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Everything posted by Lakan

  1. What the heck happened to this series? The ending was a really big MEH!
  2. Oh my! So much moe on this episode! I can't~~~ The planet looked absolutely stunning! Reminds me of the setting on Macross Zero. Tropical paradise!
  3. AAAAAANNNNND WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS! Just finished watching Macross Delta and I must say that I can't let myself be seen (They might judge me and they wouldn't understand)watching those fighting/singing sequences with the magical transformation. I kinda agree with the others that its like Fronter and M-7 mashed up together. I find the animation/art in this series is a tad better than Frontier, I just hope it holds up. Back then at Frontier the longer it get, the suckier the animation gets (budget cuts?). Imma re-watch the ep again a couple of times to see how it holds up. But it seems good. Also while watching the fighting/singing/dancing sequence I almost shouted 'DeCulture!'. Hahaha! I am listening to a few Frontier music right now, Sheryl's singing voice May'n still kicks ass! Oh nostalgia!
  4. This is a good series. Too good that it makes zombie themed series look boring!
  5. Ohhh SC2, so do you guys think this is a good catch for the moment?
  6. Hmmm... I wonder if it'll be shown to other countries, I wanna watch movies in the cinema rather than a stupid tv.
  7. Sweet looking plane! I miss watching macross frontier.. Whew, those macross planes still are the best lookin' fighter plane in an anime show that I seen.
  8. Watching HOTD, read the manga (through mangafox) and I must say it is fun to see it animated. Will be following this series for a while.
  9. Great looking model kits. Keep em' coming.
  10. Hmm.. Probably I'll just watch this when it's DVD is out.
  11. ^ I am also following AFK but as you said it they're not that fast. I'll probably see mazui while waiting for AFK to upload theirs.
  12. Guys, what subbing group are you following with this anime?
  13. O how I wish I could buy a PS3 just right about now and start playing NBA 2k9.
  14. What a commotion, good thing it is resolved now.
  15. I'm currently following the 2nd season of 'Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' with AFK fansub. I am also watching the 1st season of 'Gundam 00' and I must say that those Gundams are IMBA! And many of the people with the 'celestial beings' are emo. By the way guys, do you have any suggestion on what fansub to follow with 2nd season of 'Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya'? I find the subs of AFK a bit slow.
  16. Yeah it make sense, but even so I think he would be enjoying that ordeal nevertheless. He is the original playboy in this series right? But those tentacles are damn creepy.
  17. I agree with you dude, fans of the original series probably would have been contented with the ending of SDFM and DYRL has offered. Heck knowing that Hikaru and Misa got married and had a baby made all happy, but what bugged me is when I heard that they suddenly vanished in middle of nowhere. When I heard that the megaroad-1 and it's crew vanished the first thing came to my mind is 'Where did it go?', thus the continued curiosity on what happened to the original Triangler and the megaroad-1. If Kawamori probably didn't add that to the official timeline of the Macross universe we wouldn't be talking about this in the first place. But yeah it might be some jab to the fans for them not to forget the original Triangler and just keep on following the Macross series with some hope of the mystery of the megaroad-1 being answered along the way. I must say I am happy with the ending (especially knowing the hikaru and misa got married and had a child) but I can't still get out of my mind on why/how they vanished. This reminds of the hollywood movie 'Frailty' where people was said to be taken by god's hand and just vanished without a trace.
  18. It seems that Leon is trying to paint that Bilra's faction are the bad guys and with this providing the rift between Luca and Bilra's Faction, seems that Leon's trying to win Luca over. But I can't see Bilra as a bad guy especially seeing that he is a train otaku . hitting two birds with the same stone eh?
  19. The romantic side to me would probably just leave them as it be, for making this would make the SDFM/DYRL into a legend status. But yeah like most fans of that series I probably would want to take a peek on how did they end up or what really happened (just like the ending of Escaflowne which I'm still itching to know on how did van and hitomi end up, did they hook up again? gone separate way? etc. etc.) but then again it is not a necessary for I am quite happy on how did it end up though not logically (yeah, vanishing just suddenly is quite lame) but rather emotionally. Because like others who has the same reverence as me of the original series wouldn't want a half-baked fan service to spoil the precious memories given to us by the SDFM/DYRL. OT @ Dreamweaver13: Oi kababayan! nice to see you so active in the forum. lol.
  20. Such a good fun episode. The ruckus on the school was fun, now it is much more interesting to see the love story between the triangle of alto, sheryl and ranka when they are in the same school. Luca was funny, seem's like he's fond of his machines and give them names. I'm looking forward to the next..
  21. at long last! just a thought, when I tried AIA subs I noticed that the sound wasn't that good compared to those of shinsen and gattai.. it seemed bland.. unlike the much more refined sound of those from shinsen and gattae.. anyone noticed this? or am i just imagining things?
  22. same here bud, though mine is much older it's probably about 8 year-old. so i have to stick to shinzen for my weekly dose of Macross frontier. and yeah I would like to join everyone in giving the people behind the subs a big thank you! If weren't for you guys we (those who don't understand japanese ) probably couldn't have been watching Macross Frontier in "real time".
  23. oh I forgot to answer the topic, I was first exposed to Macross by RT but I already knew back then (mid 90's) that it was just a syndicated english dubbed japanese anime.. But I still loved it not knowing theres a big difference between the RT and the orginal SDF Macross.. Fortunately though the only part I watched on RT was Macross Saga.
  24. WTH??!?! No more UN Spacy Logo on the oncoming Macross F? What a bummer!
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