I always thought that you MW bashers were stupid but I never thought you were also ignorant and idiotic to the point of making statements that were above and beyond reason. How the FU@K do you say that my making $75,000 a year with a masters is low. It's actually high considering my entry level status, you idiots. $55,000 is average for a Masters degree. If youdon't believe me then look at this link and get educated because you neanderthals need it:
Median salaries
I always say that school is important and some of you really need it bad because you have just proven that G.E.D's and H.S. diplomas only make you look $tupid and allow idiotic statements on your behalfs.
Is it really that important to you for everyone on this forum to know what you make? It may be a lot compared to your average member here on this forum, but it really isn't that much so get over yourself.
What's even more lame is someone your age arguing on the internet. I'm guessing your age here based on what you claim....degree, two cars, a family, a house and a $75,000 career....you should be 30 +, but you sound like you're in highschool. I can't imagine what your family thinks of you sitting on the computer arguing with someone you've never met. Why don't you show them your big win here on this forum? And while your at it, show your co-workers at your $75,000 carreer job too. They'll probably say something like "you're such a loser" and you''ll probably stay at your entry level status forever.
So anyways, you're the big hotshot, you win! It's like bragging to the paperboy that you have a real job.....at Mcdonald's.