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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. cause I hate it, it's sequal and the magazines they're based on with a level of vehemence usually reserved for Ninja Scroll.
  2. She was doomed from the start... the sexy older officer who becomes a mentor/crush fixation always dies! Matilda and Ayame I'm looking at you. (in Macross they can live though) Anyway... I think I have to disagree with what Keith said in the other thread, I just rewatched End of Eva and to me everyone gooping into Shinji doesn't seem to fit... he was the only one who was not put into the egg or LCL sea or whatever because he said, "everyone should die, I should die... is it okay if I stay?" in Instrumentality everyone was supposed to die and then become one, but Shinji chose for himself to stay seperate... which is good cause if he hadn't he wouldn't have been able to ask to reverse to process. Rei also says that people will reform if their hearts can remember their human forum or whatever... and yeah Yui says (though this might just be her opinion) that all hearts can do that. Though I wonder about the recent dead like misato and Ritsuko since their bodies were also changed (in the twinkling of an eye I guess... the third impact would essentially be the rapture of Evangelion) into LCL can they come back? who knows. Also it seems to me that Shinji had more then two choices, Fuyutsuki said that Evangelion had become the same as God... and Rei and Kaworu asked what Shinji's wish was, what did he want. So it seemed to me he could have created any world he wanted.
  3. Or Combattler V and Voltes V, or Super Sentai or Ultraman or Kamen Rider "sequals"... IE a conceptual sequal.
  4. GITS: SAC stands out as one of the worst for this with their mechanical teleptathy scenes.
  5. Since it's Christmas Eve I thought I'd link you to one you guys might not have seen since it was more of a PBC production thine a Cinemassacre one. A Very Nerdy Non-Canonical Captain S Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uh1Qa-p7xY And the Second trailer for that same crossover special.
  6. Did Reba do the voice in the direct to VHS Macross episodes?
  7. Not flying but falling with style? And the guy seriously looks like an action figure of GI Joe pilot Ace!
  8. Happened with the local affiliate here, the first episode they showed was "Force of Arms" But in those days you had two options either you were a first run show sponsored by a particular network, or you were in syndcation. Remember Harmony Gold DID try direct to video first for Macross. I would say it's not Macek's job, he implemented the decision but didn't make it, you can totally blame Harmony Gold though.
  9. Okay, so far watched episode 25 of of Eva again... yeah with the use of the RCB and what Keith said I'm really starting to see what was going on. Before I always thought Shinji was made god, and could pick whatever existance he wanted... wether it was Angelic Days or the death of all or just to keep going the way things had been.... but now I see what Keith was saying. Also I watched the first 3 episodes of Nadia and I have to say I love the show, but so far I don't see the comparison to Eva. It's much more like something Miyazaki woud do (fitting since he came up with the original concept), I love the Steampunk elements, the era clothing, the wacky inventions. But we got a trio of comedy bad guys with all the grace of Team Rocket, They have an all purpose robotic vehicle which waves a white flag with robotic arms when it wants to surrender... we've got all kinds of comic expressions and sound effects going on... in Episode 3 we've got a cook who fools the kids into thinking he's a scientist, and an American Naval captain who laughs manically while fighting shouting "no mercy to the bad guys", they keep their prisoners locked up in their all purpose attack craft which gets thrown overboard allowing them to escape in the ensuing battle with the "sea monsters". It does seem a little jeuvanile although very fun... and right up my ally. It's also really interesting for me to see Hidaka Noriko (Noriko from Gunbuster, Erica from the Sakura Taisen series) providing the voice of the main male lead... I've never heard her do a boy before. The other thing I didn't know before, was that Tatsunoko Pro did enough of the animation on Eva to get themselves a main title credit for it. I couldn't read Japanese back when I originally watched Eva... so I missed that. When Gainax was hard up for cash at the end, maybe they should have just signed over international distrobution rights to TatPro instead of paying them for the last couple episodes... hey it worked for Studio Nue and Big West.
  10. I've still seen the movie debated. Anyway it's refreshing to see people talking about "what happened" at the end instead of saying "it's shallow to talk about what happened you should talk about what it means". Anyway umm I'm accuiring the last two episodes and End of Eva right now so I can re-watch it.
  11. oh okay... eva merits rewatching anyway... or I could wait for the new ending to the shingekijouban. people still argue about if Char or Amuro died.
  12. You could be cynical and say that Alto dosn't care for either of them beyond friend level, and only loves the sky... but like Isamu hooking up with the blonde chick... if they want him he's not going to hold back.
  13. See I disagree with this, I don't think Seele wanted the human race reduced to Shinji's imaginary friends... how is that preferable to anyone at all? Also it doesn't mesh with the "Me that exists in your head AND THE YOU THAT EXISTS IN MINE" it seems like there was not only one mind in the insturmentality. Besides... it makes Angelic days a pretty pointless manga if it's Shinji and figments of Shinji's imagination. As for what Yui said about coming back, you may be right... I got that from a fansub before I spoke any Japanese at all... I'd have to rewatch it.
  14. See I'll have to watch that again if I get the chance I don't have the Robotech DVDs right now, only Macross but I still remember her being upset about loosing the camera and failing the mission. And Rick telling her that was crazy talk... and the closest either of them having to a love confession is Lisa saying "oh rick, I just realize for the first time I'd be lost without you" neither of them actually saying "I love you"... remember Rick/Hikaru was still all aboard the Minmei train at this point and was only just starting to view Lisa/Misa as a human being rather then the voice of command. I also remember Rick saying something about the mission not being over as long as they were alive (since they could report in person even without the camera) but again I'll have to re-watch or read it. Misa's wanting to die with honor, doesn't really translate too well for an English audience... aside from the Captain who goes down with his ship... we don't really have any analog to the Samurai who can not stand the shame of defeat... Robotech did force Rick's feelings a little too soon... but honestly there are things I like about it (most of them come from southern cross though). Also Transformers was an american series on first run, not a syndicated series so it would never have been subject to the 65 episodes of syndication and Voltron did combine two different anime... so dere!
