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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Um... well you're right on Sakura Taisen it is the video game series with the Robots that kinda look like that... though they've been evolving and the new Stars are very sleek and sexy looking convertable fighter planes. It's bar none my favorite series of video games. Nobunaga is an important figure in Japanese history who wanted to unite all of Japan under one sword but was assinated before he could finnish the job (if you've ever played Onimusha he's the main bad guy of that series).
  2. Ah see I went to first day showing of Phantom I had been reading the novel and using my ticket as a bookmark... the novel was so good the movie was going to rock! but then it let me down so this time I'm not reading the novel till after the movie.
  3. I just found out something about the next instalment of Sakura Taisen "As previously announced, Sakura Taisen V's main villain will be Oda Nobunaga, who aims to rebuild Azuchi Castle in New York. Nobunaga's sidekicks include Ran Maru, a little girl with rabbit ears, the powerful female warrior Kokuryuu Hime, the evil monk Dokubo Bou, Yume Dono who is capable of controlling bugs and Tsugaru Bi, a beautiful man capable of turning others into stone." How many times has Nobunaga been the villian in an Anime or Video game? why do the Japanese hate him? I don't get it... he came really close to unifying Japan and Tokugawa who was a Protege' of his finnished the job... no really why do they hate him? I don't get it. Why is the only game I've ever played that potrays him in a good light Kessen a game he's dead before the start of? I realize that there are many reasons why Nobunaga might not be liked and why he can be debated about forever. But why in anime do they always pick on the poor guy? Can anyone name me an anime that was pro-Nobunaga? I mean he did some nasty things like wiping out the Hiei monks, but he did what he thought he had to do to unify his country... I see a lot more praise for Tokugowa who probably has even more blood on his hands then Nobunaga. Yes the stories that he was in league with demons made for great video game material... but I think that had a lot more to do with his ready acceptance of Foreigners and their technology then any actual contact with dark forces... Yeah, Nobunaga propbably deservs some of it but I wonder why there is so much Oda bashing out there.
  4. Another one year war game ^^ Awesome there is more tales of the One Year War left to tell... they need an igLoo game now, Seig ZEON!
  5. It happened. It was some ridiculous fan move that I saw at some sci-fi con some years ago. I know I've seen the fan movie... I ment it's not going to happen for real. [Quote}And as for Robocop versus Terminator, of course Terminator would win. Robocop is the slowest pile of tin in the world. His only advantage is that he's pretty much a walking tank compared to fragile fleshy humans. The Terminator is faster and stronger and much more adapatable to his environment, not a human brain struggling to assert itself while trapped by a CPU. Except the premise of the game is that The Termies didn't want to destroy Robocop they wanted to trick him into linking into Skynet which was how Skynet became self aware. Then Robocop rebuilt himself at an abandoned Termie factory using termie technology. it wasn't a bad game... better then Alien Vs Pred Vs Termie Comics... Skynet re-emerges in Ripley's time and uses Alien DNA to create Termie/Alien hybrids... Ripley teams up with the aliens who recognize it was a mutual threat to all life. And wasn't Robocop somewhat faster in those recent made for TV mini-series?
  6. I actually found a place that has the old AVP arcade game and was playing that the other day. ahem... I didn't mind AvP there wasn't a lot of substance but I mean it was okay enough for me to see it in the theaters twice... I mean it was just about Preds and Aliens fighting and it nothing else it delevered cool looking Aliens and cool looking Preds fighting. And as an added plus it toned down the language... which both Aliens, Predator (and all previous AVP installments (aside from the games) were ripe with). Batman V Joker V AVP? not going to happen Terminator V AVP? Hey there's already a comic for that one Robocop V Terminator V AVP? Yeah I could see it... it would suck but I could see it. (though I'd love a straight up movie adaptation of the Robocop V Terminator SNES game), And you know the two Superman VS Aliens mini-series were pretty good (okay lets not go overboard here).
  7. What's wrong with Banpresto... they've made so many fun games. Like G-Generation, Super Robot Wars and Battle Soccer (true only the first game is a "gundam game" but they all have gundams in them).
  8. I'm hyped about this game Alpha for Dreamcast was my favorite game in the whole franchiese and this one looks like it might live up to it ^^ SUUPAA INAZUMA KICK! Of course the Macross stuff rocks too!
  9. Okay the last one for now... I have more but I'll post them later. Does this one help date the comic with the Complete Gunbuster Ad thingy?
  10. I'll put up some of the technical index pictures
  11. I think it's more then conjecture I can translate some of what it says on the page with Jung. Roughly it says Jung: E~~~ have those two returned? Person: No, they havn't but we have an emergency Jung: An Emergency? but that's very rough. if I had furigana I could do a full translation but we don't. So Noriko, do you have any idea where this was published and how I might get the rest of it, if you don't then I don't know who would.
  12. Noriko and Kazumi havn't returned to Earth yet Silly... that's why when they wake up Jung from Criogenic sleep in that page I posted she asks "if those two have returned" like I said... Looks like Jung is keeping herself on ice until those two come back... She's probably still asleep during Diebuster. BTW thats the last page of the last chapter I have... so I havn't got to see what Jung actually does.
  13. Um is this it? or what is this... none of the characters look right but the title is the same. The author dosn't seem right either... now I'm confused.
  14. Ugh... even worse... English Dirty Pair manga... thats where I know him from.
  15. What happened to the male Hawk? and what HAPPENED TO DOVE? (she looks totally different now). I should pick up Teen Titans and see what's going on there.
  16. Namco X Capcom II.... Char Aznable vs Megaman
  17. I downloaded them from a Japanese P2P program called share. BTW what I did get out of that... is the first question Jung asks is if "those two have returned" she's told "no" and they go on... I think she actually froze herself so that she would be there to say welcome back... maybe she is the one who threw the switch at the end of the OVA after all ^^. *btw I do only understand bits of what's going on*
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