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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Well I like to buy figures from my friend's store if possible, and he usually gets the Bome figures in as soon as a distributor makes them available to north america, but none of his distributors are carrying it yet, which is weird.
  2. Does anyone know when the Nuriko Takaya figure by Bome is supposed to come out? According to AAA Anime distro it was supposed to be out at the beggining of this month. But they still have it as pre-order. My friend gets all the bome figures into is hobby shop, and he hasn't seen it come in yet. Has anyone seen it around?
  3. I only saw episodes 2 and 3... this series was towards the end of what I call the 80s robot explosion when, plots were starting to take a back seat to just comming up with bigger badder mechs. Eventually they got really crappy and I think that's why the animation industry took a bit of a dive in the 80s. But this is one that was just pure fun even if it didn't have a sophisticated plot, the music and action more then made up for it. I also loved playing with the Dangaioh mech in Super Robot Wars Impact for the PS2. nice review A7.
  4. Oh putting it that way I agree. I thought you were talking about having five second transformation sequence. as opposed to as you brought up Optimus Prime's transformation in the TF trailer which was just way too long. I'm a fan of Mahou Shojo shows, Ultraman and i've even enjoyed a couple sentai shows so I know all about transformation scenes that can be long and cool. But I dunno in Macross and Robotech it always seemed to me the transformation should be lighting quick cause your transforming in the middle of a heated battle. and excepting the first transformation Hikaru does that's what I always got out of Macross. (that one's fine because you wern't supposed to know about the transformable mecha yet and you were wondering what the hell whas going on). It's nothing against eye candy transformations in particular... I mean who didn't love watching Buster Machine 1 and 2 merge to become the gunbuster? But Macross Zero just didn't seem to have much drama to it during the battle sequences... and then the transformations just seemed pointless... I was never so much bored during the fight scenes as I was in M0, and I guess that's where all this is comming from.
  5. I think you missed the part where I said it's not a masterpiece... I enjoyed it for what it is and I'm just putting in my views. Actually I'd say Mac7 is much better at what it does, and over all I enjoyed it a lot more despite it's slow start... Macross 2's designs wern't all that great IMO, but still enjoyable but I see it on the same level as TSC. Really... I didn't think anything about the girl after all she was supposed to be from a special protoculture blood line or something, and at least their they had the fall back excuse "it's actually protoculture technology, for the most part but it's just too advanced for us to understand as technology." And with the pre-established Spiritia stuff in Macross it didn't feel out of place to me. Maybe it's cause I never watched MOSPEADA or New Generation past the first few episodes... but Ariel did bother me a bit. Not too much because she's essentially a glorified transporter and the deus ex machnism dosn't work if she's not there... it's not like they can just go "Beam us up" whenever they're in trouble... Ariel would have to go there, get them, then come back which isn't quite as bad. But my main problem with Ariel is that they use her to advance the plot any time they can't come up with a decent way it's like... "well how should they find out the haydonites betrayed them?" "uhh I can't think of anything, Tommy how about you Steve?" "No can't think of anything." "right let's have the Regess appear to Ariel in another vision and tell her that the space station is going to be attacked, then she can beam up to the moon and tell scott" "yeah that's the bestest idea EVAR!" it just seems a little weak, there's a rt.comer who calls her "Jean Grey" I'm forced to agree.
