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Everything posted by USC..FOOTBALL..DOMINATION

  1. i dont see you bidding on it.
  2. get lost. nobody cares about your auction. its all about the CM's and you know it.
  3. mine fits fine. you probably got a lemon.
  4. not too impressed sam, so i wouldnt be creaming too much. there are no landing gears on your mod.
  5. LMFAO at you for not knowing that i got one yesterday in perfect condition.
  6. LMFAO at you for thinking that I will post the link. Not yet at least. In the process of getting 2 more blue ones.
  7. LMFAO at the ones that dont know there is a hong kong toy website selling the legioss/tread for 200.00US
  8. i may put pics up. but you are gonna have to wait. I'll see......
  9. just put an order for THREE of the green color version.
  10. LMFAO at this poor tool hoping that the toynami beta price on BBTS was not a mistake.
  11. Just got the legioss beta combo!!! LMFAO at the ones still creaming over the pictures that dont have one yet. LMFAO at the ones that want one but cant because its too expensive. LMFAO at the ones that say it sucks but in reality they just cant afford it.
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