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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Yeah, I don't know about the Dark Lord Jacen stuff... just reading the back of the books, when he has to kill someone he loves to get trained as a Sith "what bothered him was not to do it or not, but who should die" bleh. Star Wars Legacy is different though, cause just like Tales/KOTOR is the earliest point on the timeline, the Legacy comics are the latest, and thereby avoid a lot of problems Yeah it has Luke's force spirit show up... but what I like is how messed up Cade is... everyone thinks he'll be the ultimate hero and savior just because he's a Jedi, but he wants none of that crap... and there are other people they could get the Jedi to rally around. The two new Empires are kind of interesting because you have a new Emperor who's more or less a light side Jedi, with his own Jedi order... who was forced to work with the new Sith... the Sith of course backstabbed him and took over the Empire, so you have four different factions who don't trust each other. The Empire under the Sith, the part of the Empire that's still loyal to Emperor Fell, The scattered Jedi and the remenants of the alliance/republic.
  2. Ah but at the end of Dark Empire Palpatine was dragged down to hell (or the Aybss of the Darkside or whatever) by another Jedi... or something. Honestly while some EU is good there's only two things that actually interest me. Star Wars Legacy (not Legacy of the Force... the Legacy comics) which are set some 100 years after ROTJ and Tales of the Jedi/KOTOR: Tales of the Jedi is definitely the better of the two in terms of consistency and stories (for example why does KOTOR have sith lords calling themselves Darth and following a modified form of the rule of 2 3, 000 years before Darth Bane?). But both Kotor and Tales of the Jedi have the 4, 000 year seperation advantage that don't turn them into fanwanks.
  3. Well, he did seem to have a bit of a softspot for Queen Bee... too bad she was his target though. Yeah... I hated that movie... havn't bothered watching the show. Not my thing.
  4. oh I see... I was fuzzy on the details there. Anyway it's awesome and I want one. though I'd really love some 1/18 scale Zentraedi to play with my joes! (yay for 20" figures)... but no ones going to be crazy and make those.
  5. True... I'm just re-inforcing that it's been done... and I don't know the specifics of Chapter House, I only read the first Dune novel, but all I'm saying is the true threat, that's behind the threat that's in another Galaxy has been done before. (Herbert's friend E.E. "Doc" Smith for example).
  6. I haven't seen Blackhead either... if someone wants to help me out, I'll pay for it.
  7. Outside the Galaxy are where the "True Sith" are... remember from KOTOR II Actually reminds me of lots of things... including Transformers Generation II.
  8. It looks awesome... so how tall would a 1/72 Kamujin stand? I'm thinking it would be small but then I keep reminding myself not to base on the size of a Miclone. I'm not sure how tall he was as a Zentraedi, so yeah... how tall is this figure? And umm... did the AJACs project die? I havn't heard anything about that in a long time.
  9. Didn't read the book, but apparantly the clone dies before ever being brought to life. Though Luke and Mara THINK there might be another clone out there, that the one they found was just a smokescreen. Though I dunno I know, before "The Hand of Thrawn" came out, Zhan stated that brining Thrawn back would be a bad thing... if he didn't really die it makes the original books pointless or something he said. But maybe he changed his mind.
  10. Well it could be... remember Lucas was a huge fan of old pulp novels and serials... a lot of which (say Lensman) for example where written during the period when the Aether Field theory still existed. I remember in Lensman EE Doc Smith talked at some length about what was the best shape for a ship to navigate the Aether, so... maybe it pays homage to things like that. but... probably not.
  11. But Rebel vehicles are supposed to be un-clean and exposed... that's the whole point.
  12. We are the Galaxy's Anonymous we do not forgive we do not forget we are legion united by 1 divided by zero... Expect us. that's right, they're all just /b/tards... and when Ranka releases her next music video it'll be a Rick Roll.
  13. I think it depends on the theater, a lot of places I've been too the concession is behind the proof of payment area.
  14. ehh I'd rather it was the Muppet Babies version... or only do the characters who actually showed up as Star Wars characters in the Stars of Star Wars episode (gonzo/vader and piggy/leia).
