2. Hey... I havn't watched WWE in a long time, but I was flipping channels and saw hulk (the audio was gone). You said it would run rampant one last time? So Hulk's only come back for one last match and I already missed it, is that right? I wonder if I can download it or if they'll put it out on video then.
  3. Does anyone know of this manga, Top O Nerae! The Next Generation? I downloaded the first 6 chapters and it seems pretty cool (I can't read it cause there's no furigana). But it's got Jung and it looks funny ^^. Here are some samples of it. If anyone has anymore or can tell me anything about it it, I'd like that.
  4. weird my original post didn't seem to well post... It's pretty easy to work the basic mechanics... You get new topics by talking to people and when talking to people you hit triangle to select a topic... other then that there is a lot of button mashing in the game... Circle twice for special attacks, square for regular attacks, x for dash... The game isn't hard to play... but your essentially watching a TV series... so it's very language intensive... I found after you get the Gunbuster the game gets very fun though... though the second time through the game once I got an upgraded Buster Beam it became very easy... Buster Beam is by far the most useful attack in the game... and as long as you only have a level on Buster Beam it's quite hard... I don't think you can upgrade Buster Beam your first time through... unless you get an amazing ammount of levels (you get levels by doing well in the battles, talking to people or working out with gym equipment). And you go into the repair bay in the gym to purchase new upgrades for your mechs. Either new attacks for the RX, Gunbuster or Sizzler (there is one point where you may have to use a Sizzler) or selecting which color scheme you want for your RX (I personally like the Jung Color scheme). Edit: As for Episode 2 of Diebuster I enjoyed it... I watched it raw and my Japanese isn't 100% perfect... I think I missed whatever the revelation was...
  5. Umm... well on the plus side everything is voiced... but it's pretty language intensive. I missed a lot of things the first time around. cause while I can speak Japanese I'm nowhere near fluent yet. Commander: the opening is Groovin Magic by Round Table Featuring Nino. ^^ I got it off Share.
  6. Okay finnished the game once (I screwed up and missed a bunch of episodes but there is a new game plus feature)... there are three endings as far as I can tell... one of Jung, Kazumi and Coach (you get to pick who the co-pilot of the Gunbuster is). I took Jung first time around and this changed things quite a bit. Though the ending was much the same... to paraphrase some of the dialouge from the end "Checkmate. You should really give up on Chess Nuriko. We've been playing for 12, 000 years... but it's almost over... look there's the Earth". (that's a lot of paraphrasing) Anyways... I'll write up a full review for the game and maybe try to work on a FAQ my next time through... Nuriko, would you be interested in hosting them?
  7. I just want to say I finally got the game (just came in the mail today)... I'll post more about it once I play it.
  8. Dreamcast or PS? I'm playing the DC game now... and trying to get them... but havn't managed it on my first two tries.
  9. I think the Venom storyline would be best over two movies... movie 1 he gets the symbiote... movie 2 it causes problems for him tries to take him over and then bonds with Brock.
  10. Janice's human form revealed. ^^ it reminds me of Cutie Honey so I made this pic.
  11. Here is the chat log when Tommy told us about it <joerabbit> do you even know why the site is going down? <BlueTrim> it will be tomorrow in twenty minutes <Tommy> server contract expired - the ISP is taking it down <joerabbit> oy vey <joerabbit> so we have to wait on co-location negotiations <joerabbit> just great <Tommy> the original company that did the launch hosting of RT.COM actually no longer exists <joerabbit> will this irc room remain up? * Tommy holds up hand - Scout's honor > wow... ^^ imagine that the Macross World people will not realize this and freak with joy when they see the site down <Tommy> it'll be up monday morning, but when RT.COM does down this chatroom probably will too
  12. Well apparantly it was "anime-ispired" accoridng to the WB exec I saw on TV, Japanese anime was one of the big inspirations. And I mean Buzz Bunny has Lazer Eyes and Martial arts... he's a regular Piccolo.
  13. I was looking for the topic when that group announced a new digisub release for DYRL, cause I need to find a digisub ASAP, but looking through I can't seem to find the topic... so could someone help me?
  14. Yeah... and even the Japanese XLs are out of stock so I don't know if I should order them or not... I usually where XL but I'm okay in a Large... but I don't know about a Japanese Large.
  15. I've seen two Dirty Pair things. 1) This movie... it was pretty bad dealt with Hypnosis and stuff... dubbed by Streamline 2) the first DVD or Original Dirty Pair I bought on cheap at the Brick... love it Oh I also read part of a graphic novel by that warren guy but it sucked. Um... I'd love to see more.
  16. I did a search on yahoo groups for Gunbuster and didn't turn up anything ^^
  17. I ment never accepted the movie THX of course the accept the Digital process... it's used for everyting.
  18. Infact wasn't his naming Lucasfilm's digital audio process "THX" a kind of revenge at hollywood? Cause Hollywood never accepted THX he would make sure it's name appeared before every movie hollywood produced?
  19. They probably brought him in like they brought in the Spock... he was pretty articulate and prepaird for whatever the dog dished out.
  20. OMG... I laughed so hard. Thanks.
  21. What? Blasphame. None may harm Doom, rightful ruler of Latvaria. That was always cool too... the FF could defeat him but he had diplomatic immunity so he never, ever got imprisoned.
  22. After all the crazy contraptions form earlier EU sources used to detect Force-sensitivity, I was kind of happy to see it could be determined by a simple blood test. What was wrong with Luke's "reflex" test or the Empire's force scanner?
  23. Well of course: A) Darth Blank is the name that all Sith Lords have had since the days of Darth Reven and Malak (maybe before that? I don't remember many Darths in Tales) B) "When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed" Darth Bane started it after the Sith civil war. He was after Exar Kun, Malek and Revan were after him. Darth is more of a title given to Sith Lords. Sith Cival war? That was in tales right? I don't think I ever got that far... I'm trying to track down all the comics now. But I only have up to the Freedon Nadd Uprising. (BTW I consider Tales and Kotor to be cannon since they are so far int the past that Lucas can't screw with them).
  24. I'm not much of a Marvel or DC fan, but out of the glut of mainstream comics, Dr. Doom was always one of my favourite villains. No accidents, cosmic rays, genetic mutation, bug bites, he was bad ass because he made himself so. He also had class and style. Changing his story in such a drastic, and moronic, way would be enough to put me off this movie. Well it could be worse... you read the Amalgam Comic Challanger's of the Fantastic. Doom was controlling the mission from the ground. and purposly lead the Challangers to disaster... and he showed up at the end of the comic as Dr. Doomsday (amalgamed with Superman's Doomsday)
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