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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Hikaru and Minmay are at a burger a shop, a fan spots them and comes over to get her autograph, then they run away. Actually in DYRL it's implied that the Macross is a Meltradie vessel, that's why Breetai is suprised to find out it isn't at the beggining. Anyway I think the ship of the Alus thing was more of a self fulfilled prophecy... Ishtar thought Earth was the world of the Alus cause she liked it and wanted to believe that Macross was the ship of the Alus, so she ended up making it become the Ship of the Alus. remember Ingueous doesn't think that Earth has the Alus until after Ishtar returns contaminated. at it was ultimately Ishtar and not the Macross that won the battle.
  2. Apparantly I'm the only one here who will say Minmay, Misa just isn't my type.
  3. I dunno been a long time since I saw it... but I do remember Isamu destroying the computer core as you say then the Macross falling out of the sky. Macross II might had had space colonies beyond just the Solar System... they do imply they are on other planets then just the Earth and Moon... it might just be they wern't relevent to the story so they wern't mentioned. But anyways Ishtar still reminds me of Musica (forget her OSM name) from SDC: Southren Cross.
  4. To me the way they handled Music in the series. There's the Emulator who controls the clones with her singing and she comes falls in love with an Earth Man, and learns about earth culture and music. Returns to the fleet fails to sing the songs she was instructed too... this spreads amongst the culture, the contaminated clones are destroyed. And so on... To me it seemed a lot like Southren Cross and more so like Robotech: Masters. It's not a huge similarity but it's not a small one either.
  5. It wasn't the fans in the short Fetaruette "Macross a Future Chronicle" which was released with the first episode of Macross Plus in Japan it established the time line and Macross II's AU status. <blockquote>"New" songs appearing in chronologically earlier Mac Plus? That would be a continuity problem in Mac Plus not Mac II.</quote> I think using the Macross II songs in Plus and 7 was a dilberate way of devaluing II and saving something from the production. Also remember the Macross is pretty much destroyed in Macross Plus, I don't think it would be reasonable that it got rebuilt for a third time for Macross II. I like Macross II... but that's just the way it is. It also borrowed to much of it's story from SDC: Southren Cross IMO.
  6. I belive also the Tales of the Jedi comics, since Lucas helped with those. Star Wars actually has different levels of cannon for the EU stuff.
  7. umm... or because they're looking for a girl?
  8. I think you're probably thinking of Rumiko Takahashi creator of Ranma and Inuyasha as the one who can't finnish her work.... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ople.php?id=149 Kumiko mostly seems to be staff on animation projects not a storyteller in her own right. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...eople.php?id=11
  9. It's been too long since I watched Eva so I don't remember which angel it was... but I like the "Both of you dance like you want to win" fight.
  10. Good to know, I didn't know it was officially available in english cause I only knew the Japanese title.
  11. umm nope. As you can see here it's Kotetsu no Girlfriend 2 or Iron Maiden 2. I know about the Sega Saturn dating sim Kotetsu no Girlfriend... and the PS2 game Kotetsu no Girlfriend 2. However the manga isn't at all like either... and yes this is an official manga. Though this image is taken from a Scanlation.
  12. Well that's very much like the Girlfriend of Steel 2 Manga... which follows off from that where all the Children are at school, there's a love polygon with Shinji-Asuka-Rei-Kaworu... it was a very fun read, I have to finnish it sometime. I think this chibi thing won't be like the Girlfriend of Steel 2 Manga though... I'm guessing it'll be more like an SD gundam.
  13. I think a new TV series is needed to bring in new fans. Something that's a sequal but can stand on it's own... like 7.
  14. You mean like almost every other "As Kids" stories; like the muppet babies, ignored the backstory in the Muppet Movie? This is like SD Gundam, it's not supposed to have anything to do with the plot it's just supposed to make more money... oh and hopefully be funny, but mostly make more money. Puchi by the way is a Japanization of Petite.
  15. Seperated at birth? You decide!
  16. Here's a fun Transformers song... not a parody dub like the others but I like it. The ballad of Optimus Prime. http://youtube.com/watch?v=8nST3Yhyi8Y
  17. Huh, This reminds me I'm still looking for the full manga series for Top O Nerae Next Generation.
  18. But sony said no rumble function cause it didn't work with the motion sensor function.
  19. Well Lois and Clark made several Batman references, and the Batman movies too... but yeah I agree it can be too much. But I'd like to see the Female Doctor Light if they do do it.
  20. I'm trying to find information on this toyline now... I love steampunk, and the idea of doing Mazinger steampunk style would be awesome... but I'm having trouble googling up any info on it. Anyone got a link?
  21. Probably... Feature length can mean anywhere between 60 minutes to 3 hrs +. Shadow Chron at 88 min was feature length. Says so on the DVD.
  22. According to Tommy et all they didn't like the deals they got from the TV series so wanted to create their movie first and see if they got less restrictive deals after. hmm.. that design might be too Macross fro the new robotech, sorry.
  23. I deffinitly want to get the whole production series and the movie Unit 02. The Convoy/Prime is for sale at my friend's hobby shop now so I'll pick that up soon and add it to my prime collection.
  24. Sequal has been green-lit, I repeate, we have a go. http://news.toonzone.net/article.php?ID=15442 And wow I usually agree with A7's reviews.
  25. Actually Roy I don't think any work has been done on it yet. This was a product to gauge interest in a bigger project, so in other words if it dosn't sell well they won't bother starting to work on something. But on the other hand I don't think it'll take long for HG to pimp out a sequal if they do decide on it. I mean the design work and modeling is already done all they have to do is the actual animation. Anyway I think it will happen. Did HG make some questionable buisness decisions? as a Buisness student I'm inclined to say yes, but I'm not counting them out just yet.
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