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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Yeah I've met a bunch of "it's Tuxedo Kamen not Tuexedo Mask!" people and I don't get them... but then I prefer "Sakura Taisen" to "Sakura Wars" it just sounds better to me, so maybe I'm weird like that. But it should be public domain in Canada at least (and I think also the US) but Disney manged to get it extended and laws changed. here's a fun comic that ran in a local paper.
  2. I'm hoping I get a cloaked variant in one of my two sealed waves my friend is ordering up for me... that looks really cool.
  3. He manages to get a few sentences out on several games, if you watched the video you'd see that he covers a ton of them not just Custer's Revenge.
  4. Could be a crazy rights issue, since Saban might have trademarked "Masked Rider" in the US which would have passed on to Disney, who is anal about their IP (even changing laws to hold onto it when it should be public domain, Mickey Mouse I'm looking at you). On the other hand, it could just be a "Japanese words are cool" thing, admit it Kamen Rider just sounds cooler then Masked Rider. I just hope that's part of the explanation when he asks "what's a Kamen Rider?" "Kamen is Japanese for Mask, so it's a guy on a motorcycle with a mask" "why did you give them a Japanese name?" "Cause our whole planet is full of Weebos" I mean it's kind of irksome to see Japanese words used out of context, but sometimes eh, it happens.
  5. I used to spend a lot of time playing the Doom Troopers/Mutant Chronicles board game "siege of the citadel" it was an awesome game... and steampunk rules.
  6. "winged person/entity/thingy" it's an angel named Holy Bell, all the goddesses have angel symbiotes and that's hers. o0 anyway not sure how that fits nicely with Macross... while we're at it Lobelia can shrink into the shadows and is a pyrokenetic... but that still dosn't fit much with Grace lol.
  7. First ep is okay... more of the same which is really all I was expecting. But I find the new color palate to be a little jarring. But then I guess it's no different then any other current show... it's just weird when I compare it to my Season 1 and 2 boxsets (I should pick up Try sometime).
  8. Ripping off the alien designs have been a staple for Scifi anime for some time... look at the Kouma from Sakura Wars... they're just aliens with wings. More then just that... Beetle Sumo is a competition sport. She was pretty evil in Sakura Wars 3... even though she was at the same time a goodguy. Now this is just funny... Only in a Macross thread would one describe aliens not being "affected" by songs as terrifying. I think he meant that the Advisor's fade-to-white Yakk Deculture... death scene was the same as Lamplamiz-Fortresses.
  9. I think the whole point about it being an "accident" was to point out how stupid the idea was in the first place. That's why all the Zentraedi were like, "why did they do that? It doesn't provide them with any advantages and would make such and such system useless" The Modular tech was probably meant to swap out damaged components really fast in a crunch, but no one expected components to just go off on their own little adventure.
  10. LOL just saying... it was actually made in the episode discussion thread.
  11. That joke has been made quite a few times already...
  12. Sadly for you I see a bridge.
  13. Yeah but Sammy/Sasami never saw through Pixy Misa's disguise even after the hillarious "I've kidnapped Misao" scene where she kept transforming till she ran out of breath. And alternate universe is probably not going to happen... even if it didn't hail from the Robotech universe you know RT fans would say it id. Though it would be kinda cool if it was, it'd be like that Stan Bundy fanfic.
  14. I was always partial to the Cobra Condor... but I never had any jet toys aside from the GI joe Stealth Fighter. All my other vehicles were ground vehicles usually from the later years.
  15. I guess they build the fake macross in space and have it land after the real one takes off... On the other hand how observent are the people who populate anime universes? I mean these are the people who can't recognize Henshin heroes and Magical girls when they're not in costume.
  16. I like the theory that was postulated in the episode thread that this is an alien mirage meant to communicate to Alto and Lanka as a symbol they would know and recognize. It's like Unicron's appearance in Transformers Beast Wars, I however believe there is no chance of that being the case, since if it were such it would probably appear in pristine condition.
  17. I said not the SDF-1 but a First Generation Macross vessel. Though I truly believe it to be the real Macross. Wow I wanted to use your ass in conjunction with my raw... but it looks like the version the timer used lacked the "grand sponsor announcement" so the timing is off after the opening. Damn.
  18. *conspiracy mode on* maybe an SDF-1 type cruiser was HIDDEN inside the superstructure of the Megaroad... and this is the remains of the Megaroad fleet. not really, but nothing will surprise me.
  19. Actually the stuff about Macross 13 hadn't been posted before I clicked on reply... after I replied all that showed up.
  20. Okay my theory on SDF-1 Macross. Terrorist/insurrection group gets tired of the way the UNS is running things and captures the SDF-1 and launches it as their flagship for symbolic purposes. This is the war that leads to the formation of the NUNS, then ship crashes and no one knows what happened to it, the end!
  21. Wraith is cool! http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/default.cfm?pa...FEF25A15A351B34
  22. Any technology significantly advanced... that's why it's best if scifi avoids tech-no-babble if it's something crazy and just lets it seem like magic.
  23. That's not what it said according to the translation on this board.... It's the theme of a drama about Space War 1. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=611676 Don't worry about it, see above link.
  24. Watashi No Kare Wa Pairoto wa the opening song of the Minmay attack... but I figure Ai Wa Nagareu would be the most iconic part of the attack, not Pilot or Shao Pai Long.
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