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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I remember that... where is that from? At least they bothered repainting Zardak... Zark is 100 % Roy. Even the description "He is violent and unpredictable! He will destroy anything that gets in his way!" yeah... that's Roy.
  2. currently reading GI Joe, New Avengers, House of M, Street Fighter and Cable and Deadpool as well as a bunch of manga. Thanks.
  3. the first two movies wern't as overly Wolvie centric as the comics get. infact they made fun of how Wolvie centric everything is. Building up this whole "Who is Wolverine why does Magneto want him" and then Magneto in movie 1 "Who said anything about wanting you?" and then in Movie 2 again Magneto "You always think its about you dont you?" Edit one thing a Wolvie movie needs: Silver Samurai
  4. To me you can't beat the three part duel on Bespin between Vader and Luke. For Emotion and for bulkheads smacking Luke up-side the head... it's still number 1.
  5. And it was horrible. Even Macek is ashamed of it, which qualifies it to be scientifically unlikeable by any human being thus killing the desire for a sequel. um... does that mean I'm not human? Maybe it's cause I've not seen part II of Megazone (I saw the Streamline release of Part 1) but I kinda like the fact that Robotech the Untold Story actually had an ending for one thing and secondly I could laugh at how unbelievbly campy it is... and I'm not even a Robotech fan anymore ^^;
  6. I don't think that it's that Yoda was wrong... but it was a warning about how HARD it is to come back not that it's impossible... like how Jesus made the statement about "a horse passing through a needle's eye" in the Bible but through God nothing is impossible. Here it's very hard to escape the clutches of the dark side but through the force nothing is impossible... But Yoda wanted to put extra strength in his warning. "if you do some poo it's not easy to fix it" is not as strong as "One you strike down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiney, consume you it will as it did Obi-wan's apprentice" And there in the same statement that Yoda talks about the Dark Side being a no-return senario he mentions Vader as being CONSUMED by it... and Vader came back... I think Yoda's statement was just showing how hard it was to come back once you've given in and tasted the temptations of the dark side.
  7. I strongly disagree with many of your statements. First the idea that Yoda's "forever will it dominate your destiney" means that once you do something bad you're screwed for life... That would imply there is no such thing as redemption in a story that is about the fall and redemption of a man. However... I belive that Dark Empire (where Luke falls to the dark side and Leia helps bring him back) was based on Lucas' notes for the third trilogy way back in the day... as I understand it originally the Emp wasn't going to be in Return of the Jedi and it wouldn't be a clone Emp Luke would be under but the original. I've heard tell it was based on Lucas' notes and is very much like what a third trilogy would have been like. So maybe you arn't so wrong.
  8. They had to have ripped off Parasite Eve with that midchlorian thing. midicholrian, mitochondira, those words sure look alike. Uh, Parasite Eve didn't invent mitochondria. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=mitochondria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondria Video games didn't invent the world. I'd like to sate for the record PE started out as a novel. And novels... well... they still don't invent the world.
  9. I had someone who told me about Manag loosing the rights ages ago... they also swore new DVDs were out and they owned the first two volumes that they got them at HMV a-holes.
  10. She can project the force fields outward as an attack... which is what they have her doing here I belive.
  11. Luke never knew his mother so there was no attachment. And Luke had accepted that Vader wan't a monster but a lost soul. So I don't know if any of that would have worked. The alternative was to use his friends. hold! hold! That reminds me how in Jedi does Leia say that she remembers her mother? LUKE Leia... do you remember your mother? Your real mother? LEIA Just a little bit. She died when I was very young. LUKE What do you remember? LEIA Just...images, really. Feelings. LUKE Tell me. LEIA (a little surprised at his insistence) She was very beautiful. Kind, but...sad. (looks up) Why are you asking me all this? He looks away. LUKE I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her. And did Owen being Obi-wan's brother come from the original script for Revenge of the Jedi??? I found this on several websites BEN Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit. But they could be made to serve the Emperor. Luke looks into the distance, trying to comprehend all this. BEN (continuing his narrative) When your father left, he didn't know your mother was pregnant. Your mother and I knew he would find out eventually, but we wanted to keep you both as safe as possible, for as long as possible. So I took you to live with my brother Owen on Tatooine... and your mother took Leia to live as the daughter of Senator Organa, on Alderaan. ??? according to the sites that was from the second draft of Revenge of the Jedi (what would become Return of the Jedi), of course the first part about Leia remembering her mother is actually in the movie.