  6. I think you misunderstand me... the comparison to star wars comes from the very western idea of breaking down a drama into three chunks. The First Act you introduce all the characters (Star Wars) The Second Act you put them into a hopless situation they can never get out of (Empire) And in the Third Act they get out (ROTJ) What I'm saying is we've only seen the first act of the story. And it had it's own begging, middle and end... In Star Wars you had the Empire preparing to wipe out the Rebel base and bring an end to the only effective resistance... and you had a handful of people with the key to saving the alliance racing against insurmountable odds in the hopes of finding a way to save them, at the end the Death Star is destroyed and the alliance is safe for now... but the Empire is still out there. In TSC you have the one ship which gathers all the key information about the aliens and they have to sort it out and try to figure out a way to stope the human race from being totally slaughtered. They succede, through a lot of Dues ex, and wipe out the Haydonite fleet... humanity is safe for now but has 1 years worth of power, and the Haydonites are still out there. Star Wars is of course way better, the emotional development it a lot stronger within a shorter period of time. Mostly because they focused on a smaller cast of core characters. Really you only had Han, Luke, Leia and Obi-wan... and maybe Chewie if you count him. Here you have, Vince, Jean, Louis, Marcus, Alex, Scott, Ariel, Rick... and even Marlene could be considered a core character of the movie despite being dead. it was just spread too thinly. The other thing you have to realize is we're essentially watching three epiodes of a TV series each with it's own seperate mini-climax... and we're still in the rising action of the plot. And as for the pilot excuse... it's a little lame yeah, but it's as much as what they said on the DVD... they wanted to get the story into fans hands so that they had a product out there that was succesful before going to the TV stations so the stations would have to let them do it their way. As a Buisness student, I don't think it was the wisest move... but it's the move a couple of fanboys like Tommy and Steve might make, so it's probably the case. Why should the transformation be intense or mind blowing? it should be simple and fuctional... I don't see the military going "oh let's add as much Pizzaz as possible". M0's transformations and action were so over the top that they got boring... I was like, okay let's get back to the main guy and the tribal chick talking about bird people. The Entire Fokker sub-plot was unncessary, it's like "oh wow let's put Roy in there, cause that would be teh awesome" And yeah they held off on telling use the final fate of Rick Hunter, that's the whole point it's supposed to give the audience something to look foward too. I don't think Macross Zero should be getting the bashing it did, I liked it, aside from about the last 5 minutes. The whole Protoculture test was a neat idea. If I thought it was a bad pilot I'd have to disagree with you... it's got problems being from a mainly untested creative team, which I hope they can resolve. But I think it's promising enough to make me look foward to part 2. Please explain how Ariel is any better? Both shows had an overly-big does of Deus Ex. Anyway RTSC has a LOT of problems... I'm not saying it's a masterpiece I'm saying it was fun, and that a future series has potential. But I'd take any Macross project over it... even 2. Edit: See this is a mistake people make all the time... Animation reffers to how something MOVES, hence the word to be animated. and that in TSC is a lot more consitent then in Macross. it's not a matter of the designs... Sailor Moon has good solid designs but suffers from poor animation with lots of stock footage. Also the quality of Designs is completely subjective... Does Simpsons have crappy designs? maybe, maybe not but it's what the artist was going for. Animation can be judged at an objective level, "this shot the animation is very choppy". Design work can not, "oh this design looks so cool". Also Robotech didn't dimminsh the animation at all... maybe the video quality was a little lowered which has been fixed up quite a bit on the DVD. but that has to do with the quality of the masters more then anything. But when it was shown it still moved the same way. The only problem with the designs, was that some of the animators either got lazy or rushed too much while painting them and they looked squashed at time. Think when Hikaru see's Kakizaki while trying to write the letter to his family.
  7. First off Keith, I agree that when Macross was good, it was very good, I would say on sheer fluidity of motion though Shadow Chron beats any TV show ep... and fluidity of motion is actually was defines animation not design work, though I'd take Mikimotos designs over Tommy's any day. And deffinitly Ai Oboeteimasuka is superiror to Shadow Chron on every technical level, and several artistic levels. First off you taking SC as a stand alone movie, which it is not. It's purpose is to generate interest in a continuation and to try to create sponsers. Harmony Gold had many deals for TV shows but it didn't give Tommy, Tom and Steve the freedom they wanted. So they created this pilot to get offers based on an existing product. It's the same as the new Battlestar Galactica, when they came out with their miniseries before the actual Television series. Where was the denouncement in the BG miniseries? At the end of the movie they were still being chased by the Cylons, they were left aimlessly wandering space in search of a mythical place they didn't believe exists. Really they were in worse shape at the end of the series then they had been at any other point... it left all these plot threads hanging on purpose... to be continued in a series. SC is the exact same way. Or same with the original Star Wars movie... Yeah they blew up the Death Star but that didn't free the galaxy from the Empire, and Darth Vader was still alive, we knew that. That's no different then taking out a fleet of Haydonites... and we didn't even know that it was Episode IV when it was first released but the fans were happy with it not even knowing there would be a sequal. M0's battle scenes were better then SC? you're joking right? They were overly flashy and just boring... I didn't feel like there was anything to get excited about... especially cause we knew Roy had to survive all his fights there wasn't ever any tension. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed M0 until the very end of the last episode when it got all mystical... Both SC and M0 just provide new mecha designs based on the old ones, I don't see the difference between the Super Shadow fighters from the end of the movies, being original designs based off the Alphas with some minor changes like the cannons (which admitidly would have been cooler if they didn't jetison them after 2 minutes of fighting), and the VF-0 or those Anti-UN Protodevelin look-alike mecha, they're both rehashes of old designs with just slight tweaks to them. and in both cases that makes sense... would it make sense for a series thats starts before the end of the last one to have completely different mecha designs? No, where woudl they get the techonology from? Oh and don't the Haydonite Mecha designs count as new? Don't try and make TSC into something it's not, a stand alone story, and try to be a little more fare. Ditching the Alphas would not make sense in the slightest. We didn't want to see the haydonites wiped out we want to find out what they're really after what makes them more then just generic bad guys. I gave up on Robotech a long time ago... but this movie has shown me there is hope for the franchise.
