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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. or he could be gathering data on the vajra carrier through some kind of access net/hub. hence, the matrix-type data feeds in front of him before he heard the singing. maybe he didn't even notice alto was there until he heard it.
  2. Hence, Klanklan's SMS Farewell Song - "I'm a chick, and i'm an alien!" I'm so hot! I'm so cute! SMS And my mech flies better than your vf25 crap Here I go, there I go, SMS When there's a call to a far off star Why do you need to go far? I'm a chick, and I'm an alien, alien! But you can't wack me that easily (unless you're a sniper). Here I go, there I go, SMS Don't spread your seed in my galaxy that easily. Coz i'm about to throttle trough the Magellan Clouds in a stroke Cause I am the indestructible SMS Super! Meltran! Space-pixies! Once I start, I can't stop, hey! ------------------------------ of course, i have no idea if this will sound anywhere remotely ok when translated back into japanese.
  3. that's too bad. having a former ms macross runner up (or winner) as a member would have put ozma's tribute band on top!
  4. is luca making a big deal just because he saw a fold reactor? or because he saw a super-duper special kind of fold reactor? haven't watched the subbed yet, so i'm not sure about this one. but i had the impression that it there was something special about the fold reactor in the vajra carrier.
  5. There's a sequel? As far as shows on otaku are concerned, the only ones i am aware of are ONV, akihabara@deep and genshiken.
  6. I'm just thinking. maybe she goes for the holosuit when she takes on her fast paced and effects-heavy songs. but when she goes for the ballads, she uses good-old actual clothes. i assume the concert is long enough for several costume change breaks, so she sometimes wears the holo-suit, and sometimes wears real clothes. now, i have to watch the ep again. if sheryl actually wears real clothing at one point, and then immediately shifts to a holo-costume in the very same scene, then there might have been an animation mistake. but then again, as gubaba pointed out, when you get a panty shot, who cares?? haha, funny to think that Ozma was a bonafide Fire Bomber fanboy back in the day. hell, maybe he and cathy were always present in concerts.
  7. nome connection? are you referring to sarah and mao? gasp.. what if they (NUNS) already found out where sarah nome was 17 (or whatever sheryl's age is) years ago in a place that normally wouldn't be accessible due to fold dislocation.... and then... oh you know where i'm getting at. ok, back to our regular programming: why are you ganging up on klan, i mean, misaforever? .... he's not a goat. (sorry, MrMarch!)
  8. thanks march! actually, i was thinking of editing out question number 1. it was funny when i saw my question posted, and you answered it quite perfectly... in the post previous to mine. At first i thought: psychic! as for Question2, i don't think that was macross city (where isamu and guld were fighting). i got the impression that it was a very long distance away. hence, the time it took for the Ghost to arrive even after lifting off quite earlier.
  9. i also kinda have my doubts about the citizens just being simply hypnotized. sure, everyone watching should indeed be hypnotized. but to think that everyone was inside the buildings? i don't know.... the reason why i thought the city looked deserted, aside from there being absolutely no people even in the streets, is that well, literally, it looked dead. no flashing lights. no neon signs. no movement. nothing. it felt like a model city -- "ready for occupancy in the year 2050!!". and if the city is alive, and sharon apple is also hypnotizing people here, then her image should be spread out on the building sides, or on any holo screens across the city. and we also have to consider that the only time isamu and guld heard sharon's voice was when the Ghost came into proximity. which means the signal of her concert was coming from the Ghost. if the city was already hypnotized by Sharon, then her signal should have been all over the place even before the Ghost showed up. basically, it really just had a feeling of a dead city. i've seen mac+ countless number of times, and it's always the impression that i got. i only thought of this question now because of the talk on population. but i wouldn't say it was a city left uninhabited because of the bodoloza attack. because the city looked like it was in pristine condition. no sign of destruction. that's why i was guessing that it was a city being built for future occupancy. and if that's the case, it offers an interesting insight on the way humanity seeks to re-populate and recover earth after the space war.
  10. i saw this 10 years ago. and i loved it. OTAKINNNGGGG!!! i know i have a copy on VHS. too bad i can't find it anymore. (not to mention, i don't have a working vhs player anymore. haha.) it's good for a laugh. and a lot of nostalgia. anime is easily available these days, that it's hard to imagine a time when i spend so much time effort and money just trying to find bootlegs. memories, indeed.
  11. no, i think he's serious. another negative vote was just added to the poll.
  12. Yup, its most likely. earth sure looks populated from the scenes in macr+, but that could be only macross city. perhaps some other cities as well. but even with cloning, i don't think the entire earth could be populated in a span of 50 years. hmmm... but this talk on population actually brought up 2 questions in my mind: 1. If we take SDFM as the canon (and DYRL as merely the movie within the series) did the bodolza attack eradicate the entire human race, or were there actually other survivors (other than misa, of course). I just want to know if the pockets of civilization / cities shown in the aftermath in SDFM were actual earth survivors, or just a mix of macross survivors, clones and zentraedi? 2. In the dogfight between isamu and guld in a city... was that an actual inhabited city? or a deserted one. i always get the impression that it's deserted (looked so dead). but the buildings are all intact and actually look new. if it's deserted, could it be a city in development, where clones and humans would later be transferred? just wondering.
