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I'd pay good money to see hollywood try to tackle Sakura with the genki! Japanese school girl and rich Zaibatsu rival.
Nadia the Secret of Blue Water
lord_breetai replied to lord_breetai's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yeah well you had me expecting some mutant hybrid of Eva and Laputa here. I was expecting in the end for Nadia to be hooked up to some Atlantean Super Computer, that would ask "Princess do you want to wipe the world clean?" and than have her angsting over her whole life and how much she hates herself and how much she thinks humans are decietful hurtful creatures... well you know the rest. Yes Adam struck me too... and the fact that they exprimented with different life forms before settling on humans. I don't really see the attack on the Nautilus as being the same because Nerv was supposed to be working for Seele, and both sides knew it would eventually boil down to something like that. Though one superficial connection is the fact that Neo's power cord seemed a lot like an Eva's, and that he could still move with no power to protect the one he loved seemed kinda Eva-esc too. The revelation that Gargoyle was a regular Earth human took me by suprise, I should have seen it coming in retrospect given how many times he refuted that fact (though he of course believed he was true Atlantean). And it's rare when I don't see something coming so it's pretty nice in that respect. What I do see, is a carried over theme about how flawed humanity is, and how it should be wiped out or free will should be taken away... but in the end despite that it may be worth saving. In Gunbuster it was really subdued, a scientist mentioning that the Uchuu Kaijuu were antibodies and that the human race was a disease and garbage... and Kazumi debating if humanity had a right to even try to fight back while heading to Buster Machine 3 (and in the end, she still didn't know if it was right only that they had to do what they could) In Nadia it becomes a theme embodied by the warring ideals of Nemo and Gargoyle... and to a lesser extent the internal conflict of Nadia. In Evangelion, it again becomes a conflict between Seele and Nerv (to some extent) and an over-arching theme in Shinji's thought process and the focus of the finale. In Eva it explores much more what it means to be human, to be alive, to have free will where the other series foccused more on the morality of the issue. I don't know if I'm making sense here... -
Nadia the Secret of Blue Water
lord_breetai replied to lord_breetai's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
heh I kinda liked the one episode that was one character theme after another. So I finished the series, and I gotta it was very very good... but I still don't see it as totally being on the same level as Eva. Yes it had themes of "should humanity be allowed to exist, or have free reign over itself." but so did Gunbuster, it's a common theme in a lot of Anno's work. Also well Nadia did spend a lot of the series waffling over liking or hating humanity, by the end she had pretty much made up her mind. Yeah I can see how ideas from Nadia were brought over to Eva, but I see it as being more of a progression and evolution of those ideas from Gunbuster to Nadia to Eva rather then any of them being rehashes of the same arguements for and against humanity. Certainly scenes like when Electra pulls the gun on Nemo would be mirrored in Evangelion... but yeah. Really it turning out that Gargoyle was just a human after all and only the royal family were true Atlanteans was a pretty effective ending... at the end all of Gargoyle's ambitions were only greed he was was no more capable then any human being (well maybe a bit... but he wasn't superior). It's a good commentary on any kind of racial theory. I hate epilogues where "everyone goes their own seperate ways and this happened to this person, and this happened to that" Overall this has become one of my top series of all time... probably standing along side Sakura Taisen for steampunk works for me... as a high adventure story it was really top notch. I will have to buy the DVDs. -
Nadia the Secret of Blue Water
lord_breetai replied to lord_breetai's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
yeah that explains the bad chaterization but unless they wern't paying attention, they should know Nadia would know that Africa isn't her home. -
Nadia the Secret of Blue Water
lord_breetai replied to lord_breetai's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Okay I've hit the island episodes... umm I think they're entertaining in their own right but it's a bit of a C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-ombo breaker in this series. As a steampunk take on the whole castaway cliche' I still enjoy it. But characterization is crap compared to before. Why does Nadia still want to go to Africa so much anyway? They still talk about Africa like it's her homeland when she should know from Electra's speech that her homeland is Atlantis. -
Nadia the Secret of Blue Water
lord_breetai replied to lord_breetai's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Okay well I'd like to watch it all just to see what was actually going on. so maybe I'll skip them then watch them after I finish the rest of the series? -
Nadia the Secret of Blue Water
lord_breetai replied to lord_breetai's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ah I thought perhaps it was islands in general maybe the people liked it because they loved the nautical combat... And that part I find kinda boring sometimes... Nautical combat with tense moments as they wonder if the Torpedo will hit them or not. just arn't my cup of tea. In small doses they're okay but episode after episode it's kind of grating so I like the land based episodes that break it up. Though ones like the mine-field are really fun. The main appeal is the steampunk and the characters for me, sometimes I get a little bored with the underwater battles but over all it's keeping my interest. -
