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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. True... but they'd have to rename it at the very least and still probably need to make a few changes. Usually a commercial parody tweaks everything a little bit... there's no hard and fast rules about when something becomes safe and a big company might try to bully a little company if they don't find the parody flattering... so it's really hard to say. Still I don't see this getting put on TV.
  2. Cool I actually liked Robotech the Untold Story, (and Sentinels as well) so I look forward to it. much better use of time then ragging on Codename Robotech which wasn't worth discussing as it was just a promo peice and not a real movie.
  3. Wouldn't not being a cartoon disqualify it, even if it wasn't for the copyright problems?
  4. I havn't bought the Gattai movie yet, but I can imagine, Noriko Hidaka is also one of the main voice actors in Sakura Taisen (voicing Erica Fontaine) and even though I had seen the Seiyuu's name in both places I didn't make the connection till just recently because they sound like two different people even in interviews. It's kind of shocking. I wasn't planning on getting the movie, but now I want to. BTW I like the shirt concepts but your images are kinda pixelated or is that just me?
  5. is the space booster removable?
  6. It's weird... there's no special sales after Canadian Thanksgiving in Canada... in Edmonton where I live "Black Friday" is the anniversary of a major Tornado that hit in July some 20 years back. But I guess I should check out the online deals.
  7. Well again from what Tommy said I think this was something unreleased that Tatsunoko gave HG, and hasn't been published but I could be wrong.
  8. 1st Border Red Devil: At least when I was in talkshoe Tommy said they would not release it to the public until such time that they used it themselves for a toy, as it would be "irresponsible" to do so as... someone else might make a toy of it and steal their profits. If they loaned it to Palladium I doubt it'll appear in it's full forum in the RPG. Anyway definitely interested in this project.
  9. Kinda sad, my GF and I went over to a friend of hers house today and since he liked anime and I was in the mood to watch it I brought over my Gunbuster DVDs... but everyone there decided that it was the most boring thing they'd ever seen, after less then half the episode.
  10. answer because it's not even a video... it's an animated gif as seen here http://content.ytmnd.com/content/0/b/0/0b0...0cfeea1a033.gif and they have an mp3 playing at the same time as the gif.
  11. I'm probably going to be tarred and feathered for saying this... but that last shot of the Valkyrie firing it's missiles... really reminds me of Shadow Chron. Still this is much cooler then Shadow Chron (and I liked SC).
  12. really just checked mine it's been deactivated do to inactivity.
  13. True... This is Shoji, "Hikaru, Misa, Minmay their story is done, nobody cares what happened to the Megaroad anyway" MW, "we want megaroad, we want megaroad" Shoji, "yep, nobody cares... not me, not the fans... nobody. Hell I wouldn't be making more macross if I didn't get blackmailed into it with Plus." But... a Macross 7 fan can dream...
  14. He has total control of our Geocities page
  15. You've never heard of bands getting back together? Besides there was no real reason for them to stay split that came up in Dynamite other then Basara wanted to follow some whales around.
  16. See what happened was... when the UNS went for it's last Super Robot Wars outing back in Alpha 3, they decided to participate in a "bad guy" exchange program and brought Gunbuster's Uchuu Kaiju home with them... and the Uchuu Kaiju are now appearing in Macross F. Seriously though... I want supervision army, but the show looks cool none the less. Edit: Keith, I want to see Fire bomber as the band that's come back together and is still strong, hot and sexy after over 20 years together. Fire Bomber is the new rolling stones... (except you know all the members are sexy).
  17. At least for myself I'm just looking at the pictures, I havn't had time to sit down with a Kanji dictionary and read the article (must learn more kanji!). I was just talking about general ideas... but if it is the "main fighter" then I still predict we'll get a mid-series power up or something... like the VF-11 was the main figher of the Macross 7 fleet until later in the series, there will be some kind of upgrade part way through. but not in the dramatic Super Robot sense.
  18. Shin Gata means new forum or new type of, but that could be reffering to things from a real worl perspective as well... otherwise even if it is a brand new mech in the Macross universe it still might be the flight school's mech and not have official military isgnia to desginate it as a training mech. But the UNS could also change their logo or update it.
  19. Finally got around to watching part 5. "Sonic what now? Sega's down the street" Actually Capcom's headquarters is in Osaka and Sega's is in Ginza Tokyo... hardly down the street but funny none the less.
  20. How about Kirsten Dunst died as a red-head as scarlet.
  21. I don't know what you guys were expecting really... a lot of people on other forums are really enjoying this. If you expected a great drama this isn't going to be it. If you're looking for a show with good fights and a little bit of kink, cuteness and humor this is for you. just finished episode 5... that was really interesting, almost no screen time for Honey... but Sister Miki is just flipping Psycho, and I like the new ending theme. just noticed Sister Miki has a Spade on her butt where CH has a heart. So is each of the three honeys going to be represented by different "suit" in a deck of cards... and who then will be the last one?
  22. The movie needs Sgt Slaughter as himself, he's still in great shape (still wrestles from time to time)... and I think he could pull it off with some hair dye. Go Slaughter!
  23. Have to agree here, most of the haters I see here don't seem to know anything about RAH... like my brother was watching Glen n Beck cause he likes that guy and he was talking about how the action figures were patterned on a real World War Hero and how making HIM into a UN guy was ruining an american icon. All the while they were playing a clip from Arise, Serpentor Arise! When Beachhead contronts the Baroness at Vlad Tepes tomb. So what gets me is I don't think Glenn Beck knew anything about RAH, he certainly didn't seem too. *edit* okay I should have read the rest of the thread before I commented, I guess he does know what it is.
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