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Everything posted by peter

  1. Lol! So true. Galaxy Quest really was the last good Star Trek Film
  2. Star Trek TV for the most part works for me as well, except STD, I haven't found any motivation to give it a try beyond the snippets of seeing the Enterprise on short youtube clips. As for Voyager, I could sit through an entire re-watch of Voyager over a single episode of M7, lol! Patrick Stewart is awesome, and Picard as a character is one of my favorite captains, however I am steadily losing interest watching this series.
  3. I got the green light from the wife to get in on this, but I'm going to sit this one out. I personally prefer the DYRL style exhaust ports, and I don't like the fact that the feet don't open up. Besides, I'm still bringing back Nobunaga's castle back from Japan.....about 50 volumes so far and who knows how many are left at the in-law's place.
  4. Wow. It looks to me like they're just dragging back some of the cast of TNG to lend credibility to this dying franchise.
  5. As long as it sticks to the prime timeline, I might give it a go. If it's in the JJ-verse, and even has hints of STD, I'm walking away from the dumpster fire known as Star Trek.
  6. The one positive thing that I got out of the review is that this kit definitely not for me. I'm actually a bit disappointed in some of the details, or lack there of. I definitely would not be satisfied with building it as is. Boosters look too big Head unit detail is brutally lacking and the head lasers on the 1S head look off. Landing gear bays don't look deep enough that they would actually house landing gear.
  7. Like that oversized Optimus Prime? I'd be in for that.
  8. What I was thinking too. Didn't even clean the parts from where he cut from the sprues, yikes. What a waste of a very expensive kit.
  9. For 200,000 jpy, you'd think it would be able to do this:
  10. It appears that the nozzles don't open. Also, what does the line art say about the exhaust. Is it supposed to be a circular exhaust port like above (and also the Yamato 1/48s) or slotted like this: (Bandai DX 1/48s look like this pic)
  11. Let Star Trek die off for a while, at least the bad taste that is the JJ Trek dissipate. Redo the Animated Series in photo-real CGI. They already have the dialogue recorded, just need tech to catch up enough that we can't tell the difference between real life and CGI. Guess that won't be possible for maybe in another 15-20 years?
  12. peter

    1/55's revisited

    who's chunky is this?
  13. Never watched it. Was it as awesome as the live action Dragonball?
  14. WTF are they using katakana in the title? Do they think if they throw some Japanese in there, it gives it any more credibility? I wonder if Robocrap has a following in Japan.
  15. Pretty sure we'll see yellowed DXs in about 10 years or so.
  16. They're 26,000 on https://www.amazon.co.jp/ right now.
  17. FFS, I $hit myself a little thinking I missed it, lol!
  18. I haven't seen the first one, guess I should check it out. Being a parent of a 5 year old and a screaming 1.5 year old at home, I have no idea how we'd survive. Kids make noise, and sometimes there's no way to calm them down in a hurry. We'd probably be fraked. Have guns, and decent supply of ammo, but nothing to make them quiet (because Canada). Guess instead of bugging out, we'd probably bug in. Sound proof the hell out of the house, stockpile food.
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