So I've so far watched the first 14 episodes of this Gainax series and I am very much enjoying it. It's steampunk setting is very much my cup of tea (it also doesn't hurt that Jean, Nadia and Electra's seiyuu would later play members of the Paris Kagekidan Group De' Fleur which really kinda helps me with the setting since I've heard those voices in similar context [For the reference Jean is Hidaka Noriko who plays Erica in ST as well as Noriko in Gunbuster, Nadia's seiyuu was Hanabi in ST and Electra was Kikuoe Inoue of Bellandy fame who would become Lobelia in the ST Paris group) So here are my impressions, I've avoided spoilers on this. It seemed to me pretty obvious that Nemo is Nadia's father (and if not father then uncle or something) from the first episode he showed up in, before even that we saw the Orihalcon stone he has that Blue Water was cut out of. As for the Eva parallels Keith keeps mentioning... I'm only seeing a couple... the use/misuse of biblical imagery (The Tower of Babel is a Superlaser... WTF?), the idea that because of the tree of knowldege and original sin humanity hurts each other as much as it helps, Nadia internalizing that, thinking people are awful for killing animals and each other... and her very black and white perspective on people resulting in confusion when those who she thinks are bad, or as has seen do bad things later show her or others kindness... And her confused feelings towards Jean, fighting with her desire to remain independent. I can see her becoming a slightly less messed up version of Shinji, in that she like Shinji has to choose to either hide from the world and shut it out to avoid pain or to embrace the positive aspects of being around fellow humans. And I've heard much about how bad island episodes are... and so far I'm not seeing that, some of the best episodes have taken place on Islands. I was really chocked up when Nadia couldn't tell Marie her parents were dead, and Marie was saying she wanted to go to heaven. And the whole Tower of Babel arc was very, very exciting. Likewise the hunting episode really brought Nadia's conflicted feelings about the human race to the surface, and even Run, Marie Run... which seemed like a total filler episode at first (after the montage of play time set to the opening and several minutes straight of walking/running along a train track) really served to advance several key characters, particularly Nemo and Nadia's perspectives towards the neccesity of killing, in a do or die situation. Cutest quote for the series so far has to go to Marie, on seeing the train track branch three ways and exclaiming in English "OH MY GOD!" I also enjoyed the Gunbuster reference in episode 14 (they visit a place called Reef 64, which pronounciation wise in Japan is exactly the same as Leaf 64 the star where the discover the Space Monster Eggs in Gunbuster). Also is it just me or does the Nautilus look like a Buster Machine? Music reminds me of Eva too. Anyway I'll update as I watch more.
それは分かっています。もちろん、佐渡先生も分かっている だから、へんですね。 Really I have no idea where she gets the idea it's Idiomatic from... she's not only a native Japanese speeker she's a trained linguist. I think sometimes she gets weird ideas about English though.
Reminds me of Fushigi Yuugi... Miaka tries to lighten the mood by saying she brought along a nice walking stick and using the adjective Suteki which sounds like Stick... in the English version she says "Cain you believe it?" on the flip side the english DUB of Koko Wa Greenwood keeps a pun intact in one episode that's a bit odd. The main character is standing by a Koi pond and reflecting on if he's in love or not says "Koi, maybe it is koi" then his friend comes up and asks "hey how are the koi?" That's the dailog in the english dub... it sounded quite odd.
Do you guys remember the series EXOSQUAD?
lord_breetai replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well I'd hope they'd still have spring loaded projectiles but with different mechanims (IIRC) JT Marsh's E-frame launched it's missiles when you fully opened the wings... which kinda sucked if you wanted them in with the wings open. -
link yeah... so someone made a soda whose selling point is being a parody of Hentai... umm... that's deffinitly the weirdest thing since the off-broadway "anime" musical.
Depends on the medicine... sometimes you do drink it. It's just one of my Sensei's quicks though. Maybe she just thought we'd remember it better if she said it was idiomatic.
Okay that's understandable there was some tl;dr in there so sorry if I missed that... just to let you know in that context I'd be saying you're hard headed. Slightly off topic but it seems my Sensei at college has a very odd idea of what is idiomatic and what is not. For example she think that お風呂に入る (to enter a bath) is Idiomatic because it does not litterally mean "Take a bath"... even though entering is a more litteral description of the action. She's actually Japanese too... it's kind of odd.
Do you guys remember the series EXOSQUAD?
lord_breetai replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Exosquad is probably one of my favorite American TV shows period (I really loved the music) it captured my imagination and I loved it as a kid... I never got to see much of after they took the war to Earth though. I had Marsh's and Phaton's E-frames and played the heck out of them. For American Cartoons I think only Gargoyles, Reboot (actually Canadian), Batman TAS and Avatar would compare for me.... (but here's hoping on GI Joe resolute). Yes I certainly remember it... you might want to check out the original comics by Larry Hama, they were a bit more military orientated then the cartoon and less cheesy and dummed down (Toad Borg also didn't exist in the comics). But a very fun show.