  12. Good points, I agree with you there but I still wasn't thinking that Vader was weak because of these things. When I first watched Ep.IV, I didn't know that his breathing was mechanically assisted. For all I knew, the dude wore a space helmet that gave him freaky ventilation. But just because I learned in ROTJ that he couldn't survive without his suit didn't signify that he was a weak cripple, it just made it seem more like a mechanized monster instead of a human. Anyways, Stealth sucks y'all. Iron Man needed his armour to live too... Actually I think there might be a bit of a Dr. Doom/Iron Man inspiration to Vader. I don't think Vader was to hindered by his armour. And when the Emperor first talked to Luke it seemed like turning him to the dark side hadn't occured to the Emperor yet. "Yes... Yes he would be a powerful aly a great asset" and at this point I think the two Sith really started plotting against each other each wanting to set Luke up as their new apprentice... but I don't think that the Emperor's mind was totally set yet. Vader wasn't exactly trying to through the fight in Return of the Jedi... he just wanted to bring out enough anger and hatrid in Luke that he would turn to the dark side and see the wisdom of "ending this desctructive conflict" together with Vader "and ruling the galaxy as father and son"... And I think while all this was going on Palp was watching the fight, enjoying the show kicking back with some popcorn (that last part is metophorical) and seeing what would happen... if Vader lost, then Luke would make a good replacement... if Luke lost then he'd know he already had the best in the biz... But I could see the Emperor constantly wanting to trade up his apprentices, cause remember Sith apprentices kill their masters once they've learned enough. If the Empeoror was truly imortal then he probably wanted to keep an apprentice around for a while then kill them off and get a new one so that they'd never have time to betray him (hey he had three apprentices in three movies) . Remember he told Yoda that Vader would become more powerful then both of them... he probably didn't want to wait for that to happen, or suspected that it had already happened and didn't want to wait for Vader to be ready to make his move.
  13. What is with all you "the original movie is the best" people? I think a lot of that is just nostigla for the first incarnation you come across... The movie wasn't all that great. It goes something like this (IMO) Highlander TV series Highlander the Raven Highlander (original movie) Highlander 4 Endgames Highlander The animated series Highlander 2 I havn't scene Highlander 3 so it's not in there... but seriously the only reason I'd watch the Highlander movie is cause I like Chis Lambert in all of his cheezy glory ("Didn't have a clue you Mortals are so unpredictable")
  14. So many Mandalorians were killed that they started using various species to fill their ranks. As far as I know, Mandalorians are like the Sith, there aren't actually any of their race left, but there are those who follow their path and wear their mantle. Of course, as far as I know the "Lords of the Sith" were never Sith to begin with, they simply ruled over them. Hence their title. But, we are really dealing with the EU on all of this. Something could come out tomorrow that contridicts it all. Except that Lucas helped provide the groundwork for all the stuff in Tales of the Jedi, he worked with them to write the history of the Sith and Madalorians... so I very much doubt he's going to go back on it now.... (except it is Lucas),
  15. The Highlander animated series of the 90s was pretty bad... but I've been looking forward to this anime for about a year now (and the GI Joe anime too), they were both announced about that long ago. edit weird look at the cast members Writer - David Abramowitz David Abramowitz has worked in television for over two decades on episodic writing (“Murder, She Wrote,” “Cagney and Lacey”), movie-of-the-week screenplays (“Daughter of the Streets,” “Highlander: Archangel”), story editing (“MacGyver”), being showrunner (“The Lost World,” “Highlander”) and producing (“Jake and the Fatman,” “Buck James”). Abramowitz joined the “Highlander” series in its first season and took it in a new direction, which helped sustain the series through six seasons and a spin-off, “Highlander: The Raven.” Animation Supervisor - Kevin Eastman Kevin Eastman came to prominence when he and co-creator Peter Laird wrote and self-published the comic book “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” With toys, books, several animated television series and three successful live-action feature films, TMNT has generated over $4 billion in revenue. In 1991, Eastman acquired Heavy Metal Magazine. He increased circulation and created spinoffs, including the animated movie “Heavy Metal 2000” and the video game “Heavy Metal FAAK2.” Eastman is currently President of Metal Mammoth, Inc. The Turtles guy is supervising the animation
  16. Dangard have you seen it? Dr. Doom was a horrible excuse for a villian who couldn't fight, cracked lame one liners and was taken down by Mr. Fantastic in Three Punches but at least he was the rightful ruler of Latveria.. (yes the only reason I'm going to see this is because I am a Dr. Doom fan not a FF fan)
  17. according to every source I've seen mandalorians are humans, slightly genetically enhanced(?) and bred for battle, a big warrior culture. Umm... Think the Clans from Battletech ^^; Oh yeah Han is the one who made Boba's jetpack go off... sorry it's been ages since I've seen Jedi but not ages since I played Star Wars Trilogy arcade
  18. New Trailers http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/fantasti...sive/large.html http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/fantasti...l/FF_large.html it just looks dumber and dumber ^^; Yeah not sacralige to kill this Doom... cause imposters can't be tollerated.