  15. No real interactions... I dunno, Asuka was still Asuka and giving him grief... and even more so in the Girlfriend of Steel 2 manga/game (AKA Angelic Days)... there was still pain and angst but just less of it... it didn't seem like Shinji was controlling everyone just that he was shown the chance to create a new reality where people lived less messed up lives but still lived them. Never did it say Shinji was pulling everyone's strings in that scene... wasn't be being shown this reality, as an option... not one that he made yet. Maybe the reality in the egg would be just as real to everyone involved but different. Kinda like the Matrix... they arn't really interacting with each other but as long as everyone thinks they are, what's the difference?
  16. To be fair the TV series was edited at break neck speed by a large number of people with Maceks hastily written back story only as a guide... and rather laughable and overlitteral translations provided to them by Tatsunoko (see the subs on Robotech the prefect collection vhs if you want to know what I'm talking about)... for what it is I think they did an amazing job, the fact that it is one of the view surviving dubs of it's kind (there was a lot of them in the 80s) to still be popular in it's own right says a lot about it. The Novels conflict with the TV series and a lot of the other supplemental material as well, but are good in their own right too. If you can ignore some of the more blatant errors in the TV series (as well as some of the downright silly dialog) Robotech for the most part as aged pretty well. But yeah... Macross is a lot better.
  17. I thought she said all life could return if it chose to. And Asuka was the only one at that point who chose to return. There were the "Shinji and Asuka the new Adam and Eve" theories of course. Of course happy is a relative term... as is ending... their story is not over. Just the part that concerns us. I will check out Nadia for the steampunky goodness and maybe stay for mind f*cking?
  18. Google is indeed a friend... however I didn't know if Red Cross Book was a proper name or a nickname you guys were using. Also it's the name or an organization, as well as an obscure reference work to an anime so I was not sure my google-fu would find it. Thank you. Interesting... see I remember back in the day since all the children were 14 years old and second impact was 15 years ago... everyone in my group assumed that second impact did something to children conceived during that time.... and they came out special and able to pilot evas. It never occured to me that they'd have been chosen to be Shinji's peers, or to camaflauge his being chosen... interesting. So about Instrumentaltity... did shinji only have two options? "Get in da EGG" or "stay out of DA EGG?" It seemed like he had the power to reshape reality as he saw fit... hence the vision of the alternate reality with him and his childhood friend Asuka and transfer student Rei... that became the bases for Girlfriend of Steel 2. And are Shinji and Asuka the only two left at the end then, or was that just symbolic? Maybe I should rewatch the series and try to figure it out again... I used to think I had it all figured out.
  19. Interesting I've never heard of the RCB is it actually named the Red Cross Book... or is it just a book with a red cross on it? Before now, everything I've heard or discussed was just conjecture based on people analyzing the psychology, theology or philosophy of what the series is and also basing their theories about plot related points on just on the series. Like as to the children... I always thought they all came from the same age group because they had to have been conceived around the time of second impact... however is that the case? Or is it just that they wanted young children for their plan and were willing to use any child as long as they fit the psychological profile and they could find a sympathetic soul to use? My Japanese probably isn't up to letting me read this RCB yet, but I'd be very curious to see it.
  20. See to me II really never made me feel like they colonized much beyond the solar system. They were talking about the destruction of the human race if Earth was destroyed. It also seemed like bands of Zentraedi were the only threat the UNS ever faced and as such they'd grown complacent. To me it just seems too much of a wide gap to Frontier and 7.
  21. Thanks for not putting in a picture, when I saw the huge space I was afraid a pic was forthcomming . I have no problem with crossdressing cosplay but that pushes it too far. yeah Bebop in particular borrwed almost all of it's Jazz arangements. Kanno is still very very good though.
  22. You see, she does not sleep, and he does not loose conciousness next to her, so what he told you is true, from a certain point of view.
  23. Simon Furman has his good and bad points, he gave us the core of the Unicron/Primus mythos, and many other things... And the last two episodes of Beast Wars (which he wrote) were pure gold. I think though Furman is one of those writers who has awesome ideas and the ability to create a very well fleshed out universe and mythos but sucks at actually getting the character to deliver (another example is George Lucas). But yes, transformers fans are very aware of his repeated dialog hence the FURMANISMS http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Furmanism
  24. I really liked House of M a lot, I bought 2 of every tie-in to it... was really into it loved the idea... then it kinda got cheapened for me when I realized it was largely very similar to the novel trilogy "X-men/Doctor Doom The Chaos Engine Trilogy", which I got the year before for Christmas from my brother (the first book havn't found the other two which are apparantly even more House of M like). House did a good idea of translating the ideas from Chaos Engine and a lot of the side stories were truly interesting... however the "your fondest desire" didn't make much sense when we factored in how many characters later turned out to be Skrulls... and Marvel went really down hill for me after house. I was largely a Marvel guy back in the day too... but Supergirl, I dunno I just like her. Udon is great, I enjoyed their first Street Fighter series and met Omar Dogun at a comic convention, I've mentioned this before but I got a custom sketch of Sakura from Street Fighter in a UN Spacy bridge uniform from him, (he also did the art for Robotech Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles so it seemed like a fun idea). Oh, you've already read it? If you liked Genevieve from the first book check out "The Vampire Genevieve" where the character originated; it's published under a pseudonym (Jack Yeovil) and set in the Warhammer world but it's basically the same character and it's the same author.
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