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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. yup, this is also what i know. and thank god for that. it would have been irritating listening to the opening song sing out "Me-ga-load, me-ga-load... Meeee-gaload!" On a side note, you'd have to wonder, if one of the producers was indeed a shakespeare fan, why in god's name would he even suggest Macbeth? try as i might, i just can't find anything in macbeth that would have any similarity to the theme of macross. couldn't he at least have suggested something like... the Tempest? at least that concerns being trapped in an island, and has some romance elements in it. and then the title of SFDM would have been Super Tempest Fortress Megaroad.
  2. hmmm... if Ozma is also the CAG of SMS, aside from being the leader of skull squadron, then that would explain everything. klan would be the leader of the pixies, ozma for the skulls, and then ozma is the overall leader.
  3. Ok finally read this thread up to the last page. it's a shame that i came onto this fantastic series a bit late, but the benefit is that i got to watch it marathon style, which was an amazing experience. all that hot-blooded gurren passion in a span of one day!! it's a wonder that my systems did not crash and burn with all that adrenaline. still having some after-effects to this day. man, those last 2 eps was awesome. it just kept topping itself. better and better until it pierced the heavens. wow. ok, i know this is old hat, and overly discussed, but i can't get over the 1st episode prologue with Garlock. i read the theories (non-literal teaser, alternate reality, the other side of the decision simon made, or the actual spiral nemesis), but i loved the idea of simon and bota traveling the universe again that i just wanted to believe that the prologue will actually happen. basically, it's me wanting the story of simon to never end. i mean, at the heart of it all, that's the basic concept of gurren lagann... a story of a boy whose potential and destiny is without limit, right? so i want to believe that his story will go on... ep27 epilogue notwithstanding. i have no complaints about the epilogue. i am not disappointed that simon ended up as some kind of nameless wanderer. so what? i like it when leeron said that "he's there, protecting us in some way" or something like that. whether such a continuation of simon's story will be animated in sequels or not, i will never belive that it is the end for him. after all, the stars are waiting for him. although, don't you find it a bit ironic that after reaching the pinnacle of spiral power, simon ultimately decided to follow the path of the anti-spiral, albeit in a more passive manner? basically, he decided to stop evolving his spiral power. like the anti-spiral, he sealed his evolution (by giving the core drill to gimmy) and slept (by basically leaving his lagann and wandering). but like someone said, he just promised to pierce the heavens. he never said anything about staying there, right? but let me delve into some wishful thinking, anyway. if a new story will be animated, it would probably involve a threat greater than the anti-spiral. the prologue mentioned going against a "dimensional government". could it be possible that in the event the anti-spiral failed, and the spirals evolved to dangerous levels (not yet spiral nemesis, but dangerous levels nonetheless), another race is there to stop any further evolution by decimating the spirals? a force or race a million times more powerful than the anti-spiral? if such a thing would happen, i have no doubt in my mind that a guy like simon would cease his self-imposed self-exile, and continue his evolution. age be damned. with the power of the core drill, it'll be easy enough for him to reverse the aging process or become immortal (lordgenome was able to do it, and simon is far more powerful). and this time, he'll be bringing bota along for the evolutionary ride. and this time, with this new and bigger threat, the stars themselves would indeed be the enemy that simon has to face. ah but like i said, this is just wishful thinking. this is just me liking this series so damn much that i wish it wouldn't end.
  4. But at the very least, even if leon does not have any control over brera, he must know something about him or about his valk. otherwise, why would he go to all the trouble of concealing its existence from the SMS or the rest of the fleet? i agree, though, that the only way the actions of brera would make sense is that if leon or NUNS does not have any control over him and his mech. good analogy about VF25 and VF27. where the VF25 has more or less traditional controls like the YF19, the VF27's cockpit controls could be similar to the brain interface of the YF21.
  5. haha, very interesting. you know, i would think that at one point they would have included max's dna into the gene pool, so having some his clones walking around earth or the other fleets wouldn't be impossible, but i find it hard to believe that they would assign any clone of the great max jenius into any profession other than a valkyrie pilot.
  6. since ep 9 is particularly klanklan-heavy, technically i wouldn't be OT in saying that... i'm sad the Clan of Klan thread is closed. There. i said it. it's just ironic that it would be closed at a time when a lot people would want to talk about her given her increased exposure in ep9. i mean, there's just something wrong with that. That being said, i think Klan was amazing in this episode. Her show of maturity, sensitivity, concern and vulnerability was quite touching. and to see all these traits even in her micronized form just goes to show that she retains her mature personality in her micro form, despite some childish characteristics. other notables: Bobby going all alpha male again in threatening the manager... Alto going toe to toe with brera's VF27. sure he couldn't beat him outright, but the fact that he could catch up to the VF27 speaks wonders for his flying skills. (i'm assuming, of course, that the VF27 has better capabilities or is, at the very least, more maneuverable than the VF25). observation: Leon's NUNS faction's (or just brera's) tactical movements are bordering on inexplicable. we have (as most have observed) a valk loaded with NUNS logos all around, who is now on a mission that is in direct conflict with the mission objectives given to the SMS. So instead of just speeding into the nest and using its reflex cannon, which it seemingy could easily have done at any point anyway, what does brera do? he goes into an unprovoked dogfight with SMS, particularly against klan klan. all the time he's spending playing with klan, alto and mikhail is time that the other SMS members could have completed their mission. this just doesn't jive well with all the efforts that leon is making to hide the existence of the VF27. sure i'm happy that brera acted this way; otherwise we wouldn't have seen all that mecha dogfight action. but still, it didn't make any sense, tactically speaking. (unless klan already had samples of the nest with her? if she did, i didn't catch it).
