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Bill C.

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Everything posted by Bill C.

  1. The only thing I remember clearly about VF-X is the pair of Milky Dolls vocal songs from it. I loved those...
  2. Welcome To My Fan Club's Night is definitely growing on me...I fully expect that to pop up during another battle/concert montage later in the show's run.
  3. It's nice to know I wasn't imagining the Independence Day riffs (Frontier 2059 and The Target most notably) being jacked for the MacF OST, but it still works...
  4. It's kind of odd that there will be an instrumental version of the Deculture-sized version of AO on the single, though. (Not bad, just odd.) And damn if I can remember Cat Diary...
  5. True. But the Interstellar Flight single, AIUI, will include Ai Oboeteimasuka?...which isn't popping up on the OST at all. So it's got that particular thing going in spades for it...
  6. Usually, though--if you're the hotheaded young hero--it either takes the love of a good woman or a devastating loss to make you calm down...
  7. Though that doesn't mean it won't get banged up in some spectacular fashion at least once or twice more during the series...
  8. In retrospect: I'm okay with Mikhail animating his VF while talking to Klan. Even if it did seem a bit "talk to the hand"-ish. It's mainly the head bit and that whole "What?" thing he did with it after she slapped the virtual taste out of its mouth...
  9. I'm not sure the show's that subtle, but I kind of like that theory...
  10. The phrase "top secret" comes to mind. Especially since we still don't know who Harmonica answers to...it could be a shadow faction within the NUNS (assuming it's a united front), it could be a separate vocal faction of the NUNS, or it could even be one big fakeout and Leon's actually some sort of Vajra spy trying to bring the whole thing down from within...
  11. Ah, okay. Doesn't really say anything one way or the other, then... /random: not a single negative vote on the episode poll yet? Doesn't someone always find something they hate in a typical episode of Frontier?
  12. I'll have to watch it again, but I know I completely missed it: ? (Which may well lend itself to the whole theory being bandied about upthread.) And now that we definitely have our proof about Brera's connections: what is his thing? Apart from the leisure suit fetish...
  13. A peripheral question: what was the subtitle near the end of the episode, in the scene with ? Was that some sort of promo for something?
  14. A PG-13 Golgo 13 would probably go something like Anyway...hopefully, the word of mouth holds up and episode 9 of MacF won't be the massive ratings drop we're dreading...
  15. Truer words may never have been spoken, Batou.
  16. Didn't understand a damn thing, but I'm a sucker for well-done slapstick. So I really liked the parts of this I think I got. Flip side, what exactly were Leon and Cathy talking about before Ozma popped up?
  17. I'm admittedly fuzzy on all this, but I'm assuming this is where the word "miclone" pops up...?
  18. Is the timeslot that horrible? Are there not enough breasts for the Japanese audience?
  19. Is it just me, come to think of it, or is that faintly Matrixesque? What's up with that?
  20. Alto had to power up first, after all. He gets his mad piloting skillz from teenage girls...wait, that didn't come out right...
  21. A quick word on the supposedly "missing" eyecatch: thus far, the eyecatch has always featured the MacF logo. You see it in this episode when Alto is screaming for Luca, and then again on the subsequent wide shot of Frontier with the concert noises as background...it's possible that a part inbetween is missing, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the eyecatch and they just decided not to do anything radically different as (just guessing) a cost/time-cutting measure.
  22. Well said. And especially after the mechagasm that was DYRL in 60 Seconds, Episode 8 will be the proverbial cigarette... EDIT: thanks for posting those, veffidas. So Harmonica (as it appears) definitely has someone in the NUNS's blessing...
  23. Yes, MisaForever, Bobby did deserve a little avatar love there... ("Harmonica" was mine to begin with, for the record. But it's accurate, ne?)
  24. Hmm. I'll have to fire up VirtualDub later and check this out--though it probably doesn't change Harmonica's status (and that of his apparent wing/posse) as something whatshisface (Sterne?) is keeping under his hat...well, eyepiece. A top secret experiment, something that isn't even related to NUNS but that he's keeping quiet (then again, depending on what the hell is going on with the NUNS itself, who knows?), whatever...
  25. We can't make it that easy, now. (coughpage1cough)
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