  19. Question wasn't the Mandalorian War covered at least in part in the Tales of the Jedi Comics? (note for those who don't know the Tales of the Jedi comics came before KOTOR and take place some 40 years earlier... KOTOR is ripe with references to them). Since Lucas did help with the KOTOR comics one can probably consider them cannon, so if the Mandalorian War is in TOTJ I'd consider it cannon. SPOILERS FOR KOTOR II Of course I consider at least KOTOR I to be cannon too (KOTOR II I'm not so sure about... "I'm going to kill the force MWAH!") BTW when Darth Traya talked about the Mandalorians eventually coming down to one man too easily killed by Jedi (at least in the light side ending, don't know what happens in the dark ending)... did she mean Jango (easily despatched by Mace) or the clone Boba (easily despatched by Luke... unless we follow the novels, then he's still alive).
  20. I'm sorry... when he says "Japanese dialouge" does he mean the original non-sensical scripts Tatsunoko gave them? The tranlsations on the Perfect Collection which were such utter garbage that they made next to know sense. that (in the case of southren cross) couldn't decide if it was anjay, andrez, anjdrez or any number of other spellings? Those scripts wern't up to anyones standards but since *I* could pull better translations out of my ass (and my Japanese is far from fluen), I'm not exactly sure he should go juding Macross by them. You know I havn't watched Robotech in a couple years now because the OSM is so much better... I still have a place for it in my heart, but it's hard for it to keep it's place when I'm bombarded by constant BS from it's creators. "There were also cultural differences that made us decide to change certain things—including editing out the usual snot bubbles, blood spatters and gratuitous panty shots." lol... I remember quite a bit of the last one (and of course SC's one shower scene per an ep quota, that they rarely failed to meet). Okay a bit of the blood splatterrs. Don't remember to many snot bubbles in any of the shows (but I havn't seen to much MOSPEADA. Anyone remember any snot bubbles?
  21. sorry to revive the thread the second link seems to be be well and truly dead now and I really want to see the second epsiode. I also love the opening theme. I can't find the second episode anywhere (even on Japanese P2P) any suggestions?
  22. Acutally I was for real too.... I was wondering if the interior was all done up... and it was just like a real spaceship that didn't go anywhere. There is a 1/1 scale Santa Maria in West Edmonton Mall...
  23. Japanese commercials are weird I was wondering what everyones favorites are. http://www.catsuka.com/interf/bideo/sanshiro.htm I loved the Segata Sanshiro ad campaign for the Sega Saturn, maybe not my favorite but I loved it none the less (you can only download two files from the site at a time as far as I can tell).
  24. through the force all things are possible even keeping yourself dry in the rain
  25. I used to have some old light saber toys the ones that made swound as you swished them not by electronic means but by air moving through the blade and those blades didn't retract either but you could unscrew them... and it said STAR WARS in big letters on the hilt and didn't particularly look like anyones lightsaber (they came in green, red and I think blue though... we only got green and red ones though).
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