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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I'm pretty sure in one of the novels Wedge flat out states that he's not related to the good Captain. the novels are EU, they aren't canon. Yeah yeah... I knew you'd say that... still it's there. But then according to some EU sources Owen Lars is Obi-wan's brother wich is obvioulsy not the case.
  2. I'm pretty sure in one of the novels Wedge flat out states that he's not related to the good Captain.
  3. Yes hence the class "Corellian Corvette"
  4. Gotta love things like this! People SOOOOooooo want to make the bad guys super evil titanic god-like power mongers(think DragonBall Z) and the good guys incredible heroes without equal skills that they'll make up anything they can just to get back that first RUSH of feelings that they got the first time they watched the movies. It's BEYOND silly sometimes. It was a personal victory because NONE of the people in the throne were directly involved with the battle taking place further within the DS2. The throne room battle was for Vader, not the rebellion. Not to save the DS2. It was cinematics all the way. If Luas wanted to be THAT heavy handed then why not have the scene in the movie to begin with? There's no real answer to that because unless Lucas writes it himself it's only guesses. Yes you can be a "central, powerful evil that had been the cohesive force to the Empire." without having cartoonish superpowers of near god-like levels! History is littered with them. The thing to do with Star Wars is to treat it like any other story. Enjoy it while it lasts. Feel sad that it's over. Move on taking with you something that betters you from it. What about the EU saying he was using Battle Meditation to boost the Empire's fighting power? That he had Battle Med beyond that of Nomi Sunrider that his Battle Med streatched across the entire galaxy? is that a cartoonish superpower? Remember Lucas helped with the Tales comics so I'm not so sure battle med isn't a cannon power.
  5. Oh I know that... I was just trying to clarify my statements I'm not trying to say that Lucas is wrong... when infact I like what he's saying and agree with him his explnation of the prophecy really made me think. but had I not read it hear in this thread I would have had a totally different understanding even then that theory I postulated ealier... And I know that Robotech isn't Macross just like (I'd say at least) Splinter of the Mind's Eye isn't Star Wars (in it's first printing did it say Star Wars on the cover? Noooo). I'm just saying that there are other interpretations that while not as important as Lucas' still have validity... hey there are a lot of things I don't like about the prequal movies but I accept them cause it's Lucas show after all... I'd hate if someone came along and told me I was wrong about one of my stories.
  6. I think you two took the first line of my post too seriously... There are other Intepretations and Lucas' Interpretation. Lucas interpretation is THE truth but there is also room to go off and say "what if". But even looking at Lucas there are other points of view. I said my theory didn't contradict with Lucas... got back and look at it and tell me if you think it does. Edit: I mean what do you think Robotech is if not someone coming along and re-interpreting someone elses work and ascribing meanings not intended by the author to things like protoculture? Is Shoji Kawamori right? Yes, he created the bloody series. Is Macek wrong? Can you say that he is without starting a flame war? No seriously Anime is the perfect Genre to illustrate that their can be more then one intepratation of a story... as many anime are radically different interpretations of the Manga. The manga is usually better though.
  7. I actually agree with most of what you said Sundown... but I'm not pre-paired to sit through dozens of interviews and documentrys and making of books to find out Lucas' meaning... and I'm not going to go just based on a few selective quotes from Hurin... but as a whole I accomadated everything I know about Lucas' postion from into my theory. But I'd say that Lucas has been pretty clear he allows other points of veiw on his work... he allows Del Rey to publish novels and Dark Horse to publish comics that all flow from different points of view, there are many points where he could have easly corrected them and gone "ah you're wrong this is is how it's supposed to be" but although he approves all of the basic concepts he dosn't look over them. He said once something to the effect he's not terribly interested in them that the movies are his Star Wars and that there are other versions and interpretations out there.... something like that. Anyway... I'd never argue wiht a creator if he told me something... but I'm interested in the movies and what I can get of out them it spoils the fun if I read all this behind the scenes junk... and just looking at the movies I can see many valid interpretations cause it is not overly clear there. When Lucas had Darth Vader say "Luke I am your Father" he wanted it to be ambiguos he wanted people to debate if it's true or not. Did he know? Of course. Was there a right answer? For sure. Was the truth open to two points of veiw? Yes the movies say so. My point isn't that Lucas is wrong or that we shouldn't take his answer as the truth.... but that there are Points of View in looking at one truth. mutlipe angles it can be seen at and expanded from.
  8. Oh yeah about the death of the Empror being important in the battle of Endor according to the EU the Emperor was the only one ever to be better at Battle Meditation then Nomi Sunrider (Yeah Bastila wasn't the first one with it...) his BM spread across the entire galaxy... and once he died that was gone.
  9. Just cause Lucas inteperts his work one way dosn't mean that everyone else has too... I don't care what he said in a making of book or an interview... just what is said in the movies themselves... thats what Lucas gives us that the majority of fans are going to pay attention too... only the Uber Fanboy Nerds are going to scour every interview every documentry so they can argue their point of view (Yes Hurin YOU are the biggest Fanboy in this thread). And that's another point there... in Jedi Obi-wan brings up the point that the truth is open to multiple points of view... Lucas says in the movie that one event can have many intepretations, so what is wrong with applying that here? I've seen many creators acknowledge that their interpretation is not the only valid one for an event... thats why god gave us brains so taht we could think for ourselves. Lucas is not wrong... Duke is not wrong... and you Hurin are not wrong... From a Certain point of veiw. Me I like my theory and it don't argue too much with Lucas either.
