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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. I DID Read the comics... I've read every issue of the main marvel series and the main devil's due series up until I finally dropped out after the Sei Tin story arc. It dosn't change the fact the Zartan did have high tech gadgets and genetic engineering that gave him a super power. And of course there were the holograms he used to disguise his base, cobra helicopter and motorcycle. Yeah the International Heroes song was also used for the Dic Operation Dragonfly, opening.
  2. You know what? No you can't tell me that fans hated every scifi element of the comic, yeah most of the space-man looking guys made the "Larry Hates Me" list and died quick deaths... but come on one of the most popular characters who was used quite often was Zartan, the guy who was a genetically engineered shape shifter/master of personal holograms who could assume any form at will... that was scifi in the 80s, it's still scifi today... yes the movie can go too far with futuristic stuff... but a little bit isn't going to be out of place, as long as the characters and story are good, then I don't care if they've got sigma suits or whatever.
  3. sorry one more stupid photo I took with my cellphone, then I'll hold off till I get a real camera. Wild Weasel lost his helmet so he borrowed Kamen Rider's... problem was it's just a bit too big.
  4. http://www.glooth.com/ranka/ cute Ranka Ascii
  5. And for the Super Robot Wars Alpha series as well I believe.
  6. That doesn't even describe Captain America let alone the Larry Hama GI Joe RAH comics. There's pleanty of times where the Joes have found themselves at odds with the government, at least internally, they soldiers and they have to follow orders even when they hate those orders, grumble about them or when the orders potentially throw their lives away for no good reason. In the Devil's Due comic, General Hawk was blackmailing most of the Jugglers so he could get in on the organization and so they would allow the GI Joe team to reform and stay open (not exactly a boyscout, hey). But still, an American team "saving the world" is still going to put off a lot of Europeans...
  7. Your forgetting about the mysterious transformation sheet that Tommy told us about. And I'm amazed it took you this long to join us Brook, were you on vacation?
  8. I'll check those out when I get my laptop back (that's where I have all my m7 episodes if no one else gets too it). Anyway if the galaxy has gone through some kind of revolution/civil war since then, it doesn't necessarily stand to say that the currency is the same or hasn't gone through hyper inflation since then, especially since these larger colonies are more like countries and might have their own mints and currency. (though maybe it's just like different euros, in different countries all worth the same but with some kind of nationalism on them). Anyway first thing we see Sheyrl playing with is a plate, so they do eat as Maclones. But yeah, no wonder the Fairy Squad perfers to go to NyanNyan for a bite, going to the Zentraedi food court might cost a weeks pay. Since someone brought up cloning livestock, are hippo cows the result of genetic engineering? Maybe not having enough cow DNA on the SDF-1 to fully replicate the species (maybe all they had in the end was Kakizaki's left over Teriyaki stake ) and they filled in the gaps using Hippo DNA? (like the frog dna used in the Jurassic Park movies, I know it doesn't make much sense). Or are they an alien life form, that just happens to look like a hippo cow and produces delicious dairy products?
  9. yeah I need to get a real camera, this didn't turn out well at all... but I was trying to have some fun. Here's ripper tormenting some poor school girl, not knowing he's about to get at Hadouken! It's a good thing he dosn't have ride armour for that MOSPEADA too.
  10. That really had me wondering too... But they'd probably be able to miclonize when they go on vacation and have a real nice time. Imagine a Zentraedi working at the equivalent of a refinery for two months as a maclone getting paid big books, then taking a month off as a Miclone, probably enjoy yourself very much during the downtime. But there was some nice stuff in that mall, so it dosn't seem the maclones of Frontier are badly off.
  11. Oh, I get it now... yeah I don't think I'm going to pose him with that.
  12. sorry... double post... but I just opened up my figures... and what's the little orangy ball accessory in the Destro/Breaker pack for? I can't figure it out.
  13. Really I think I can say that not even Canadians appreciate it much, which is probably why I have to go to such painstaking lengths to get a hold of the 25th anniversary figures. Anyway, I have to agree Natalie, as much as Glen Beck my call it an International Zero, to anyone outside the US it'll be seen as World Police without the humor. Honestly I myself am not American and even still I would prefer RAH, but that's not a marketable product. It needs to be International and it needs to be modern, otherwise it will fail.
  14. Damn, gotta go back to my friend's store tomorrow to see if he can get me them. (and I just blew 100 dollars on the 6 comic pack sets I just bought).
