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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. My school actually looks like a Macross Cannon, though in standby mode rather then fire mode. but yeah, it might just be that retro car designs are the rage in 2059?
  2. I wonder if they'll bring out another videogame where you sleep with chicks after every mission and smoke cigarrets to recharge your life like the old NES Golgo 13 game... that somehow got released here in North America.
  3. My family isn't doing Christmas presents this year, so the only person I exchanged with was my girlfriend, but I havn't got her present yet she has something small for me after work but my big present is still in the mail. She just came back from a trip to Japan but she shipped everything she bought back home, before she left and it hasn't come in the mail yet.
  4. Or you could read it this way. From 2012 Foward these fleets launched from earth. From 2014 foward, these fleets launched from Eden.
  5. I still think that voice coming in to sing the chorus of after Tanaka Ai had finnished singing it speaks volumes to me, about what's going to happen with the series. I really feel we'll get to , it's like . If that happens I can die happy.
  6. Well the music is composed (in the case of the closing theme arranged) by Youko Kanno, who did M+ so that makes sense. And yay! Lord Breetai has a new Breetai Avatar, from MF... ph33r.
  7. Let me count the homages! Did I miss any? the whole episode rocked hard, and the ending sent shivers down my spine... was the last verse taken from Mari's original recording? it kinda sounded like it... but Nakajima Ai, did a great job too. Omg this special rocked
  8. Well it wasn't a form, it was a letter of acceptance there's a difference she likely would have used her "normal" spelling for that. But you know what, it's hilarious, that we debate this when the Japanese fans and the creators really could care less how we render the characters names in our alphabet.
  9. Kristin Kruek is like 1/4 chinese or 1/8th... It's kinda like David C. in Kung-fu... umm he kinda has oriental-ish features.
  10. Good the whole "I'm General Tomohawk, Hawk for short" thing in the early issues of the Devils due comic pissed me off.
  11. That's on tv, this is the internets
  12. Tommy said Minmay was a stage spelling at one point, it's never officially dressed on the website or anything else but staff members have said it.
  13. Yeah I know we don't see the kanji for her name, I'm just saying if we did that's how I'd rank it. Maybe it's a matter of her family having used Minmei and they made her bunny sign and stuff but she just liked the way Minmay looked herself. Still I'd be interested in seeing the Chinese characters for the name... but yeah
  14. I know the legal issue with those characters has been resolved, though has the Hawk thing been taken care of? I still hear Tomohawk going around a lot more then I like. But since then there's been too many projects with Heavy Duty that I think he's the new token black character... though I prefer Roadblock myself.
  15. bzzzt Lynn Minmay appears on her audition letter that Hikaru reads early on... a, legal spelling "Ms. Lynn Minmay" It's a chinese name so really it would need to be written in Chinese letters to be correct, not Japanese Katakana not Roman letters... how it's rendered into Katakana and then how it's rendered into roman letters is a matter of preference more then anything else. One dosn't have to be a legal spelling and one a stage name, that's a concept created for Robotech. Edit: well she was born in Japan so she might have infact been legally registered with the katakana spelling. And Minmei/Minmay would be a Japanization of the original Chinese to start with. But I would rank in order of importance The Chinese writing > The Katakana writing > the Romaji writing unfortunately to my knowledge we don't know her proper... un-japanized Chinese name. though Japanese names are a lot easier to say (though that's probably just cause I'm fairly competent in Japanese but know no Chinese)
  16. Wasn't it cause Roadblock one of the characters who was in legal limbo for a while? and that's why.
  17. Aw come on. "Where there's a whip there's a way" remember that. "You are standing in the eye of the storm move an inch, and you'll be dead you are standing underneath the tower of the teeth and the eye blazes red. Win the battle, loose the war a choice of evils lyes before your feet! Retreat, Retreat, Retreat!" Yes I watched all three animated movies too much as a kid.
  18. Well it also makes sense in that Arnie was an older model form the later terminators... older means bulkier.
  19. But if you do that then how will they make an Evil Dead 4/Army of Darkness II?
  20. I know... I have the second issue of the comic with the Dirty Pair thing and I have the movie... but still it meant the authors of the comics realized what a rip off that final scene was, and decided to make it even more so. I still respect that.
  21. kinda want both.
  22. not available in Canada... otherwise I'd get Summer as the borg queen!
  23. Oh and I'd keep Mark as Rick's cousin just because it gives him a personal interest into finding out what happened to Macross Island.
  24. One of th Watchkowski siblings is transgendered? Cool, I didn't know that.
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