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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I dunno, maybe it's cause I was teen when I read it but I recal it being fairly mature and well thought out (before it devolved into a huge mess in the third book). But again it's been, like 6 or 7 years since I read it, though if you only read the first one I could see why you'd think it. The second... and most of the third is a lot better.
  2. My friend's store finally got the Bome Noriko in stock, I'll be picking it up on Thursday.
  3. I don't know how many people here read these books, I read His Dark Materials back in high school at the suggestion of a good friend. And while I don't read too many fantasy novels this one is deffenitly on my good list, anyway for those of you who don't know, a few years ago when this movie project started they said they'd take out a lot of the "anti-christian" themes and such... so I don't know how far they'll go with that, but it'll probably weaken the movie series. The Trailer looks kinda cool though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_WDOnhE7u8
  4. I didn't know Kawamori wrote a Macross Manga... let alone a Robotech one.
  5. My favorite'est Video Game fanchise is coming to DS... that's right Sakura Taisen DS. http://www.dsfanboy.com/2007/05/15/ds-to-r...-sakura-taisen/ <----story here and also at my own Sakura Taisen fansite http://members.shaw.ca/lord_breetai/sakura/
  6. Yes, that's why I said it was better then the anime.
  7. Hmm... but Macross II was also 超時空è¦å¡ž, you should be able to get Macross Plus and 7 music by searching for "Ma".
  8. I don't think Sailor Moon was ment to be bad... nor was it bad. It was just a fun little fantasy/adventure/romance series, that was actually really well done. Better then the anime in most respects, almost as fun to watch as the Sailor Moon musicals. And the same for Cutie Honey... I don't think it was meant to be bad... just fun and light-hearted and that's what it was.
  9. I sang "Dynamite Explosion" at the upstairs party room in a restaraunt called Korean Village... or I tried too. While they have Japanese songs some of their Japanese songs have Korean lyrics instead of the real Japanese lyrics. I can read Japanese, I can't read Korean... so I was thrown off.
  10. Cause she's a rebuilt version of a dead girl... so it's the girl's uncle.
  11. I would like any and all inbit mecha.
  12. "They want you... They want you... They want you as the new recruit"
  13. "Claudia you see that porn you found in my apartment wasn't mine... *points* It was his!"
  14. Huh, I'm confused... Amanda was her hottest with the short white hair... and she was still pretty feminine in Raven. I think she had a pretty nice balance there, she was a bit tomboyish but still had a lot of class. It's not like she was totally butch. And I agree Raven just had too much of a rocky start, but did get good towards the end.
  15. Wow that's sweet I'd love to paint that kit .
  16. Transformers has also gone through hot and cold periods. It hasn't been solid transformers for years and years. There was the G1 toyline.. then nothing for a few years then the G2 toyline then nothing then the Beast Wars toyline then nothing then RID, Armada, Energon, Cybertron... Also you got to understand a lot of the people buying Star Wars and Transformers are adults with larger disposible incomes, which makes milking more expensive peices like Unicron and Primus possible. Gundam's market would also include a lot of adults but it's a sub-market of a sub-market where Star Wars is as mainstream as Scifi can get.
  17. Well I have a friend who claims that he used to own a Prototype G1 Unicron... and he's sticking to that story.
  18. They also showed up in an issue of the Dreamwave comics IIRC. I loved the shark and the squid when I was little.
  19. I just realized another difference we briefly see Lex Luthor and he's bald... when Lex Luthor was in his clone body with the red hair and beard at this time, he didn't go bald again till later.
  20. Yeah I hope so... but he dosn't look like Eradicator, no glasses and just a normal superman outfit. I agree though his powers seem like Eradicator's. But I doubt they can just leave Hank Henshaw out either, they probably didn't want to show us the Cyborg and leave it for a suprise. Though explaning his whole backstory would take a little bit of work.
  21. DC no longer has the rights to the name Superboy thanks to a lawsuit by Superboy's creator's estate (one of the two co-creators of Superman I think it was Schuster but it could be Seigel I'd have to google it), so I highly doubt he would be in it. I don't know if that gun popping superman was Eradicator (the last son you mentioned) or if he was Hank Henshaw (Cyborg) I hope he wasn't Hank... but he looked identical to superman so he could be either. Matrix supergirl was retconned out of existance in Infinite Crisis, Kara Zor-El is now the only Supergirl unless you count Kara Zor-L/Karen Powergirl. So if one shows up it'll be her.
  22. hmm looks like they're including the Reign of the Supermen as well... Which they'll really have to shorten for it to fit on the same movie. This is going to be more like Doomsday and Beyond then Death and Life... the two novelizations of the event.
  23. the trailer for episodes 3 and 4 are out...
  24. Lord_Breetai from edmonton here... I know people on Bioware's writing staff... time to stalk them and torture them for information. I'm just kidding.
  25. Well I knew there was a thread for Highlander Vengence but I didn't see one for source sorry... I guess this thread can be closed.
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