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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. The me who lost the me who lost his heart to you who tore my heart apart if you still think of me how did we come to this? wish that I knew it was me that you miss wish that I knew it was me that you miss Okay I'll admit I like most of Robotech's music even the cheezy stuff... nostalgia I guess... most of the BGM is actually great though.
  2. Well there's a difference between something which is bad on purpose to be funny, and something which tries to be good but just falls flat on it's face.
  3. Cause Duke Togo's too lazy to fix it.
  4. Really... that's about the only figure I've found in stores aside from the second most recent wave of comic packs. it's the only one I have MOC too...
  5. I'm sorry I refuse that spelling, just cause it's embarassing not to know how yo romanize your own name. And why do you think so many Zentradie become farmers? they don't have to buy fertalizer.
  6. well still havn't seen the movie but my friend's store got the toys in... and I have to say I am disapointed since they're 3.75 inches and made by Hasbro, I thought some of them would be great figs to throw in with MY GI joes (like having the russian soldiers and stuff) but I have to say they seem really poor quality. if anything they remind me of of 70s Star Wars toys... hmm... really disapointing.
  7. I don't even recall what the Ninja force Night Creepers looked like. I really only remember Leader cause I had the toy and he was funny/badarse in the comics, "would a real arashikage master resort to using the mindset to defeat me? No! Therefore he his a charlatan, a fraud" OH! wait... now I remember they were purple with slanty turqoiuse helmets right? And which one is the normal Night Creeper Leader? the only other design I remember is the one that was used in the Dic episode where he thought he was a reincarnated Pharaoh, is that the normal one? (with the chest padding?) And I do prefer the Cobra Storm Shadow ever so slightly to Ninjaforce Storm Shadow... but he's still awesome as the NF leader.
  8. I would not object to Storm Shadow, Nunchuck and Scarlett (hmmm NF Scarlett) in Ninja Force outfits. Nor would I object to Slice and Dice (the cobra ninjas) or the Night Creeper Leader of that era... those were all pretty cool designs.
  9. Please... there are people who can read an entire page of a book a in less then a second because they've trained themselves to take the whole page in at once. likewise there are people who don't need to "focus" on the subtitles they just take it in almos instantly. you've just had several people tell you that they can take it all in, why not trust them? And even if that is the case people feel it's worth missing a tiny bit, to get the true experience and see it as it was meant to be seen. The Japanese language is a high contact, high context language and English subs can't convey it properly spoken english is even worse. That's why I rather watch my Japanese movies raw and rely on my own understanding (but again I study Japanese and am getting pretty profficient on the spoken level anyway), but in those instances where I need help understanding rather watch it in Japanese with english subs 99.99% (the rare exceptions are for dubs that have people like Patrick Stewart or something in them).
  10. My favourite GI Joe pilot is the guy who piloted the Stealth fighter... I forget his code name at the moment (cause I was just reading the counting coup comic where no one remembers it which made me forget it lol). And I'd love to see Diana as GI Joe agent Verona from the DDP comics. "the first universal law of comedy is never Pauly Shore" I should join the Hisstank forums I guess... getting GI Joes in Canada is a PITA, and the people there sound helpful with a few exceptions. And Godzilla... did you used to hang around Aeryn's channel on dejatoons? (knew someone called Godzilla there, you're much like him)
  11. http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/default.cfm?pa...CC4AA47161E7DF4 I'm going to assume Hasbro's webmaster made a mistake listing Scarlett and Snake-eyes under the "Cobra Team" if not that'll be kinda interesting. (though Snake-eyes was a former Cobra in the reloaded storyline)
  12. See it depends on how well developed your reading skills and peripheral vision are... I can usually read the subtitles almost instantly and don't miss much if anything. Of course I prefer to watch shows in Raw Japanese with no subtitles unless the dialog is really technical or slangy and thus beyond my ability to understand... even if it's just beyond my understanding level I'd rather watch, get the gist of the convo and look up any words I don't understand. That way my Japanese gets better.
  13. Do you know how many companies own competing brands? You can capture more of the market by having different brands that appeal to different consumers based on percieved or actual differences in the 4 Ps (Product, Pricing, Promotion, Place) it's very common. Do you know how many companies Sega/Sammy Holding owns in Japan? quite a lot, and I'm sure it's the same for Bandai/Namco. I find it a little funny when we're talking about DVDs but obviously they both have a different approach, and this way they could see which worked better.
  14. You know all these character 'shipping threads are really making Macrossworld seem a lot more like Robotech.com. With that in mind no shipping thread is complete without interuption from the Kaifun Is Super Society (Kyle Is Super Society on RT.com) <KISS Mode> How can you support characters like Nanase? She is friends with several war mongers like Micheal and Alto. A true character worthy of your adoration would be one who challanges the military overlords, who, merciesly persecute our Varja friends. KISS is here. LEAVE HERE NOW! LEAVE HERE NOW! LEAVE HERE NOW! </kiss mode> Back to the topic at hand... D cups and above are a turn off to me, so I'll leave you to ogle your Nanase. Well I prefer the more appropriatly proportioned Sheryel. (and Klan, just cause she's awesome).
