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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. The Beast wars one was like a folding out planet... but looked a lot more menacing. http://www.bwtf.com/bwneo/toys/unicron/robotmode.jpg It's actually Beast Wars NEO
  2. Rabbit with sharp pointy teeth! Oh wait I think I misunderstood the thread...
  3. Choosing just 5 is too hard but I'll try and list some favourites (excluding Macross per the rules) TV Robotech Rose of Versailles Shoujo Kakumei Utena Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Fushigi Yuugi Kodocha Lucky Star Neon Genesis Evangelion Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam Dang already way more then 5 and there's still more I could put oh well on to OVA Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Sakura Taisen OVA Series 1, 2, 4, and 5 (yes series 3 was total crap) Oh My Goddess Movie Adolesense of Utena End of Evangelion Oh My Goddess Gall Force Whisper of the Heart Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Laputa Castle in the Sky Monoke-Hime Lupin the 3rd in the Castle of Cagliostro Kiki's Dilevery Service Spirited Away Porcorosso Pom Poko
  4. Just downloaded it... not sure if I got the workprint or the tv broadcast but the narration and text at the start bugged me... Immortals 1. Can only die by having their heads severed 2. Get stronger by killing other Immortals 3. Can not have children... That was just bleh... thanks for telling us, okay shut up about how you love Mcloud and havn't seen him in months and the world's hell and everything. Didn't get much farther then that. "Methos, the planets have moved out of their orbits and are aligning" "oh that's just orbital wobble" "orbital wobble dosn't even cover it!" Ah Classic. maybe I'll watch the rest later.
  5. The simple answer is to ignore all the movies including the first one and just watch the TV show.
  6. Blitzwing from Transformers would be up there Blitzwing... good on the ground and in the air.
  7. Not so sure about that... if any of you bothered to read the credits for Shadow Chronicles they gave design credits to Yoshitaka Amano and the other MOSPEADA designers... and credit for other things as well. To all those who say this is going to be the Macross-saga with Invid, not bloodly likely. I think the Expidition would still make the best movie for the general public, piss of the least ammount of fans and be one of the few possible ways to make this owrk in the frame work of continuity.
  8. Actually I think the REF idea could be highly possible, and we don't know how much control HG has over this... but It would certainly tie into the Shadow Chron story arc and give sentinels fans what they're after. They can skirt most of the Macross-issues and give Sent fans what they want. Plus it gives them a ton of freedom in the story department, aside from the fact that certain characters have to come out alive, we can have almost any story imaginable. Plus focusing on the Sent characters (Jack Baker, Karen Penn et all) would allow Hollywood to introduce us to the characters without fans getting bored. And it wouldn't be too hard to explain the story thus far to new people, who might not even realize that stories based of an existing product.
  9. About designs... one thing to consider. Harmony Gold might not have enough money to bring BW to the bargaining table to talk about leasing/selling the designs for domestic use. But WB? Yeah I think they might be able to do it, that could be the best thing to come out of this for Robotech fans...
  10. I prefer to watch a show raw if it's anywhere near my Japanese comprehension level (which a lot of anime is so there ;p). If it's too hard for me to follow raw I watch subbed, but I don't even have to try and read the subs, my peripheral vision is good enough that I take the whole image subs and all in.
  11. Most... (but not all) of the songs on the list are what I'd call true anime songs, being that they are music composed specifically for that animation and not some random pop groups song that gets slapped on to the opening. I much prefer the former and miss the 80s and 70s where all the theme songs were actually about the anime. Majin GO! Majin GO! Majinger ZED!
  12. Yess, we know that Yellow's comment was that it could just have easily been PS2 cause it's not all that cutting edge. Still I'm looking forward to playing it.
  13. Hey Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan did fairly well 59th place... I'm kinda suprised it was that low... but not bad at all.
  14. Forget that... go to live action and we've got Kamen Rider, Ultraman and the Super Sentai series... those are the ultimate in Japanese shows for marketing toys to the kiddies... reboot the series every year. Gundam would be about the same only with a slightly older target base. I like Ultraman though.
  15. Actually there isn't that much Kanji in this game... so it should be pretty easy to read, I'm also betting there will be lots of voice as well so it shouldn't be a concern. Seems easier to read then the story parts of a Super Robot Wars game. Reminds me of Sakura Taisen... I'll get it!
  16. I don't think so Rifts is a Brilliant setting with an excellent story. The only problem is Palladium's mechanics are a little wonky. Still I like playing it now and again, but I'm not much of an RPer these days. Anyway I used to play magic but since I never played tournaments I didn't worry about Type 1 or Type 2 decks and what was legal and what was not. I think Wizkids is a little saner for that with Heroclix... a little...
  17. Isn't it obvious they are setting it on present day earth to make it more accesible to people who live in Present day earth, do not like scifi movies and could care less about Alien or aliens... kinda like when they made Amanda more of the secondary character in the early episodes of Raven cause an Immortal lead would alienate the mortal, non-scifi/fantasy loving american public. It misses the whole point, but hey. I'll reserve judgement on this movie till I see it.
  18. So it's kind of a Jetfire situation... except with out HG to breathe down their necks and tell them "no!"?
  19. Trying to convince my girlfriend to give Alien and Aliens a try... but she really dosn't wanna watch them cause she hated AVP with a passion, and no matter how I try to convince her she thinks any of the Alien or Predator movies will be the same.
  20. Well... they didn't put them in the comics or anything. It's pretty much the same when Hasbro made the "animorphs" part of the Transformers line... it was kind of cheezy but a way they could increase sales I guess. meh
  21. But they also made fun of Marvel's overuse of Wolverine, X-men 1, "why do you assume I want you" X-men 2 "You think everything's about you don't you?" Both lines spoken by Magneto to Wolverine... slightly paraphrased. anyway I don't like that idea, no Snakes for main character.
  22. South Africa has lots of white people... so you could shoot white South African zombies.
  23. Really was Die-Hard Gamefan always that way? I remember picking up a few issues and them being quite enjoyable, like Cerberus' review of Macross Digital Mission VF-X2. Anyway, there also used to be another one called PC Accelerator (at least thats what I think it was called)... it was like the maxim of video game magazines sexist, over the top.. and they even had a special issue about drinking and driving games... where they played a bunch of driving games, got tanked and played a bunch more driving games. It was so much fun to make fun of.
  24. Not sure about that... cause it could just be a generalization, Russian = Soviet (including East Germany/East Berlin), also they might have just used that now since the USSR dosn't exist anymore it might have been easier for younger people to understand if they said Russia. Also saying USSR really dates it, so I dunno. I think with her name, a german background would be more likely.
  25. For me it's Storm Shadow, Hawk and Serpentor. Snake-eyes dosn't even rank, though CC would be somewhere on there. Anyway can anything Hollywood dish-out be worse then Sgt Savage and the Screaming Eagles (cause wouldn't it be cool if captain america was part of the GI Joe team?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-zGyBq8qTo or GI Joe Extreme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE61G6kV3OU hmm... I admit I watched both of them (well was there more then the one ep for Savage that came with the figure?), but yeah... anything Hollywood does has to be better then that. (at least Savage had General Hawk).
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