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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I know a few smaller stores in Edmonton import them, and I know of one that's still doing it (and he puts full sets aside for me yay!) At Edmonton Walmart all I've seen are the odly packaged Canadian ones.
  2. Didn't Heavy Duty Appear in the DiC episodes? I do know he became pretty much standard from the 3D cartoons on.
  3. Yes it was... and it's rarer because as far as they're concerned they never finished it, and only showed it once but somehow copies of it are out there. It's the last episode of Gunbuster combined with Macross II footage (and Macross II was made greyscale to match the B&W Gunbuster episode).
  4. Along with Robotech IV: Khyrons Counter Attack! I know someone who has both on VHS and I keep asking him to do a DVD transfer and he's willing too we just keep forgetting about it.
  5. Eh, I just don't take it that seriously that I care about a little bit of technobabble... any more then I cared when one of the insecticons complained that a metal door he was eating was "a little heavy on the electrons" in the original Transformers movie. It's not a great masterpiece, and I know it... but it's kinda fun. And I can even respect people who enjoy the story more then Frontier, that's their choice but someone who says that it's better from a technical stand point has been hitting the Flower of Life a bit too much (if you get my drift). Honestly, I was expecting SC to be mindless drivel which is why I was pleasantly surprised to find it was slightly better then mindless drivel. Sure why not put it on a HD format... it was filmed in HD and it won't make it look any worse. I'll probably pick it up in a few years or so.
  6. Because it's not actually a bad movie if you take it for what it is. I'm not saying the animation is better then Frontier though.
  7. Not quite, I read this only a few months ago and what it was is they were going over budget so the International distrobution rights were GIVEN to TATSUNOKO so they could use them to recover the costs from having to spend more then was originally agreed upon. In the end it's the same thing... but that's how it went down and how Robotech came to be (essentially). So let me get this right... Big West/Studio Nue contracted Tatsunoko to do animation who subcontracted Anime Friend who subcontracted Star Pro... is that correct?
  8. Still can't beat that classic Gundam 0083 moment. "My god! the enemies objective is..." *mechanical failure in the gm caused by damage from the previous battle causes it to expload!*
  9. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Battle-Athletes-Akari-K...Q2em118Q2el1247 okay I'm amused... how do you screw up Noriko with Akari from Battle Athletes?
  10. Unless you look at it as who the guy ends up with... because Myung is a lot more mature then Sharon who naively thinks that by pushing him to the ultimate limit so he can experience the thrill of dying is love. I wouldn't say Gamlin is more mature then Basara by the way... more reserved but that's not the same thing. Gamlin for his part didn't have much emotional maturity at all, hence all the nervous laughter. And just because Basara was a free spirit doesn't mean he wasn't mature. So if you look at it from the guy's perspective in Macross Plus, and discount 7 because it had no answer... then every Macross the hero ends up with the mature one.
  11. Yep he would be reffering to a red Q-rau.
  12. This episode was great and this little thing from the preview at the end as me looking forward to the next one with much anticipation.
  13. I'm not saying that I want the reloaded outfit for Storm Shadow... I was just saying it's something that was in the comics before and is proof along with Snake Eyes and the Baroness that they're at least trying, even if they arn't doing a great job.
  14. That Storm Shadow outfit is pretty much what he wore in the GI Joe: reloaded comics...
  15. Do you just mean SD Gundam Force? Cause the actual original SD ovas that were parodies were pretty cool.
  16. anyone think it funny how Yellow Dancer in the Robotech novels was trained in Kabuki had purple hair was was incredibly effeminate and Alto is trained in Kabuki has purple hair... and well they call him Princess Alto. Not saying anything, I'm just saying.
  17. It was okay... themes of military censorship and free press could have been expanded on since that seemed to be a major theme, but kinda gets lost in the middle amid all the pretty explosions then tacked on again at the end.
  18. 2030 New Macross Class 1 launches 2038 Something about the new macross class 7 37th long range colony fleet launching... too much kanji but these are just dates given from the Mac 7 show itself anyway, so it's actually nothing new. just a famework of the colonization.
  19. So I just took a quick look at it, and I gotta say I'm interested if for no other reason then it actually shows some consequence to this form of combat. A dodged shot destroys a a port, debris from the aerial battle crashes and destroys a ship... when the robots dive into the water waves come up and sweep civilians away etc. I've never seen that before in a Super Robot Show.
  20. I think Garner's okay in other tings she's done like Alias and 13 going on 30... i also like the way she looks but yeah as Electra not so much.
  21. You forgot everyones favourte Japanese-Canadian co-production live action movie. G Saviour!
  22. HAHAHA! the character profile of Pt 1 Shogo is on the Megazone 23 official website is probably the funniest character intro I've ever seen. マクドナルドでバイトしている、バイクと女の子が大好きな18歳。 "Makudonardo de baito shiteiru, baiku to onnanoko ga dai sukina juu hachi sai" "Working a part time job at McDonalds, an 18 year old who loves bikes and girls" It's totally accurate but very funny.
  23. but that's just it... why does simply having a related character show up make it convoluted or unrealistic. In history you have many examples of great soldiers who are related to other great soldiers or warriors and so on. I'm not saying I expect there to be relatives or that there should be, or that they should play a major role... I just see nothing wrong with it one way or another, because they have to be out there somewhere. Like if there was a minor character who was a Lovelock, then whatever, doesn't matter one way or another.
  24. guess I'm not needed after all... maybe next month.
  25. Havn't you ever had the experience of meeting up with someone you lost touch with or just unexpectedly meeting someone in another city or country without knowing that they'd be there? It happens more often then you think, and there's nothing wrong with it on a small scale... like if say one of the characters was related to one of the Bridge bunnies or something I wouldn't bat an eye, it just provides some connection to show it is the same universe and that these people had family. Honestly, stranger things have happened.
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