  15. I don't see it looking like much of a chariot. Now this! is a hover chariot...
  16. I should get a camera period that was taken with a good ol 1.3 MP camera phone.
  17. Okay once again the concept of "the city upon a hill" has definitely been used to support American imperialism; I can cite scholarly journals if you like, which I used in my end of term papers. And the same can be said of Manifest Destiny, I get you, that's not their original purpose... but I have seen both used that way, and represented as such in actual peer reviewed work. Moving on... I think I'd have to agree with you on the economic level here; first off I imagine that a colony fleet would run a trade deficit, as I can't really see them having many exports (except for cultural exports like music records and the like). So there likely would be quotas or tarrifs imposed on imports brought in from other countries to make the space colonies produced goods competitive, as it would surely be cheaper to raise livestock on a world then on a space colony. I imagine the colony worlds might have Free Trade, but not the colony fleets. I also imagine that the colony has many government run buisnesses (like Canada's Crown Corporations), running services that could not produce a profit but are needed for the good of the people. The colonies would also look for a world that not only had an oxygen atmosphere but some natural resources that would be needed by other colony ships or worlds, this would provide a valuable trigger industry or industries that would help jump start growth and encourage entrepreneurs. This is most likely why Macross 7 didn't touch down on other systems it visited, when they reached a planet capable of supporting human habitation, the Mayor and Captain would discuss the pros and cons of the planet from both an economic and military perspective and decide if it was suitable for habitation. Max may have been doing his survey when he discovered the wounded Gubaba.
  18. well this is kinda on-topic, I did post it in the GI Joe thread a while back but I guess it fits here too... when I got my 25th Anniversary Dreadnoks, I didn't have any motorcycles for them to ride... except look what Ripper managed to dig up? A MOSPEADA! edit: Yes I know, I should get a real camera.
  19. Maybe he was half asleep when he wrote it, though I think THE ROCK would be a better Wetsuit then Shipwreck anyway.
  20. But again the Zentraedi's aim was total destruction in that attack, with the Varuta that was not the goal, so there in marks the difference between the planet based combat in Macross and Macross 7. I do see your point, but there's something to be said about a heavily fortified position as well... (though a swift evacuation plan is nice). As it was originally meant... but again it has gained that connotation based on it's usage in the late 19th and Early 20th century.
  21. Okay obviously planets are in space, stop pointing out obvious semantics... I was obviously talking about the fact that once landed on the planet, the planet itself provides cover for multiple directions of attack. Generally speaking, you wouldn't say "I'm in outer space" even though the Earth is in outer space and you're on the Earth, stop trying to make a point by arguing semantics. And okay I totally agree, that if you somehow put a fold engine on a planet, and was able to keep it stable if you folded it out of it's orbit, it would be better then having a planet that can not fold... But I would still argue that landing a colony ship and heavily fortifying the planet's defenses is still better then having a colony floating out and about. Again, orbital bombardment on that scale only works if the goal is your enemies total destruction, this was not the case in Macross 7, and that makes attacking a fortified position much harder. Except we saw the entire Macross 5 fleet did land on Lux and decided they would make it there permanant home... so it's obviously an option. There must be other criteria, something about the planet that Gubaba is from that made the City 7 Fleet not want to make it there permanent home. And please don't bother pointing out that City 5 was completely over-run nearly the minute it touched down on a planet, I am well aware. But mind you they didn't have time to fortify their position.
  22. Well first off... who says the colony ships can't launch again if they need to once they've landed? and it's also a simple fact that in space you can be attacked from any possible angle along either x or y axis. where on solid ground you can dig in and fortify... and while you can still possibly be attacked from any of 360 degrees on the x-axis (depending on terrain such as mountains, and so on) you only have to worry what's above you, not bellow you. Therefore you have less of a perimeter to defend.
  23. The Hard Master appears! http://www.latinoreview.com/news/g-i-joe-m...ard-master-4621 Man this guy won't be felled by Zartan's arrow he'll just glare at it and the arrow will drop dead.
  24. Only works if you want to destroy the people on the planet, if you want to conquer them you have to come down and get your hands dirty. And Again there would be orbital defenses.
  25. ahem, yes well there is Manifest Destiny, and there is manifest destiny. It was revived in the 1890s, this time with Republican supporters, as a theoretical justification for U.S. expansion outside of North America. The term fell out of usage by U.S. policy makers early in the 20th century, but some commentators believe that aspects of Manifest Destiny, particularly the belief in an American "mission" to promote and defend democracy throughout the world, continues to have an influence on American political ideology. Doing a lot of study on Asian history in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Manifest Destiney definitely was linked to the idea that the US was this great beacon of democracy and it was obviously their fate, to to bring it to the rest of the world. Also see the concept of "the house on a hill" which is the belief that the US is the great beacon of Christianity and that it must be brought to the outside world. The point is that they are specficially american terms, and can't much be applied in the current circumstances.
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