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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Christopher Tolkien has found otheways to cash in on his Father's work though... And I thought that one of the two game licenses did go back to the Tolkien estate, cause there was the movie licnese and the book licenese... and I thought they got money for the Book licenese and book based video games that wern't connected to the movie... no?
  2. I know it's only referenced but he does tell Bilbo about going into the Necromancer's Dungeon (mind you it's been years since I read the book) I'm just saying they could develop that into something, I mean the adventures of Gandalf would be awesome.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXWqooEtqEc&feature=bz301 I have to see this movie... so much corny goodness.
  4. Well Gandolf gets captured by the Necromancer (Sauron in disguise) during the Hobbit... but I think the sequel is supposed to focus more on the LOTR characters.
  5. No the way I hear it, it's going to be set between Hobbit and LOTR... but we'll see what happens with that.
  6. Oh I know that... I'd love to do a fandub to recreate the project as intended. But as the movie stands it doesn't make so much sense for everyone to be like "OMFG it's a giant robot"
  7. okay I'll see if I've got room to host it... if so I'd only keep it on there for about a week so anyone who wants it would have to be ready for it.
  8. Very nice review... again I actually like this movie, I don't know why. But there's stuff I wish you had mentioned, like the fact that Megazone 23 the original the whole earth wasn't recreated on the ship, but only Tokyo and if you left Tokyo you were brainwashed into thinking you had left the city, which always begged the question where do Gaijin come from? Also because it was supposed to be an exact recreation of Tokyo, every location in the movie was real, from the Hard Rock Cafe in Roppongi to the McDonalds Shogo worked at, every location was rendered as exactly as possible. Now onto Robotech, when you talked about shows getting patched together and cutting to different shows in the same episode, I recommend Macron-1 cause it's exactly that, as well as Captain Harlock and the Queen of the Thousand Years. Edit: with the "force is with you suckers" I actually respect that, because they're telling us they admit the movie ripped off star wars. "This reminds me of an old movie Becky made me watch. What was that line again?" is what he says before that line. Also, I always wondered why people were so surprised about transforming giant robots in RT:TUS like everyone's like "oh my god this bike is like something out of a scifi film", when in the context of Southern Cross people should be used to giant robots which have been around for 20 years now, and are an ever present reality in the feudal society that earth had devolved into after Macross. But no, everyone's like "oh my god there's a giant robot!" And yes every vehicle including the civilian vehicles in SC are hover vehicles in monument city... are we supposed to believe that Tokyo is now the last place on earth to get new technology? And how can the Global Dollar drop in value, if it's the only currency? (said on a news report in the background).
  9. So like the logo for the Superman/Batman comics? Does that mean if they DO make a Superman/Batman movie it'll spell the coming of the apocolypse?
  10. Ginrai, how big is it? I might let you put it up on my domain.
  11. She's not only a marine, she's a ninja she strikes and pulls back so fast that she dosn't get any acid on her. *and yes I was waiting for that reply* It's an awesome game it dosn't need logic.
  12. It's an acid resitant katana
  13. oops meant to edit but quoted myself instead... And it's not quite true that RT:TUS was never released, it did get a VHS release in several countries just not the US.
  14. Those were both created for Robotech the Untold Story to give it a more concrete and also happy ending. So there's your answer it was definitely original material for RT:TUS
  15. I frequent a lot of different boards, even host and run one myself. I used to user lord_breetai everywhere now I only use it here and robotech.com I do use MBs while I'm at work between calls.
  16. "Slow down, Sam... sloooooowwww down" "We gotta show this to the sheriff" That said the Pred-planet looks pretty sweet.
  17. I have to agree the name dropping was awesome... I like how Ryu's shouted every Japanese word he said (even though it was only 2 words). And the whole thing with Zangief grossing everyone out. Is it just me or does Bison look like he belongs in a marching band.
  18. Why not? It helped to work things together, and I think in the 80s people still might have had trouble accepting Rolf as Bowie's father, for some reason some americans still seem opposed to interacial marriages. So it just gave us more tie-ins to make the series multi-generational, besides there was a black kid in New Gen who wasn't a Grant right?
  19. You forgot the scene where he was dressed up like a Hitler Youth which is like an evil boyscout . Anyway the slapstick, didn't bother me much but maybe I should rewatch the movies (I've never even seen temple of doom). BTW I thought Howard the Duck was a pretty good adaptation of the Marvel comic.
  20. I have a few friends who are huge Discworld fans and if the displays at book stores are any indication he was huge a few years ago and is still fairly popular in Canada today. I myself never got into his books tried to read the first Discworld novel (the colour of magic) but found it a little dull, but sucks to here about that. Maybe I'll give the books another try.
  21. Petite Girls are better. I don't know if anyone's posted this video in here yet... funny stuff. http://video.scifi.com/player/?id=35344
  22. I've certainly see magazines claim that dubbies outnumber subbies but I don't know for sure... certainly I think there are a lot of dubbies out there. I don't mean to be insulting but I find the A) younger b) less sophistiated and cultured fans tend to prefer dubs, while the more educated people tend to prefer subs. This isn't always the case and there's the occasional dub that I simply love (anything with Patrick Steward and almost anything with Mark Hamill... stupid Laputa dub ><). Really I think dubs could be reserved for TV broadcast shows and theatrical release movies that might be the way to go... because certainly out of the anime movies I've seen in theatres in Canada (Pokemon the Movie, Ghost in the Shell 2, Steamboy, Metropolis, Spirited Away) all but Metropolis and GITS were dubbed and those two had the least number of people attending. But yeah.. stuff that get's shown on YTV like Naruto, Gundam Seed and Death Note? Yeah those can be dubbed but I wouldn't mind if all the straight to DVD stuff was subbed only.
  23. Well it's Tatsunoko who owns the international rights to Macross and gave them to HG... since it's international rights I guess they can't put it in a domestic musuem.
  24. how about offering things that usually arn't covered by the big franchises like more independent and foreign films... Also just some kind of gimmick, like this one chain in my hometown of Edmonton (which is better then March's hometown ), offers free freshly popped popcorn to all the customers... it's just a gimmick sure but it makes them seem more friendly and I go there as opposed to the big chains.
  25. Heh, no I enjoy it cause it's bad and I can take a joke. Listening to Sentinels one now.
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