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Everything posted by Rockhound

  1. Thanks for the thread PetarB! It's good to see how he separates his larger sections. He did an awesome cannon fodder scheme. A+! But I think I'm just gonna go for the straight forward scheme in the anime and on the box. In prgoress thread will be forth coming, just as soon as I find my camera. Again, thanks PetarB!
  2. How's it going! I'm a long time fan of Macross and models. I used to go by Hagan001 waaaaaay back when and built a ton of VF-1 supers and strikes and even did a "color corordinated" flight formation. You might even remember some of the contests I did that had the models as prizes. but all that was a few years ago. Anyways, I'm coming back into the modelling circuit and just got a hasegawa Reactive armored VF-0S. I was curious if there was kit build up made (searching turned up 0 results, but didn't know if I was using the correct keywords.) If there is, can someone send me a link to it. And if there is not one, I guess I can try to start one, although I'm no WMCheng. Let me know. Thanks!
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