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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Music is the one thing I liked about Aim for the Top! 2, cause it was again done by Tanaka Kohei who did both Aim For the Top! and my favorite video game franchise Sakura Taisen (and a lot of other great shows like Gundam 08th MS Team). So, yeah I'd agree with you there.
  2. Again why did they put the Double Buster Collider in the Gunbuster when the only time it would come to play is if they were both directly above and directly low a Space Monster, a situation very unlikely in real combat... and when they did not know there was a Space Monster that attacked in just such a way. (the whole scene being a joke on such Deus Ex Devices). But even then you site that Macross mentions some real phsyics... big whop, we still see them treating constant thrust as constant velocity, because it's more exciting to have the thrusters glowing then have them dead. The only scifi anime that as far as I watched was totally realistic on space travel was Starship Operators, but I only saw the first episode or so... so I wouldn't be suprised if it even screwed up.
  3. 1) That's Real Physics... this is anime 2) By Gunship do you mean Battle 7's gunpod/Macross cannon? I wouldn't call it it's own ship. 3) I still think in terms of animation design it was to make it the same size as the bigger Protodevelin, and I'm reminded of Gunbuster... in Episode 5 there's one part where Noriko and Kimiko discuss the fact that the space Monster that just attacked them and was squishing them was something totally unknown and unexpected then they used the Double Buster Collider an attack that only makes sense for that exact situation.
  4. Not Neccisarily... sometimes the anniversary projects like this are delayed, remember Robotech the Shadow Chronicles was supposed to be out for Robotech's 20th anniversary. And there are more reputable examples and examples from Japanese companies as well... sometimes they come out in the next year cause they're still celebrating the anniversary then. Or sometimes companies have things like "Project 2000" but the tail end of project 2000 comes out in 2001. Stuff like that. I think it'll come out in October when the original Macross did though, to be a true 25th anniversary.
  5. Mari Iijima composed Tenshi No Enogude or Angel's Paint herself... she composed several other of Minmay's songs. I think Haneda did compose Ai Oboeteimasuka though.
  6. Well in robot mode it is about the same size as some of the larger Protodevelin... which is I think in design purposes intentional although obviously in story purposes not so.
  7. 48 hours have passed so it's free-for-all. Since Aim for the Top! Gunbuster questions are popular In Episode 5 we see three anime movie posters in Noriko's room, name the one that is not for a Miyazaki film.
  8. You know it's funny when people say something like this, considering in Japan they release 1 episode per a disc (sometimes two) usually and it costs a lot more money then what the whole collection will cost here. We've got it easy.
  9. Okay finally got the DVD release... I have to say the BGM swap did irk me... and not just because I missed the original music the theme they did use is so ingrained in me for other purposes after years of playing SRW games and of course the Gunbuster PS2 game it just feels out of place there. Really the only industry person I'd want to know the opinion of on this is Tanaka Kouhei, how does he feel? I remeber in the Sakura Taisen OVA2 interview he said sometimes it's embarassing how they arrange his stuff for anime when he dosn't know for sure how the music is going to be used... So I want to know if he finds that embarassing.
  10. Most of those images are lifted straight from the Dreamwave comics.
  11. DHL is correct I was rewatching Eva and realized there is a ton of DHL product placement, lots of DHL trucks and packages all over the place.
  12. Well even the Koubu's had more then spacious cockpits, especially the huge two seater mech that oogami got at the end of ST4. in STV when it's in flight mode, the Star is more conventionally controlled.
  13. http://www.hobby-wave.com/LINE_UP/kit/saku...5_02/index.html http://www.hobby-wave.com/LINE_UP/kit/saku...5_01/index.html These things are just pure coolness... I always thought they were kind of like steam punk valkyries. I deffenitly want at least the Rodeo-Star.
  14. Thanks, I just happened to be looking it up on the Anime Encyclopedia and saw that, really thought it was a stupid movie. In Evangelion what real life shipping company did Asuka use to ship her possesions to Misato's place?
  15. What is Demon City Shinjuku? (I Hate that show).
  16. The Snes game was pretty awesome though.
  17. I know it's one of two... But I can't quite remember. I'm going to say Van Halen. If it's not him... then it's the other one I'm thinking of.
  18. I got the Bome Noriko today... she looks quite cute on my shelf.
  19. That was fast, your turn.
  20. Okay... easy one then. In Lucky Star what Shampoo Brand's commercials does Konota reference?
  21. Cosplay as Sailor Moon characters, the inner senshi and Tuxedo Mask. (The Outer senshi wern't around yet). This lesson was filmed 6 years after the original Gunbuster, Gunbuster predates Sailor Moon by a number of years itself.
  22. The only Alternate Universe Gundam I enjoyed was G Gundam... and cause it's the only one that isn't just a total rehash of what's already in UC. Not Universal Century = Not a good gundam.
  23. hmmm I always thought Anima Spirita was like the "chosen one" almost, his spirital aura had a special quality. and I also thought that it was some how implied Minmay was Anima Spirtia as well... or probably is cause she never met a Protodevelin to ask. So while Mylene's song energy can affect things, and even the Jamming Birds can to a limited extent, Basara has more/purer Spirtia then anyone else.
  24. that's awesome. I really like that song... and the cosplay was actually pretty decent.
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