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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. FIXED! Actually it all comes form the Starship Troopers novel... And you can't really tell a movie from the Aliens side... it would be like, "yes the food comes! The food lets get it! Let's eat this one, and lay an egg in this one, yeah!"
  2. www.slusho.jp the word Slusho shows up several times in the trailer... so this site is probably involved.
  3. Except it's Abrams... who after Lost and Alias (I'll admit I don't like lost but still) has proven he can captivate audiences. Yeah it's a new kind of marketing, and in some ways it's kind of like Blair Witch... but I think this will actually be watchable, unlike blair witch.
  4. The original Trilogy yes... he originally submitted it was one big movie, but it was too long so he broke up and expanded on the first act. And judging by the fact that the Episode IV was added in pretty soon after the original release, it's rather obvious that he planned on 6 parts by the time he got to Empire. But obviously he didn't put too much thought into the first three at that time (yeah they'll be about Luke's dad turning evil. yeah!) but I doubt there was much more then that... with the contraditions retcons and barely patched together explanations... but the original trilogy... of course he planned that.
  5. They have this debate in Scream 2... Empire Strikes Back dosn't count because it was "part of a trilogy complete and planned" edit: sorry for the double post.
  6. Well Devestator is a tank in this so oh well for that idea. I doubt there will be gestalts as long as Bay stays at the healm. Megatron can be replaced... either he gets reformed by the allspark and powered up to Galvatron... Shockwave comes in to replace him... Bludgeon Scorpanok Or any of the other Decepticon on Destron leaders, there's more to draw on.
  7. Now this is interesting... http://www.cloverfieldmovie.com/ it exits but there's just a blankpage... nothing hidden in the source code... no source code at all infact. but it it didn't return that the page dosn't exist, so someone owns it. Official? or not... who knows.
  8. I think the funniest thing about this was listening to the reactions in the threatre. "that looks fracking cool" "what's it called, I didn't see what it was called" "it was Bad Robot didn't you see?" "No I think Bad Robot is the production company" "No man the movie has to be called Bad Robot, I didn't see another title" it was Funny as all heck.
  9. but given the rest of the art, it wouldn't feel out of place if they did make it a Robotech game... It looks/feels like Shadow Chron to me. I know that's not going to happen though.
  10. Actually I think it's more visual novel, then dating sim. But what's wrong with dating sim and mecha? It worked for Sakura Taisen! But it more reminds me of Super Robot Wars... dosn't look very dating sim-like just in between story things. Nope this is the PS3... Region coding exists but is strictly optional, so probably you'll be okay.
  11. http://rpgfan.com/news/2007/1212.html Now Harmony gold needs to bring it over as Robotech the Untold Story the game! Actually... just kidding. Still this could be cool.
  12. It could always be both! those are obviously art books scans though but that dosn't mean it isn't in a video game. There are lots of Gainax crossover games, like Gainax Majhong and stuff.
  13. It's going to be here in Edmonton during our big summer festival Capital Ex (used to be called Klondike days), deciding if I'll go.
  14. If I havn't seen it, it's new to me.
  15. Space Whales are Aliens... Nothing says the Protoculture made them.
  16. What time period is this alternate history? Be it steampunk?
  17. This is getting a ton of news coverage here in Edmonton cause Benoit grew up here, my brother and one of my best friends used to work at a the gas station that Benoit would come to fill up at, and my friend met Benoit on many other circumstances. By all accounts he was a very good man, and very loving towards his family, so who knows what triggered this awful ending... it's hard to believe it could be steroids alone. Obviously what Benoit did was horrible, but who knows what led up to it. Simply shocking. The WWE by the way was going to come here to Edmonton next month, they are postponing this stop on their tour out of respect for Benoit's strong connection to Edmonton.
  18. Honestly I think the fact that they avoided saying what the event that brought Robotechnology to earth, in the opening dialouge was... or the fact that they wouldn't say half zentradie but rather said half alien, are a lot more telling. I mean Harmony Gold didn't even say, "it all began when zor's spaceship crashed onto he earth and brough wtih it robotechnology"... they just said "it all happened with the single event that brought robotechnology to earth" and didn't explain it... like they were afraid to even mention Macross in a way that could have easily been totally un-macross.
  19. Minmay is the crux of the main battle in Macross... Hikaru get's knocked out and then goes down to Earth and rescues Misa which does nothing for the war effort, He does nothing in the battle against Bodolza (movie version aside here). Anyway I think the most powerful image in the opening if we were to go by that, is when we see all of Firebomber's faces then all of the City/Military elites then we see Mylene, almost implying that she is in the middle. Also I would be really suprised if Basara has all that much more screen time then Mylene if you discount Dynamite, Encore and the Movie. Mylene is the character who all the drama and conflict is generated.
  20. Uh yeah, of course he's there right from the Start telling Basara to shut up... we just don't see him in a non-military capacity for several episodes.
  21. Not to mention the Reconstruction episodes kind of covered that already... and Robotech Universe dealt with it a lot.
  22. I'm not fond of it... I'm saying that's anime they always seem to just have the perfect solution for anything... well that's true for any movie. It's not any more Deus Ex then just randomly finding out the Macross's components can move around and reconfigure when it was never ment to why can it... there has to be an easier way to fix the circut. Anyway... I hope it's not too much of a "boo hoo, I'm a discriminated Zentradie, feel for me!" there's enough stuff like that out there. You want to see Macross with racial overtones... watch Exosquad. I mean the discrimination thing can be done well (as in Exosquad), but I dunno... if it's the whole focus of the series I don't think it'll be all that great.
  23. Oh cool so it's kinda like the Kodomo no Omocha OVA as compared to that series, I'll deffenitly download it and check it out when I get home.
  24. I agree that the characters fit into certain Archetypes but they don't feel like cardboard cut outs, (at least Mylene doesn't)... I guess Gamlin and Basara do I'll be honest there. Mylene seemed to get a lot more screen time then Basara in the early episodes and was through her that most of the conflict was revealed, she was the only one who regularly talked to all three of the major parties involved (the Mayor's office, the Battle 7 Command and of course Fire Bomber). She was stuck in the middle of Military vs Politics, Max and Millia's arguing and everything else. So while she was deffenitly eye candy, she along with Ray were the most human characters in the show, (Well Max, Millia and Exedore aswell but of course they're not new characters). Bottom line there is no story without Mylene.
  25. Tenshi no Enogude is my favourite Mari song aswell... I wouldn't say that she dosn't have any other songs on the same calibur though, she has a lot of great songs. Her style now is a lot less peppy then when she was a 20 something though. Still Tenshi always makes me feel better when I'm depressed.
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