  8. WTH are you talking about... Harmony Gold's problems are strictly with Big West and not at all with tatsunoko with whom they've been partners in the Robotech thing since the beggining. Anyway they also give credit to Yoshitaka Ammano for doing the "original" character designs, meaning his design work for MOSPEADA but I highly doubt he had any involvement in the movie. [blockquote]I agree having rewatched them all recently I realised how bad they were at times, some of this was down to the original source material but mostly due to bad scissor work in the V.T room at HG[/blockquote] Uhh even when Watching the OSM it's like that and I can bring up about a thousand animation mistakes in Macross alone, if you want. I'm not saying anything against it but Shadow Chron has way higher consistent animation then Macross.
  9. I think if we have to compare the artwork in Robotech to something it should not be true japanese anime. It should be with its own kind pseudo-anime produced in the US or in Europe. I'm talking about Martin Mystery, Winx Club, Totally Spies and the like. Compared to those, Robotech is pretty solid. But compared to something like Ghost in the Shell or the Sakura Taisen movie, it can't stand up.
  10. At least one person made that comment in one of the threads. And that's the funniest thing I've read or heard all week. Thanks.
  11. Gunbusters at about my Japanese comprehension level anyway, so I'll deffinitly pick up the R2 when I have a chance if I can find it. That and the R1 box art is fugly from what I've seen.
  12. Not all of us on Robotech.com are like that... I watched a lot of animation up until about 2003, I've started slowing down but still watch a little, as well as import manga and Japanese video games to help improve my Japanese. I'm not saying the animation in Robotech:TSC is mindblowing, I enjoyed it and got the message across. I'm not afraid to come down hard on a franchise I like, if I don't like the direction it's going. (I love Sakura Taisen to peices, enough I made a website out of it, but I've come down super hard on it on occassion). I watched the "Making of a Sequal" and cringed as Frank Agrama took partial credit for killing off a hero and showcasing mature themes... it's not like they had a choice. I admit it, TSC got me intrested in robotech for the first time in about 3 years... but I'm not going to say it's animation is on par with something like Ergo Proxy or Ghost in the Shell, or even the Sakura Taisen movie... that would just be plain silly. But the designs (aside from some of the female ones) arn't horrible, and I enjoyed the story for what it was. And yes Bank of Kev now works for Robotech.com and from my experience he's a nice guy. But I try to stay out of Macross/Robotech flamewars, so I didn't see most of what went down.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotech:_Pre...adow_Chronicles I make the wiki! Obviously though reading about it on Wiki isn't as good actually having the comics... but I'll fix up that article a bit more later.
  14. Dang I paid 15 CDN dollars for them during the summer and got Omar Doguns signature on them too... I didn't think they'd actually be that valuable though... I'm bagging them now (they are still near mint)
  15. For the sentinels tie in you need to get the Prelude comic, and that will also clue you in if your feeling clueless. But I think someone who hadn't seen Robotech at all would still be able to enjoy it... they'd be like "okay earth is already occupied by aliens and now they're getting beaten... maybe I'm missing something but whatever. oh look new aliens, okay I don't have to worry about the old ones anymore." Honestly it's no more then you were missing comming into the first episode of Babylon 5... sure you'd understand it better if you saw "In the Begging" first but then you'd be missing half the fun.
  16. Someone tried to convince me that that Haydonites have the Zentradie logo... just uploading this is a proof they don't even after I showed them that they keep insiting it's simillar and ment to be the same.
  17. Media Player Classic will do it... you just have to go file>save image as
  18. Those characters were for Robotech 3000 a completely different project. Shadow Chron's only been 2-3 years. The original project was scrapped and it was quite a while before Shadow Chron went into production.
  19. Umm... after the protoculture scare comes up we only see the Icarus fold once more... to get out to Liberty. and only see the Ark Angel fold once more to get back to Earth. those were neccesary folds... So I don't see the problem in you thinking that would impact the moving issue... Since they wern't essential, and were flawed why wait for them? oh and here's another RoboBREAST picture.