  10. I still like my hypothosis... wich dosn't argue with what Lucas said at all ^^.
  11. It was not the right time... for blanace to be restored to the force both the Darkside and Lightside had to go back to square 1... I don't think destroying the sith in itself was enough though that was the fullfilment of the prophecy in full "Restore Balance to the force and destroy the sith" not "restore balance to the force by destroying the sith" We know Lucas had a hand in the Tales of the Jedi Knights comics which had a very different preception of the Jedi oder... there was a lot less indoctranation and a lot more freedom (Jedi had multiple apprentices, could marry and could be trained from any age). And there were a lot more Jedi who went over to the dark without neccisarrily becoming Sith. Even if we skip Kotor's explanation of why, by the prequal movies we see very different Jedi (and also Sith but that's another matter). Maybe the blance was wrong in that way. And the blance had to temporarly shift to the Dark until all the Jedi (even Obi-wan and Yoda or at least the Jedi council (cause there might have been stragglers who were warned away)) were gone, so that the force could be restored to blance when Luke creates a New Jedi order (not neccesarilly like the books but maybe the focus for the rumored TV series?)... he not being instructed by Yoda or Obi-wan in the ways of making the order creates one more like in TOTJ one more at balance with the force. So that's how Anakin Brought Balance to the Force and destroyed the sith (my theory anyway). "3. How in the world does Obi-wan in ANH do not remember R2-D2? The story continuity is just messed up. Better yet, how come Beru and Owen do not remember the droids or evan Darth Vader?" Owen knows about Vader "He's too much like his father" "that's what I'm worried about" Maybe Obi-wan just didn't want Luke to know he knew the droid... it was never his droid really it was Anakins he only said "I don't seem to remember owning a droid... so he didn't lie".
  12. Just saw it... I liked the whole fear of loss thing especially cause Vader tries that on luke "it is the only way you can save your friends". It was a good movie though I have some minor problems with it.
  13. Yeah that's right... even though I belive the Hero' Quest games contained some obvious Warhammer things like a Chaos Sorccerer who looked just like a servent of T'zeentch. But I don't know the only Quest games I played were Police Quest, Space Quest and Peasent Quest.
  14. Best thing about Heroquest is it's set in the Warhammer universe http://greywolf.critter.net/ahq/aboutthegame.htm Go Warhammer.
  15. I posted it on a different board comparing it to Macross Plus many months ago. way to use the google function ^^ j/k Zeo probably saw it on a different board before... many different boards have had that pop up "oh my god this movie is totally ripping of macross plus" and so on...
  16. I know I know... have Hyrdoman, Sandman and Electro team up. that way they can fire glass, mud or water + electricity... as well as sand, electricity and water on their own.
  17. I think there's worse like "the living lazer" but he's an avenger's villian (BTW wouldn't a New Avengers' movie be awesome?) how about... Silver Sable, not so much as a villian but just to make things a little more complex... As for crossover movies ther are already two out there that I know off... two of the old Hulk movies (the ones that followed the TV series) one had Daredevil and one had Thor.
  18. Peter I ment the answer itself is the most wise not the person... though I have as much respect for Tokugawa as I do Nobunaga .
  19. I knew the change was real it's one of the few DVD scenes I've seen... I have to get ahold of them just so that I can see what kinda trainwrek it is. Reminds me of these parodies of different things firing at solo first (the control consol the trash compactor). But having all three versions of the trilogy on DVD would be nice.
  20. I shall get it and play GI Joe for the NES on it ^^
  21. I had never heard of Mori Ranmaru before and was going to say that maybe it was a coincience that STV had a character named that... but... "0da is also remembered for his love story with the bishônen Mori Ranmoru, which set the pattern for other officers' taking beautiful youths for lovers, enforcing a tradition of open homosexuality in the Japanese military" I don't see why they'd change it though there have always been homosexual characters in ST... that wouldn't be a reason in and of itself to change Ranmaru... now I'm curious how/if she'll tie into the real Ranmaru. A pic of the character has been attatched.
  22. I suppose... a big thing with Sakura Taisen has always been drawing on Japanese culture and history... I've learned so many obscure customs that are now forgotten even by most Japanese and so many interesting tidbits of Japanese history from the series... I really think Ohji ment the series partly to teach young japanese more about their culture and history... and I suppose having Oda in there (even as a demonic villian) can probably do that, now that the series is set in New York and not Japan. (when it was in France they had one of the characters be a bit of a Japophile who was always asking Oogami questions about Japan).
  23. Nobunaga says: "Nightingale, if you do not sing, I shall kill you." Hideyoshi says: "Nightingale, if you do not sing, I shall make you." Ieyasu says: "Nightingale, if you do not sing now, I shall wait until you do." Honestly (though I like Ieyasu and Oda both) I think Ieyasu's answer is the most wise... You raise a lot of good points though, thanks. And yes the Hiei incident was very Ruthless (why I made mention of it in my initial post), but was anything Tokugawa did any less? I mean he's the one who killed all the Christians and foriengers. Anyway... this has been bothering me for some time but I never really liked any of the anti-nobunaga series and stuff (well Onimusha a bit) until now.
  24. Yes there was a regular edition of Lunar but it came out years after the edition that you have... I have it cause I didn't have a Playstation ever(until PS2) so I never got the old release of Lunar. The Japanese have been doing SEs for years. like my Sakura Taisen V Episode Zero SE wich came with a figure a beach towel, a mug, a poster and a DVD. SEs are fun ^^.
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