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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. SO SAYS THE LEADER! Or to quote Modak in the 90s Hulk Cartoon, "so says the leader, so says the leader, so says the leader... it's like sticking a finger down my throat"
  2. Yeah that was quite cool.... Of course the solo Thor and Captain America movies need to come out.
  3. And yet Starship Troopers is the only Scifi novel on 4 out of the 5 US Military Academies reading lists.
  4. Kristen Kruek is of Chinese descent on her mother's side.
  5. Read the novels, they are translated by Tokyopop... essentially most of the interesting elements from the series are taken from the novels with a lot of filler and crap surrounding them. But even in the series I do like how the mythology progresses from storyarc to storyarc, there's a lot of foreshadowing in there.
  6. Official Trailer shows not this amour with the power... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7DTy_5ijV0...feature=related
  7. http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/default.cfm?pa...8E2A7F22D39A55D This so called "mole pod" looks like something out of TMNT.
  8. there's only 1000 pieces and it's sure to appertiate in value since it's got value with two different fanbases, there's another auction up for a mint/signed one... and I'm thinking about it.
  9. Oh I see... still dosn't make them a bad generic stealth team.
  10. okies! my friend who runs a hobby shop here has just ordered me two copies each of Wave 6 Wave 7 Wave 8 Comic Pack Wave 3 Comic Pack Wave 4 So I'll have them nice and still in factory sealed box then I'll open on and keep one MOC. On another note I was looking at figures from other lines that would work for generic joes, and the Hulkbuster Squad for the new hulk movie makes a pretty cool stealth team of generic joes.
  11. Yes it was included as an Extra on one of the "Elements of Robotechnology" bonus discs with the Legacy set.
  12. Don't you know anything... Zor crashed the ship on Earth because he had a vision of the Cosmic All that it would set everything right. Sheesh. I think they're either sisters or cousins... Yeah just play Sakura Taisen 3... she's definitely not all that sweet as Lobelia.
  13. Well... isn't the omly show the Zentraedi had watched up to that point the Miss Macross contest? They probably would have put the spies in one piece swimsuits if they had used that as a basis, would you want to see that? Meh, I know lots of men who sew, and Kamjin's uniform was somewhat custom taylored wasn't it?
  14. Did that Invid Scout ever get released... the only official invid mecha I've ever seen has been the shocktrooper. hmm listing Japan as a country with native language fan websites is kinda odd... I have seen one, and only one. One random native japanese guy who is really gaga over the Robotech adapatation.
  15. I saw the MOSPEADA pilot not on the DVD but on VHS distro back in the old analog fansub days. It didn't have an opening there and was still a workprint with a clock and film counter real... so it's possible they just never got around to dubbing the song and when they put it on DVD they just cleaned it up and put in the original theme.
  16. Yeah, sure... why not? I want hundreds of generic troopers for the same reason (just havn't had the money to get that many yet).
  17. I counted 16x10=160
  18. 12 years ago, Capcom combined their popular Street Fighter franchise with the license they had acquired from Marvel and the extremely popular VS franchise was born. Now Midway seems to have decided that they can do the same thing a decade later, and with their formerly mega-popular Mortal Kombat franchise and the DC Universe. http://www.worldscollide.com/ Will this be any good, or will this be like unto what AVP is to movie crossovers?
  19. So I opened the Scarlett and Hawk comic pack as well as the two CDN figures (the rest I'm leaving carded for now, till I decide which ones I really want to open, and which ones I know I can find more carded copies of) But still the two Canadian figures I opened (flint and artic trooper snake eyes) were total crap, their arms don't move properly and all their joints are stiff... Really is it just something wrong with the Canadian release? Every other 25th anniversary figure I've played with have been a joy to pose but these two I can't even move their elbow joints and have a tough time with everything else. It's made me very warry of ever touching another CDN packed joe. Also the fold out file card with English and French is lame... is that why we're not getting the US joes? cause of bilingual issues? attached, snake-eyes fold out file card.
  20. it's like many 80s toys that way... I think it's all sleight of hand.
  21. http://www.dragonballmovieblog.com/2008/05...roadshow-scans/ more from the same magazine.
  22. Yojoe.com does have pictures of the figures carded, you have to click on the figure then click on carded though so it's a bit of a pain. http://www.yojoe.com/action/all/ do a search for 25th to get to the starting point. uh... not sure exactly the figures averaged out to about 20 dollars each since it cost me 400 for all of them... I guess I should really feel guilty for spending that much money on GI Joes but I've been saving up a lot of cash and going through a really stressful time so I think I deserved a big treat, like a wii or ps3 or something... and decided on GI Joes instead... next time I go for a big treat it'll be electronic. Oh and the ones on the cheaper end mostly came from Comic King who seemed to not be able to sell them and most of theirs recieved multiple mark downs I also cleared out their entire stock aside from the comic packs I already had. (not sure if I want to get doubles of those... I might pick them up just to earn myself a second mail-order doc). Edit: and once again my friend who runs another hobby store is going to get me all the new stuff in doubles as it comes out, and probably some of the old stuff... if anyone wants a complete boxed wave.. I might be able to swing that. anyway... I'm really trying to keep one carded and one to open for all the named figures then buy more of the army builders so I guess since I'm going to open them I don't need to get upset about the two Canadian figures slipping in there.
  23. okay yeah then the last two I listed were canadian versions and the rest were not... damn... I wasn't paying enough attention. And the prices were between 6 bucks and 25 bucks depending on the figure so some of them are on the pricier range but you gotta expect that seeing as how they're importing them under the table. And sorry I didn't see a Snake-eyes with timber, else I would have picked it up. If you come down let me know, and we can check it out together. And if you want, I'm willing to ship stuff out for you.
  24. just found that there are two stores in WEM with a large selection of RAH and 25th anniversary figures available. I'm going to list what I bought today, but I might be able to help people get ahold of stuff (there was way more then this in stock and I will be going back). (I used yojoe.com to identify the versions) -Hawk and Scarlett Comic pack -Beachhead v10 -Roadblock v16 -Duke v23 -Gung-ho v18 -Crimson Guard v9 -Cobra Commander v25 (for some reason mine seems purple instead of light blue) -Shipwreck v11 -Ssgt. Rock 'n Roll -Cobra Commander v24 -Cobra Air Trooper (bought two of these) -Scarlett v8 -Serpentor v4 -Duke v26 -Spirit Iron-Knife v3 -Cobra Viper v16 -Buzzer v4 -Cobra Officer v4 These last two I'm not so sure about they might be Canadian versions.. and I'm having trouble identifying them using Yojoe.com and hisstank won't load for me right now. but Tiger Force Leader Flint and Arctic Trooper Snake-eyes anyway most of these there are still other copies off so if you're looking for something specific give me shout and I'll see if i can help (there are more out there including some RAH vehicles and what-not).
  25. Okay my friend is going to give me a list of what I can order through him, sometime before monday... at that point I'll compile a list of everything I need, and post it here. I signed up on hisstank guys... my username is Imperial_Serpentor havn't posted yet, but I'll see you all there.
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