  7. Ok, i just finished watching the entire series (until then i avoided reading this thread for fear of spoilers), and what can i say, this series was absolutely frackin awesome! Sign me up for the great gurren brigade!! that's all. just sounding off. i want to re-watch the last 2 episodes first!! Can't wait for the movie.
  8. hey if they re-animate that "friendly fire" sequence from sdf macross, i'd take it.
  9. Well... maybe it was Myung who did the remake. and she was singing it while sitting on Isamu's lap on the cockpit of a vf-19, dressed in minmei attire. in the macross7 charts, i see how that could be popular. thanks for the answers. personally, whatever the reason the producers had (be it for convenience or for fan service), i love the fact that songs from old series are used. while each macross series uses mostly different characters, the use of old songs gives a certain level of continuity between series. it's like a subtle statement that, "yes, those things did happen in another planet/fleet". i would like to think that they were active fan service. after all, i'm thinking that the producers would have to pay royalties for the use of KY's songs again for macross 7. i don't know about the laws in japan, but in general practice, i believe it's "pay-for-each use". maybe, i'm just giving nue/kawamori too much credit, but what the heck, i'm glad either way.
  10. ok not really a newbie question, but more of a newbie observation (heck, with a question thrown in anyway. why did i even bother with this intro? ): watching macross 7, episode 5 and it's the first time i noticed that the song playing in mylene's car radio (while they were being chased by a bike gang) is a Sharon Apple song. I can't find my Mac+ OST, but it's he song that plays after each mac+ episode (is it santi-u? i can't remember the song's name). so i take it mylene or basara is a sharon apple fan, much like ozma is a fire bomber fan? anyways, watching further on, i also noticed in that episode, in the fancy restaurant where gamlin and milia were meeting, the background music was the very same background music in Mac+ ep1 when myung and guld met again for the first time in star hill. so is the background music supposed to be a popular melody in the macross universe? or is it another sharon apple song, particularly?
  11. Finally got to see this episode!! great dogfight action sequences! and a good klanklan episode. too bad brera got her number. but it's a good thing alto can stay toe to toe with him. hmm.. once again, a macronized zentraedi (klan) is as tall as a battroid (mikhael's). are the VF25's really relatively smaller than the other valks? that's it for now...
  12. Frontier is after Plus and 7. Mac plus happened year 2040. Mac 7 started 2045. And Frontier begins year 2059. A visit to the chronology in the Macross Compendiumwill help.
  13. haha. good move. it works. it's the first thing i clicked when i visited your page. true, if you change it with nanase's breasts, the BOING club would never click on it.
  14. haha, thanks for that one. So it wasn't gabriela robin who wrote for the SMS song. See? i told you yoko kanno wouldn't lie to us! see?? so i looked up who Eiji Kurokawa is in wiki. and surprises of surprises! it's actually a pseudonym for Shoji Kawamori, the big kahuna himself!! So it was Kawamori all along who lied to us!! he toyed with our emotions, how dare he??
  15. You won't know until you see the original, ne?
  16. and nanase would end up being.... Lucy? Giving up on Ranka, she goes for sheryl/isamu instead...
  17. Well, that would depend. Macronized, or micronized?
  18. You should have bothered to read at least the previous page; the answer's already there.
  19. Gasp! No, don't say that, that can't be true! gods can't lie! Kanno, please say it isn't so..... Just tell us that it was Gabriela Robin who wrote those lyrics and not you! Of course, that's the only explanation.... .... what? she doesn't exist? YOU'RE....??? BURN HER! BURN THE WITCH!!
  20. ah. the plot thickens...
  21. Oh my god, don't you go there!!!!
  22. wow. from now on, i'm gonna be confused as to what i'm watching.
  23. KY sang a version of the carrot song?? Where can you find it?
  24. shouldn't this poll have one more option? i mean, if you say "leave it as it is", it basically means the series was perfect as it is. if you say "hell yes", it could mean you want more of it. so my fourth option would be: "Hell No!! Once is more than enough."
  25. agh! i've been fooled! fooled by that song's composer! alas! Well, anyway, thank god it wasn't that menstrual thing that someone suggested.
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