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Everything posted by peter

  1. I think you’re getting mixed up because of this phuktard named Michael Bay. He did say at one point in time that he was dropping the mutant bit, and he was going for something new, and edgy. I forgot what his exact words were, and they were actually stated by him on that steaming pile of crap known as his website, with a bunch of MB fan boys cheering him on and telling him how great he was, but then somewhere down the road, he retracted this words and to the effect that he was only joking or he was misunderstood, or maybe that he never said such a thing. Who the hell knows. Oh, wait, I think I found some of the links: TMNT are now aliens: http://popwatch.ew.com/2012/03/19/michael-bay-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-aliens/?hpt=hp_t2 “When you see this movie, kids are going to believe one day these turtles actually do exist when we are done with this movie,” said Bay as he took the stage to discuss his new vision for the reptilian reboot. “These turtles are from an alien race, and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely loveable.” TMNT are now not aliens: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/04/28/its-the-ooze-michael-bay-confirms-that-the-alien-ninja-turtle-plans-have-been-scrapped/ There was that quote saying that we’re making [the Ninja Turtles as] aliens. We’re not. It’s the ooze! It’s from the original source material. These are from the original writers, and I never went out to correct myself in the press. I do listen to the fans and I do want this to be authentic. I think they’re going to be really happy with this movie. When I see the digital stuff, the turtles look great. Anyway, Shredder is no longer Oroku Saki?
  2. Nicely done man, out of my budget, but pretty damn nice!
  3. I don't think I've ever seen a Valk engage the safety, but I don't care, it's still awesome.
  4. Thread back from the dead! 2 posts....so welcome to Macrossworld?
  5. They need to do a re-make of the live action film. In fact, I don’t mind if they keep trying. It took this long to get something so awesome as 2199, I’m sure that if they keep trying, they’ll get something just as awesome in live-action. Akira on the other hand, from what I’ve read so far, is dead before it even starts. Do you remember there was a time when it was going to be in New York? WTF. Akira has the potential to be done right. Look at Yamato, it would have been a complete fail (instead of the partial fail that it was) if they changed much more than that. The ship was undeniably Yamato, no two friggin ways about it. Can you imagine if they made Macross into a live action film, and used the F35 as the basis for the VF-1A Valkyrie? Macrossworld would start a war with Hollywood. LEAVE KANEDA”S BIKE THE WAY IT IS. Leave the character’s the way they are as well, for that matter. Did this clown even read the manga??? “Nobody’s interesting”? I thought Kaneda was very interesting....or is it because I have a little understanding of Japanese culture? Please, someone correct me if I’m wrong. If they want to make this film for the Michael Bay Transformer crowd, just do the fans a favour and don’t call it Akira. 47 Ronin with Keanu Reeves might have been better off if they simply called it something else.....but they choose to take such an iconic title and roll the dice with it. I want to see an Akira live action movie, but it will take a miracle to get it right with the way things are going.
  6. That's why I thought it might have been a TV show....the acting is already spelling trainwreck for me.
  7. Fixed it for you. There are some craptacular Japanese actors as well. Did you watch Yamato live action? Talk about a $hit ton of overacting. Okita was probably the only character I could tolerate, otherwise they'll just get a bunch of boy-band idol types to turn it into a total trainwreck. That being said, I'd take the trainwreck over this abomination any day of the week: http://www.blastr.co...l-anime-version May as well call it Bill instead of Akira, and have it take place on the moon. Sounds like this guy wanks to his Michael Bay wall poster everynight.
  8. Wait, is this supposed to be a TV show or a movie? If it's a new tv series, that could explain a lot.
  9. Hey, I have one of those kits! haven't built it yet though....
  10. I'll watch it. haha, is that the first time Arnie's ever used a firearm that wasn't on full automatic shooting from the hip? I can't remember, but that might be the first time I've ever seen him shoulder a weapon and actually look through the sights
  11. Holy, I thought they were CG as well, nice job! Great photos too!
  12. True, I’ve never seen a Valk talk, haha, but somewhere in my twisted memory, I seem to recall a scene where it looks like Basara’s Valk is screaming....maybe it was just a bad dream.
  13. Well, like the last two movies, I think I will stream this one. I didn't even finish watching the 3rd film, much less bother to download the torrent. Wasn't Magnus sort of made out to be a badguy in the dreamweave comics and then he sort of came to his senses near the end?
  14. The sister-in-law's coming in from Japan, maybe I'll get her to pick one up for me. They're 19,328 on Amazon Japan, so that works out to about $211 Canadian dollars....
  15. Ninja were covert operatives/agents or mercs in feudal Japan and they operated primarily during the period of the warring states (pre-Tokugawa). After the unification, ninja faded from history and into folklore and Chuck Norris movies. The wushu-style of martial arts you see in many films (and competitions/exhibitions) today were developed in China in 1949. The flashy stuff you see is generally changchuan, which hand't made it's way into Japan when ninja were active. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, we're talking about talking *ucking turtles from outer space for crissakes. Bay still has them as aliens right?
  16. Thank you, I was beginning to wonder if anyone was even going to know what wushu is. Haha, I should have said kung fu, and least most people can differentiate between that and karate (or can they?) I love it when people get Chinese martial arts mixed up with Japanese ones. After studying wushu for 15 years, and iaido for 8, I totally agree that the flashy stuff draws the eye more than the subtle ones, especially in film. I've even heard some people in class (iaido) go as far as saying if it doesn't look boring, you're doing it wrong.
  17. “Turtles in a loin cloth”? Haha, Looks like fundoshi, but I guess it’s supposed to be armour? All kidding aside, some of the images look alright. I just hope they don’t have the turtles flying around doing wushu like they did with the unholy Star Wars trilogy. Mike having a 3 section staff is already got me raising my eyebrows.
  18. All the weenies at Robotech.com would be all over it like a fat kid in a candy store...mabye a few weenies from here too, haha!
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