  20. about the Neutron missile in Liberty "it was a boobytrap, during the second world war the retreating germans would leave explosives in pens or thing the enemy would notice and then when they picked them up, *boom*" Seriously dumb blowing up a space station, just like scuttling a ship on a planet just so that it's cannon would go off and take down a couple enemy ships when they came looking for it... I guess the supervision army is stupid too! Seriously they explain it in the show "now you see why we can't just launch them." "Yeah they'd certainly see these coming" That make sense... take out an enemy fleet, and survive, or see them destroy you and the space station anyway... which too choose? Especially because the Arkangel had to survive to warn the rest of the fleet about the ShadowTech, otherwise the war with the Haydonites would be over in no time fast. As for it taking too much protoculture to launch them? It dosn't make sense on it's face... unless they already drained the missiles of their fuel supply once they realized their situation in order to divert it elsewhere... Imean otherwise the protoculture they had on board would just be destroyed when the station was blown up anyway.
  21. Well true, however Harmony Gold does own the animation so they could use stock footage of VF-1s and the SDF Macross in a new production if they wanted to for flashbacks... but then of course it would look out of place but hey it did in Sentinels too.. But they could call the SDF-1 Zor's fortress. there was another scene that bugged me where the new main pilot was like "it began with the event that brought Robotech to earth" which really didn't explain what that event was... I mean if he had said. "It began when the flagship of the Robotech Master Zor, brought us the secrets of reaching to the stars, it also triggered a series of wars for the secrets of protoculture the fuel source for Robotechnology, with different alien races. First the Masters' servents, a race of giants, came then the Masters themselves, we managed to bravely come out on top in both of those conflicts but finally the Earth fell to the Invid..." Would something like that have violated any BW/SN copywrites... anyway they used the Macross terms in Prelude and they were certainly aware of the court rulings by then. I don't think Big West has a special person reading/or watching everything that comes out of HG, be it a Macross era comic or whatever to make sure they don't tread on anyones toes too much. But sure, even "Zents" would be good... or change the spelling/pronounciation slightly Zentraldi or something... I'm a Macross fan first and formost and I understand Big West's need to protect themselves as much as they can but I'd like to see some kind of more cival arragment between the two companies... but that's not likely.
  22. Okay the flaw was the black holes, which Vince saw with his own eyes already he knew what was comming. The Missiles are huge and slow moving the Haydonites would have seen it comming and not get caught by suprise. The screen caption said "deep space station Liberty" deep space applies way out there, away from any major planetery bodies, but then DS9 was Deep Space too and nex to a big old important planet, but that's neither here nor there since it's another series. So I think that handles all of those arguements.
  23. okay just finnished watching it... and at the risk of being called a lemming, I actually REALLY enjoyed Shadow Chron. Things I was disapointed about, I thought Dana would be Skull Leader from what I had understood from Prelude to Shadow Chron, I guess I misunderstood, but I think it was dilibertly misleading. Where is Dana btw? On the SDF-3? And the one thing that really disapointed me was no, one not even Dana's sister used the word Zentradie, "I'm half alien"... couldn't she say half Zentradie? or are we so desperate to break our ties to Macross that only the last two sagas will be mentioned? What about Janice? Prelude to Shadow Chronicles seemed to support the idea that she was Minmei's singing partner from the Sentinels movie, and the fact that all the songs she sings in the movie are old Minmei songs would seem to lend some credit to to that... but she says she was created in part by the Haydonites who would not have been encountered up to that point... in Shadow Chronicles she switched to a new body which might be the body the Haydonite designed one, and her original body was simply Dr. Langs. So does the Janice entity pre-date the Haydonite treaty? And I guess I didn't fuss too much over the plot holes cause I never saw new generation, I think... as a pilot of a TV series it deffinitly served it's purpose now we have to see if a TV series will ever appear.
  24. Tom and Jerry was voted one of the 100 best anime of all time in Japan... incedently it was the only non-Japanese show to make the list. I just picked up Shadow Chron but I'll have to wait for about 7 more hrs till I get home from work to watch it.
  25. Well the 3D graphics wern't the only addition to the DC version were they? My friend has the PS version and told me that it didn't have combo attacks like Nu Gundam and Sazabi's "Twin Funnel Attack" even though deffinitly by the PS2 era that kind of thing had become a halmark of the SRW series. Anyway without the DC version I never would have got into SRW, I had seen a little bit of it over at my friends place, but it wasn't until I walked in the store and went "ooh gunbuster, Skull 01, Eva... me wants~". Anyway I just think watching Gunbuster Super Inzsuma Kick Bodolza's fortress makes the game worth while. Oh my friend also said there was no vocal track for Ai Oboeteimasuka in the PS1 version is this true? cause that made that battle, (though if you felt like destroying every Zen unit before taking out Bodolza it got repetitive.)
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