  13. i understand what you're saying. but i don't see anything in the chronology that would make it impossible for rainy night to have happened after the events of mac0. When you said that the VF-1 was already being developed as early as 2007, you also have to consider this entry: November (2007) * Decision made to formally adopt the VF-X1. VF-1 series mass production [scheduled to] begin. Therefore, the VF-1 was not yet even being produced as of nov 2007. So, it's possible that the events of rainy night happened on November 2008, as you quoted: November * The mass production of the all-regime variable fighter VF-1 series begins. November 23 * Rollout of the first trial production VF-1A variable fighter. What we could have seen in the rainy night episode was focker looking at the VF1 while they were being mass produced. or their roll-out for the first trial production. This was already after the bird man incident. So the chronology is not actually "proof" for either my view or your view of the sequence of events. i could be wrong. but storywise, it just makes more sense to me if mac0 happened in between the 2 parts of rainy night. otherwise, the character development is all disjointed.
  14. likewise, i don't think that there were any inconsistencies or continuity problems between Mac0 and SDFM. nothing in SDFM would contradict that the events in mac0 could have taken place, from what i remember. on the other hand, maybe gubaba is pointing out that mac0 is more in jive with DYRL when it comes to the protoculture aspect. the birdman underwater is more in the spirit of the underwater city in DYRL. but again i say, while it might fit better with DYRL, mac0 doesn't necessarily run counter to the events that unfolded in SDFM. But hey, i've only seen mac0 twice. if i missed a major inconsistency, feel free to point it out.
  15. are you sure about this? i was pretty sure mac0 happened before Rainy Night. Well,at least the part where he waits in the rain outside claudia's apartment. The valk in macross zero is a prototype. hence its designation as VF-0. the mech in rainy night is VF-1, the first actual battle model. think evangelion 00 and eva 01. and it was made clear that the engine used in the VF-0 was the ones used on normal fighters (nuclear?), and they have yet to install whatever energy system is installed in VF1. this is the way i figured it happened: 1. First part of rainy night (when he met Claudia). 2. Then he left. thus the events of macross 0, 3. And then the latter part of rainy night (when he is assigned to the south ataria island and meets claudia again). well then, why was he scared even after piloting the vf-0 like a bad ass? well, we have to consider some possibilities: 1. he is always afraid whenever he gets into the cockpit. he pretty much admitted this to claudia. sure he didn't show any of that fear during mac0. but that's the point. his bravado doesn't allow him to show this fear to anyone. claudia was the sole exception. 2. VF-1 is very different from VF-0. Sure, when we watched mac0, we thought that the performance of VF-0 was amazing. but we have to consider, since the VF-1 uses an entirely different engine, and is the actual battle-ready model, we have to assume that the performance capabilities and speed of the VF-1 far surpasses the VF-0. (of course that's hard to see considering the old animation style of the VF-1). and with this additional speed and power comes greater stress on the pilot, and a bigger chance of a wipe-out.
  16. haha. YES! I remember that one. and i particularly remember that i had at least two of them. one in gerwalk. one in battroid. sadly, they were not reconfigurable. Brought them to school everyday. of course i lost them already.
  17. i agree. however, i don't think there will be answers in this coming episode. after such a fantastic mecha action festival, i'm pretty sure ep 8 will be your pre-requisite breather and standard character-interaction episode. yeah, i also wish this show can go on. like graham, each completed episode brings with it a sadness of something good about to end. on the other hand, i also wouldn't like it to drag on into oblivion, just for the sake of continuing the series. breaking the series down into 24ep seasons could be a good idea.
  18. i hope so too. but they're really setting the "fold dislocation" and fold delay problems as substantial issues so far. so i'm guessing the series is going that route (i.e. towards a new and improved fold technology). whether or not the crystal is a "super dimension" thingy is something i'm not yet ready to speculate on, though. maybe it's part of an intent to introduce something new to the macross universe. Mac 7 has its spirit force, macross zero had its eyetracker. mac+ had its mind-machine link and fold-capable valks. maybe this is the new thing for macF: instantaneous or unlimited fold.
  19. but the commercials are a given. id rather have that commercial break than not have a show at all. anyways, i can't even complain about commercials, because the videos i watch no longer have them. hey shun, how could you add bobby, and not add alto-hime??
  20. or perhaps having an eyecatch would disrupt the mood of this particular episode. IMO, alto screaming in rage in once scene, and then a sudden eyecatch in between, would ruin the natural mood and flow of the episode.
  21. Yes, he does! it's Roland Deschain!! um.... ok....so that i won't be OT: VF-27 Gunslinger!!!
  22. dang, i was so happy and proud of myself that i was going to suggest VF-27 Slayer (messiah vs. slayer, why not?)... only to find out that it was suggested by kronnang in the very first post. haha. nice one kronnang. well of course it has to be slayer. sure as hell can't be VF-27 EVirus. that would kinda suck. "Oh my god, here comes E-Virus!!"
  23. OT, sorry, but i just have to say it. COOL AVATAR!!!
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