  15. Yes, but Lucas is a hack and what's more he knows it. He's good at coming up with wonderful ideas and even the prequels weren't bad at the idea level. He needs someone else to execute them though, otherwise they fall on their face. (yes there are some notable exceptions like the first three SW films). Lucas himself said it on the blue harvest interview, "when I come up with an idea for a movie I want to see made, worst case scenario I make it myself, best case scenario I get Stephen Spielberg to make it" I remember when the first prequal movie was coming out I read the novelization for the movie before it came out, I preordered my ticket as soon as they sold them (which was like a month in advance or something) and was using it as a bookmark as I read the book, I LOVED the novelization and was looking foward to the movie, I clutched the book as I entered the theater prepared to be blown away. In the end I didn't end up even seen ROTS in theaters (though it wasn't too bad). The difference here is, this is not going to affect the cannon of my GI JOE. This is an alternate telling, like GI Joe Reloaded, it's not a prequal or a sequal to the comics I grew up reading. My GI Joe will remain unchanged after I watch the film, just like in my transformers it's called a matrix, not an allspark and it wasn't destroyed... As long as the film is entertaining, I'll be happy... if it introduces a microscopic organism that lives inside the Arashikage masters and allows them to use the mindset, then at least I'll know that it's not part of the continuity of the universe that I love.
  16. Okay so I've got some questions about Zentraedi, regular humans and the miclone process. Macross 7 established that to miclonize or not to miclonize was strictly a matter of personal preference but I really wonder about some things. In Macross 7 we're told that it's merely a matter of personal choice and up to the individual. And Frontier shows that as well; the Fairy Squadron will miclonize when they want to go to the general areas of the ship or Macronize when they are on duty or want to go to the Zentraedi areas. If Do You Remember Love can be believed an ordinary human can macronize. So do some people have miclone chambers in their homes? or are there miclonization centers on planets and on ships that accommodate them? Is it only open for Zentraedi? Zentraedi and their spouses? Obviously partial Zentrans and Meltrans are allowed, like Emilia. Every human being? If you are convicted of a violent crime can you be be banned from Macronizing? put on probation? If you miclonize then eat a meal and then macronize again, will you still be full? I don't think any of these questions have cannon answers, I'm just wondering.
  17. just went to my friends store and bought every figure he had in stock (which turns out to be all of the most recent wave of comic packs except for the Hawk/Lady Jaye one)... he promised to order me two copies of the next wave of single figures when they come in... but looking at the list at Yojoe.com (I find this easier then sorting through the blog at hisstank) I see I'm going to be spending a lot of time and money filling in all the gaps (especially cause I'd like to have two or three of each NAMED figure and and bazillions of generic troopers).
  18. You know I've been a GI Joe fan almost my whole life... I'm a year younger then the RAH franchise but I still grew up with comics (including tons of back issues) and the cartoon via video rentals. I'm aware of what everything was like before, but it's an evolving franchise and to gain new fans it has to stay current it can't be exactly like it was in the 80s and early 90s... as fans we (yes myself as well) will gripe at every change but we'll still see it... it's the new fans that Hasbro is trying to hook. The same goes for Sigma 6, and I say Sigma 6 is heads and tails above Sgt. Savage and the Screaming Eagles, GI Joe extreme and the 3D cartoons and for that I praise it. hmm... I can't remember exactly where I dropped out, actually I think the very last issue I read was the one that ended with a politician getting into a car with Cobra Commander. Really I'll look into getting those back issues.
  19. Except Vodafone Japan doesn't exist under that brand anymore so that wouldn't make much sense. It's Softbank now.
  20. Well Ultraman Great was created with American audiences in mind and its easily one of my favorite Ultraman shows after Nexus (well thats Nexus up until the point where the grizzled war reporter Ultraman dies then the show jumps the shark and sucks from that point on).
  21. So I heard, which is why I'm trying to track down back issues.
  22. Mining a gas giant eh? you could always read Robotech II the Sentinels for that. -It's the city of New New York. No really it is, actually it's the 23rd new york since the original, so actually that makes it. New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York Or maybe Shin Unity Government. and Unity Government Kai? yes I realized this has been resolved already, just saying there would be options if they wanted to. Though Unity Goverment Kai would be very weird sounding.
  23. Exactly, it reminds me of the Speedy delivery service from Mr. Rogers.
  24. As compared to the Protoculture Addicts Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me Review (way back in Protoculture Addicts issue 50). Which said Emeria was related to Veffidas instead of being Mylene's sister? I can see how they'd get the daughter thing... essentially Lanka is Ozma's adopted daughter, he's her guardian and all... in the same relationship context she could just as easily used Uncle or Father... but because of the age she was adopted at and the age difference, big brother is probably the best one for her to use.
  25. oh well they could always change it later... like SHIELD The acronym originally stood for Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division. It was changed in 1991 to Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage Logistics Directorate. In the 2008 Marvel Studios film Iron Man, the acronym stood for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division.
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