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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. well he wouldn't do the whole thing... he'd only help me when I get suck... but sure I'll take a crack at it tomorrow, if you haven't already done so.
  2. Sorry, I missed your post ^^; sorry.
  3. mentioned this in the other thread... but this is about at my Japanese level and I've got a fluent friend who likes Macross... we can help with the translation is ackem dosn't want to do all of it. *might just do my own scanlation anyway*
  4. 13) Because he has the same Seiyuu as Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi 14) Because he kept flower girl hanging for the whole series we got to enjoy her cute escapades
  5. I dunno having some relations is okay... I mean people have relatives usually and they usually live somewhere. So having one major character be a relative of one other character is fine as long as they arn't all connected. You know... like the Grants in Robotech, the last surviving African American family!
  6. since this manga has furigana I wouldn't mind helping with translation and Q/C... I always just ask my Japanese friend if I get too stuck otherwise I usually figure out everything myself. I've done scanlation before
  7. I was just going to say that... if I ever break into the film industry (which I plan to try too) I will try and make this happen!
  8. Maybe she does. I was under the impression she was learning more English after being in one Hollywood movie already. Besides I've seen shirts with worse things on them for sale in English countries... maybe she really thinks Skinny Bitch is apt.
  9. Basically Heinlein (who was told the plot of the book) hinted that it boiled down to Kim's kid's having incestuous sex to create the new super-duper guardian species. That would have been unprintable at the time.
  10. How about EE "Doc" Smith's Lensman novels? it's more Space Opera then hard scifi but still very interesting.
  11. Sure, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgKQKrGnEUk <-- Space Gandam V vs Rat!
  12. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...sly-with-airing Yes you will be able to watch the next two Gonzo shows the same day they come out in Japan, with English subs. How cool is that?
  13. Snake-eyes looks sweet... to me there's no distinction between comando Snake-eyes and ninja snake-eyes they're the same character we just didn't learn about the Ninja stuff till later, but really I started reading the comics when that was already and important element so I'm used to it. I can't wait to see how Stormshadow looks.
  14. the prototype reminds me of either the power lifter from aliens, or a suit from exosquad.
  15. can translate part of it, I need to brush up on my Kanji, hope this helps a tiny bit. 1) Game Name: Kikō Sōseiki Mospeada Genesis Climber 2) Game Theme: ??? Mecha Vs Inbits ???? 3) Players: 2 and Up 4) Play Time: 30 Minutes and up 5) Game Level: ??? 6) ??? 7) ??? Units: 468 (Mecha ???)
  16. Finally saw some at walmart, the Canadian releases suck compared to the american ones (packaging looks dumber)... a friend who runs a hobby shop is ordering in the American releases for himself and getting whole waves for me now too... but that doesn't help with exclusives and past waves... It sucks!
  17. well there's already a Zeon themed PSP http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/PSPL-90001.html which is close enough.
  18. too say everyone is moving away from dice is out and out wrong, there are new paper RPGs being released all the time based on TV shows and even video games, so no it's not going away, and there's obviously something there.
  19. "Don't cry, you look like a little bitch" overall this series was pretty good, I'm going to rip it off and burn it to DVD now.
  20. Well there was enough demand that musical version got made, so I think if it's good it might do well. The original movie certainly has a cult following, btw the fan site you linked dosn't seem to exist though.
  21. ehh the rhymes and stuff are the same as the US cartoons... just the kids have aussie accents that's the only difference. If Macross was written by Dr. Seuss what hilarity would insuse Rick Hunter would be daring and Minmei caring commercials would be cheezy and HG executives sleezy and... I can't do this anymore... the commercials speek for each other "It's Breetai the Alien, and Khyron too, the Zentraedi are evil through-and-through" *psst* "Let's capture Lisa!" oh 80s!
  22. Cause he's a Terminator sleeper agent that's going to try and kill Jon in the past DUN DUN DUN!
  23. Except that their are lots of churches and religions that allow their priests to marry. but that theory makes a lot of sense actually, because in the Tales of the Jedi comics Jedi could marry, and were in touch with their emotions. Those comics were fully endorsed by Lucas as the official backstory of the Jedi and Sith, and the KOTOR games explained why the order banned marriage some forty years after Tales... So Luke being the founder of a new order which resembled the old order in that it allowed marriage and the jedi are raised by normal parents in normal society, and Vader paving the way for that new order being what brings the force into balance is interesting.
  24. actually the different Jedi-classes such as Watchman and Guardian were originally mentioned in the Tales of The Jedi comics which laid the groundwork for everything in KOTOR, pretty much, as the bulk of it's set less then a century earlier.
  25. the suit doesn't make him Vader though... as soon as he became a sith right after Mace died, that's when he became Darth Vader... then he went on a killing spree and was nasty as hell! And Harrison Ford also said, "you can write this poo, but you can't say it"
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