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Everything posted by Lu523

  1. Glad to see you still have this going. I have been very busy lately. Just stopped in to say Hi.
  2. Going to bring IMacross3 back online. Content is not what it used to be. I have moved alot of things around. I have also lost some things. Anyway here is the server info. server:lu-valk.dyndns.org port:21 user:IMacross3 password:VF1-J This is a ftp running on an adsl connection. Speed may not be the best. I will keep it up as long as I can.
  3. Lu523


    Very nice work both of you.
  4. Lu523

    Macross Twins

    I have a few of them that came from Macross. Need to dig them out. I found 4. Rifleman, the one that looks like the Gladiator (Archer?). And the two you have there.
  5. Just got it. 56 min 20sec. to download. Now to watch it
  6. I am waiting for subs also. Hats off to those that do them. It takes alot of time and effort to do a fansub. Those that have tried it know that it can be a pain.
  7. Same here. Can't wait to see it. I have 2 or 3 versions of the first 3 eps. I will probably do the same for this one.
  8. latitude 33° 33' 42" longitude -83° 56' 12"
  9. I need to be confirmed for 1. Have not had much time lately.
  10. I would go in for that.
  11. I will take a Monster. Can't wait to see it done.
  12. Rabidweezil, Did you do a complete repaint or just add to it? I noticed that you had different squad emblems on the tail. Did you remove the skulls? Great work however you did it.
  13. Jesse, As always that is some great work.
  14. It has been awhile since I posted. I just want to say that I thought it was very well done. I like it better then the other groups that have done M0.
  15. Yes it is still up. You can find other stuff on mIRC as well. Most of the fansubbers have a channel.
  16. Sorry to hear bout your problems. I am sure you will get things straight. I join everyone else in saying good luck.
  17. M7 . Go here for the link.
  18. Nice job. Have you thought about a colr version?
  19. I was following it. The group I was getting it from dropped.
  20. I have a thing for girls with glasses. The right style makes a woman very sexy.
  21. It would be nice to have a version just for the Low-Vis. Hope it happens.
  22. As others have said that is amazing. Hope whoever wins it can do the res justice.
  23. I was going to write up a guide for mIRC. I think that most people should be able to get going with the one on the mIRC site. http://www.mirc.com/install.html If someone needs more help PM me and I will try to help.
  24. If you like HomeWorld you are going to love this mod. It rocks. Hope you have a good system. It can bring a PentiumIII to its knees.
  25. I like it. But as others have said judge it for yourself.
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