  15. I didn't say she's isn't the 9th anything... I'm just saying that Fairy Nine doesn't have to mean that... and even provided context from another Japanese show where someone had 9 at the end of their name without being the 9th. I still think there's more to her then a simple street urchin... but we'll see. She knew she was an orphan before, so I don't think this changes things much.
  16. I loved it as she was running up the stairs KIMI DARE TO KISU O SURU? Obviously the answer is Sheryl. And since it's a DYRL homage and in most homages in this series they have the exact opposite outcome from the original... I call victory for Sheryl (this isn't actual speculation... this is what I want to happen).
  17. Subtle difference she calls her Fairy Nine (in english)... not "the ninth fairy"... that dosn't neccisarily mean she's the 9th anything. It could just be a codename. After all Mistress 9, in Sailor Moon wasn't the 9th Messiah of Silence. It could have just been something the writers thought sounded cool. umm... okay then.
  18. You all talk about Sheryl like she was a non-entity before she met Grace... you know homeless children don't pop out of nowhere right? They aren't spontaneously created, they're born to parents just like everyone else... and even if she was always homeless... she had to have someone who cared for her when she was very little and that someone probably gave her a name. But you all say "She wasn't Sheryl Nome until she met Grace" well then, who was she? Linda Lee? Don't make the story more convoluted then it has to be... the Sheryl we see in that clip is old enough to know her own name... yet she takes pride in the name she now has. I still say her being an actual Nome is more likely and simple to... random nameless girl was abducted and experimented on... to change her bloodtype to a special one that reacts with birdman stuff, then her name was changed to Nome, as a tribute to the original family who had this power" PLEASE... that's just a little overly complex. It's more likely that she was Orphaned when the fleet that we know Mao was on was destroyed.
  19. Citation needed where it shows Grace picking up other homeless girls?
  20. I'm jealous... I really am.
  21. Of course Reba West's vocals were not as good as Minmay's Mari Iijima is a professional singer... Reba West never was, the show also suffered from budget and time problems, they should have had more music then they did. Anyway, to this day I still like the Robotech music, but I can't say I'd like to see it with the Japanese dialog... Robotech is Robotech and Macross is Macross for me two very different things. I think someone said it best is the comparison of We Will Win (an awesome vocal even by Reba) and Ai Wa Nagareru, the former is a rousing call to arms, that has a just a hint of the hardships of war in it. The latter is a song about the horrors of war and how there are no winners... a message which must have surely shocked the Zentraedi if they bothered paying attention to the lyrics. So I'll save the Robotech music for when I watch Robotech (along with Samurai Pizza Cats one of two total butcher dubs I'll actually watch... oh throw Saber Rider in there and make it 3).
  22. When did Grace say that it WASN'T the case... All Grace said was "I took you in at that time"... we have no idea how Sheryl got to be homeless in the first place.
  23. Right... a random homeless girl named "Nome" who has Alpha Bombay Blood... I still think she's related to Mao; We already knew she was an orphan. Showing us that doesn't dis validate the idea she would be related to Mao. All it shows us is that she was homeless before Grace took her in; it doesn't tell us why grace chose her in the first place. Which I believe is due to her Alpha Bombay blood she inherited from Mao, which Grace found out about after working with Mao herself. We don't know how she became homeless and orphaned in the first place (was it when the 117 fleet was destroyed? for example) so it's a little early to discount the Nome connection yet. You guys seem to assume that the infection was supposed to give her, the powers the shadow group wanted her to have. Instead of the more simple explanation that because Grace new Mao she learned of the powers that Mao and Sara had... and thought that her daughter or granddaughter might have had those same powers. The Virus wasn't meant to give Sheryl powers it was meant to keep her on a tight leash and dependent on Grace. I'd pretty much be willing to bet money, there's more to Sheryl's origins then just "a random street urchin, that grace randomly selected for no apparent reason". That's just totally silly, it brings Sheryl's question of "why" back up, for one.
  24. yeah this should be in newbie, and it can get merged or locked but I'll go ahead and answer anyway. yes fansubbing is when fans translate and add subtitles to videos. Deculture is a Zentraedi term... which is a term of astonishment or disgust... but by the time of Frontier has been modified to be something cool... sometimes.
  25. which makes me hope Hasbro hosts them somewhere else then it's neon yellow and purple monkey tv page.
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