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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. cool! thanks for this.
  2. wow, that's a nice blog post. quite insightful. see, how can you not like sheryl, when she even has thoughts like this? ackem, thanks for the translation. even though i can't read japanese, can you post the url of her blog? on a side note, if anyone able to read the blog has time to translate, how about a new thread dedicated to sheryl's blog posts? pretty please?
  3. i had the same impression. a nasty manipulative bastard, that one. besides, didn't he say earlier that isamu is too easy to predict/control?
  4. are you forgetting THE maximilian jenius? if he can take a giant, he can surely take 2 skinny brats.
  5. ok, after listeninging to the OST for a million gazillion times, my new favorite is How Bout My Star, formo edition. next is triangular. then aimo. then infinity. then crevasse. but i'm having a hoot with SMS march.
  6. if you consider all the songs ever composed in the history of humanity, any new song would most likely have a similarity with a song in the past. intended or not, it just can't be helped. i mean, how many notes are there, after all. the theory is that you can't have an original idea for a melody anymore.sure, for the composer, it feels original. but at some point in time, someone else already combined the same number of notes in almost the same way and teh same sequence. but that's just a theory, mind you. it can never be proven, unless there's some entity that has actually recorded all the songs in human history, published or otherwise. (or if you put it from another perspective, every song, no matter how similar to another, is original). and if you put the protoculture civilization into the equation, that's just TOOO many songs. frankly, i wouldn't be surprised if gabriela robin, who is said to live on another planet with cats, ripped off some ideas from the protoculture. de-culcha!!
  7. well, it all boils down to a matter of perspective, as to when the person watched it, and the information that he already knows about it. so given that you watched it 20 years ago, i can understand the frustration, specially since you saw it as a teaser of things to come. thank god i didn't go through that, at least. but truth be told, i also went with macross II. and even more with macross 7.
  8. true, but i think even the stories from mao's POV would be enough to make a movie. add to that the accounts of Edgar LaSalle, other native survivors and some other then-classified accounts/reports from all soldiers involved (including roy), i'm guessing they could get enough to, more or less, retell the story of the zero conflict. and yes, if there were floating rocks around sara in the movie, edgar was the one who probably told the story. apparently, he believed every word that shin said during their encounter near the caves, the idiot.
  9. yeah, its common to use the mytho names on vessels. i guess with the knowledge that mallozi is into anime makes us lean towards the possibility of a reference. i would tend to think that it is, considering that both the daedelus and the prometheus were included in SG. but who knows? until the producers come out and say it... or unless, in some possible future episode if SG-1 comes back, we see the daedelus focusing its shields upfront and ramming into another ship! speaking of daedelus, i gave it a quick wiki search, and saw this entry: "The Daedalus Attack is the name of a super move of the character Tizoc/Griffon Mask from the Fatal Fury series." to those who have played the game, and this character in particular, is there a hint of a reference? or is it just pure coincidence?
  10. ok, while this is not technically a reference, but how about get backers... all of it? ban midou as the splitting image of basara nekki. and it doesn't hurt that they have the same voice actor. an inside joke by the character designers of get backers? as for nadesico, didn't catch that! good thing i'm actually planning on having a refresher marathon of nadesico series next week. i'll look for that. i would think that an anime like genshiken has some kind of reference, but if there was, i didn't catch it.
  11. well, if minmei got her own jet, maybe miranda got her very own military issue helicopter! seriously, she's miss macross so it's not a surprise that people pay more attention to her than this skinny girl who has a tendency to dress up as a carrot. but with the developments in ep 10, that special treatment isn't gonna last... awww, poor girl.
  12. haha, i'm not surprised with the gundam refences, considering there's a bunch of gundam otaku in the class (unfortunately for urumi kansaki. ) But SHAME ON ME for not noticing the SDF-1!
  13. Ok, was watching the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya over the weekend, and i almost fell off my seat when i was watching the last part of ep 11, actually the preview of ep 12. and the lead character (Haruhi) said during the preview voiceover (in japanese, of course), "listen to my song!". To which the other lead character (Kyon) replied, "Bomber!" I was surprised because an anime like Melancholy is the last type of anime where you'd find a macross reference. anyways, this subtle reference to the macross universe got me thinking, what other anime (or for that matter, any other media) has other references to the macross universe, subtle or otherwise? or even elements which are clear influences or parodies of macross? off the top of my head: 1. Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (as explained above) 2. Otaku no Video what else? i'm sure there are others, i just can't remember right now.
  14. still sheryl for me. and even more so, despite the klan episode (9) and the ranka episode (10).
  15. i liked the OAV better since the flow is more natural, and there's basically more stuff in the OAV than in the movie. but my opinion sort of changes when it comes to the end parts. the way guld beats the ghost in ep 4 just doesn't do it for me, specially after having seen what he did in the movie. now that was kickass! and isamu ramming his head against the console and licking the blood off. those are movie moments that i just can't get over, which ruins the OAV ep4 for me whenever i watch it again. so basically, i like the OAV as far as the start and the middle parts, but when it comes to the ending parts, i'm going for the movie.
  16. just wondering about the mac0 movie within macf... is there any indication that they (the movie's producers) marketed it as a true story? for all we know, it could have been just marketed as fiction, regardless that it actually happened. would the citizens know any better? on the other hand, it's been more than 50 years since the events of mac0. and by this time, i guess everyone knows about protoculture, so releasing the mac0 events to the public isn't such a big deal anymore. so the protoculture tried to kill the very humans they created. big deal. the zentraedi and protodevlin have already tried, anyway.
  17. well, we are talking about a civilization that could repair and rebuild an entire city -- inside a space vessel, mind you -- in a day or so. so i'm not at all surprised.
  18. i half expected kamina to suddenly show up and scream, "who the hell do you think i am??". but instead we got brera. not bad, since what he eventually did to the hydra was something that would most likely happen in gurren lagann. i liked that sequence, btw. sure, the art suddenly shifted to another style, but it worked for me.
  19. Ok, done backreading! whew. so, for me, the most intriguing reveal of this episode is, hands down, ozma's line about fate and doctor nome. so a relation between ranka and mao is not that far-fetched anymore. that mao nome may have ended up being part of the doomed research fleet is quite interesting indeed. but is it any wonder that mao went out into space to research about protoculture and the galaxy. her sister and her crush went out like a blue streak of light into space. yeah, i'd think she would be inclined to join some kind of reseacrh on the subject. a crossover from macross plus! yehey!!... granted, it's only a generic creature from planet eden. but hey, since i haven't heard any sharon apple songs yet, it's the first reference for me. ok i know it's a ranka lee episode. but i'm loving sheryl-san even more with this one. her vulnerability mixed with her strength to cover up her feelings? awwww... sheryl rocks!! and even though ranka's song gets chosen as the final one for the movie, i never saw any hint of professional jealousy from sheryl. instead, she's doing everything to encourage her. hell, even if she didn't intend to, she ended up encouraging ranka by kissing alto full-on. ok, question: so, as opposed to other macross series, is it correct to say that alto is fairly aware that ranka has feelings for him? from what i read from the sub, alto is hesitant about the kiss. sheryl says that it's just a kiss, but alto replies something like "but to ranka, it isn't just a kiss." well, at least he tried to reply, before he was hit with the sheryl nome lip lock express. damn lucky bastard. damn lucky jammy bastard. Or did i just misunderstand what alto was saying? speaking of that kiss... some are saying it had the feel of misa-hikaru. for me, it felt so much like minmei-hikaru DYRL version. alto beginning to take it seriously, while sheryl was only acting and teasing him. the difference being that in this one sheryl actually likes him already, i think. the acting part was mere afterthought. so what it the true terror of the vajra?? oh, the drama, the anticipation!!
  20. Time to break out dem Macross Zero DVD's. i gotta watch it again!! these are the kinds of episodes that i really love. very nice. touching, yet not too cheesy. the behavior of everyone involved was very smooth and natural. great episode! just finished watching, and i haven't read a single post here yet. i'll backread first before making any other comments. but i can't wait before making this one: mao is a doctor now? and ozma knows her? and there's a connection??
  21. since the preview of episode 10 was still part of the ep9 broadcast.... correct me if i'm wrong, but the set up of that beach village in the preview is very similar to (or a downright replica of) the village in mac0, right? when ranka was looking out the window at the city lights, it was mao nome all over again. so the frontier fleet's recreational vessel just happened to have a duplicate of the maya village? (and if so, would mao be residing there?) Of course, as next ep's title indicates, it will be a reference to the events of macross 0, so what we'll be waiting to know is how much of a reference it will make to mac 0.
  22. oh my, don't go there. lest you fall into the dark realm of Robotech.... and the answer... anime magic, of course. granted, with each installation of the macross franchise, you see a new explanation of how the darn thing is piloted (extensive use of pedals in mac+, eye tracker system in mac 0, little buttons in MF), but ultimately, you can only go so far with the explanations, and you'll still end up with anime magic to explain all the movements. and we should be happy with that. because the other alternative is for the macross franchise to finally go the way of Evangelion (with complex nerve connections, synapses and a head gear) to explain the complex human movements. personally, i wouldn't like that for my macross. it would just ruin it. as a side note, yeah, i'm now a Valkyrie Heatshield Scrubber!! EAT that cannon fodders!! Cannon fodder: "we may be cannon fodders, but at least we get to actually pilot a valkyrie. baka." dreamweaver: oh... well.... um....
  23. From what i've seen of gundam (gundam fans, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong), the technological superiority of the new gundam plays a primary role in determining the winning side. the newest gundam model comes along, and it rampages across the battlefield for at least two episodes' worth of carnage (sometimes even more). Even superior pilots from the opposing side are forced to retreat. it is only when they get a significant upgrade in mecha that they can stand toe to toe again with the newest gundam pilot. So piloting skill takes a supporting role to the quality of the mecha. On the other hand, i never had the impression from watching any macross series that the technological superiority of the mech would determine victory. in SDFM, it's linn minmei who eventually made the difference. in Mac+, isamu was shown to be the better pilot (if we assume that the YF21 is far more superior to the YF19). In Mac7, it was anima spiritia. In Mac 0, well... it was mysticism of some kind. I guess the point that d3v wanted to make is that the plot device of macross won't ultimately rely on which side gets the newest and best mecha. something else will happen, external to the mecha, that will ultimately decide the victor. that being said... i think VF27 is superior to the VF25. Whether it's due to the mecha itself, or to the unique control system of the VF27, i can't say for sure. but if this is the case, then it would mean that alto is just one hell of a pilot.
  24. or the Merry Bunnies of Global. or the Merry Meltran of Maximilian.
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