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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. i'm guessing you could have gone on for another three or more posts... until you referred to robotech. everyone has his limits, after all.
  2. indeed, that was an interesting read. made me realize that shoji kawamori was able to make another non-typical war hero, in the vein of Hikaru Ichijo. HI was atypical coz he's not the best pilot in the series. On the other hand, while Alto may arguably be the best pilot, his behavior and the way he relates to people is far from what you'd expect in your typical alpha-male mecha pilots. and aside from that, i love that opening picture. poor alto! haha.
  3. dude, you mean "person", right? unless you've taken the next step and decided to question even KY's existence. well, considering how weird she is, hell, why not?
  4. haha, yes it does make sense. i got what you're saying. guld, that crazy zentraedi. making me doubt my (limited) macross mecha knowledge for a second. tsk, tsk.
  5. it doesn't really support or counter your position, but we had this small debate a while ago in the newbie thread as to whether that city that they were fighting in was actually populated at all. some of us had the impression that the city was not populated (maybe a ghost town or another battle practice site), so no injuries actually took place. and in that respect, both isamu and guld were downright idiots for making things personal, but maybe they knew they weren't really endangering anyone.
  6. yup! and by this time, gubaba would have already evolved into humanoid form. oh wait, that's a different anime.... carry on. well, if that was indeed mylene on the 18th fleet, then they did have a concert together. imagine that. and as sheryl said in her blog, "continue it in your dreams."
  7. but i have to admit.... the scene was way out of there in the de-culture edition, simply because there was no prior interaction between sheryl and alto. it was really off. could you really blame sheryl for ignoring the ramblings of this crazy kid she's never even met before? it was only in the broadcast edition that it felt acceptable for that exchange to take place. Alto: "i saved your life, so you listen to what i have to say!" Sheryl: "well, i wouldn't have been in danger in the first place if it weren't for your corkscrew, so bug off." See? didn't that sound more reasonable?
  8. from the various interviews, it's gabriela robin who's the alien, not kanno yoko. so KY can't be the alien! right? right? you know it just makes you wonder how weird KY is in person, with all this teasing and inside jokes about her going on. imagine designing Ed after her. if anything, she must really be so interesting to work with.
  9. the undisclosed truth is that alto has been religiously reading sheryl's blog posts. and he specifically remembered posts like "i will sing no matter what happens" and "i will love you to death". and then to suddenly see sheryl running away without doing any of that broke the fanboy's heart. on another matter, couldn't you have used any other example besides wacko jacko? i don't want sheryl getting anywhere near that vicinity of weirdness in the future.
  10. What the hell happened to this thread?? i was basically just reading other threads first because i was expecting more of the same (i.e. "my vote's for sheryl!" "my vote's for ranka!"). but then all of a sudden, it has become this philosophical and existential roundtable discussion on the perfect woman! wow. what a difference a few days make. what a difference a post or two makes? it's like AS couldn't hold in all that love-triangle angst, and it spilled over here. well, my eyes are tired from reading the posts, i'm dizzy from all the insights, it felt like i was reading Sophie's Choice all over again, so... hell yeah, i love this thread. good points all throughout! what can i say that hasn't been said already?... basically nothing!! anything else i add would be anticlimactic. i'm just surprised -- shocked and aghast -- about what happened to VFTF1. dude, i distinctly remember you as one of the more adamant ones against sheryl during the first episodes, even though a lot of us tried to convince you otherwise. back then, you wouldn't even consider the possibility that she could develop into an acceptable character. so welcome to the Sheryl club! stay for as long as you want... or until that other you takes over again.
  11. oh man, thanks for this!! this is absolutely hilarious!! can't wait for the last part. and again, they refer to miss KY as some unknown alien! haha. hell, maybe KY is the alien in the SMS song! i love the fact that the SMS song is some drunk group's folk classic. and the comment on aimo is just right on!
  12. wow. the clouds suddenly parted and... enlightenment. it WAS kakizaki all along! damn you for making me laugh this hard in front of my PC. i try to see it from misa's side, but i just can't. it's a matter of perspective, i guess. as you pointed out, from what point in the love triangle was the song made from? if it's during the triangle, when hikaru was still so hung up on minmei, then i guess maybe i can see it as misa's song. but if it's from the end or the resolution, then it screams MINMEI. my perspective? the song just has more "oomph" if it comes from the side that lost in the end. the side that won't actually get the guy (or girl) in the end. i can't explain it any further than that, i guess. hey guys don't get me wrong, i love misa, and it's right that she got her man in the end. but the fact that she did get him makes it more difficult for me to see the song from her perspective. aw hell, on the other hand, maybe you are right. maybe it's just a song about a love triangle in general, coming from no particular side. (yes even hikaru's side. "well minmei, who you gonna kiss? actually, i don't mind you kissing her. just let me watch, ok?" ).
  13. Aha! then it's mylene, i tall ya! and sheryl being the stuck-up super pop-star doesn't even know she was a member of fire bomber. and she even mistakes song energy for the wind. haha. and why does she sense some similarities between that mysterious singer and ranka? what, aside from the brightly colored hair, and the zentraedi lineage, you need more proof? hehe.
  14. what? you haven't seen Robot Jox??? hehe. WB bought the rights to Robotech. not macross. thus, will WB be able to use the original valkyrie designs? will they be able to use the original SDF design? i'm not sure about this. does anyone know the status of the legal battle concerning mecha designs? so my worry is this... if the old mecha designs can't be used, it won't even be macross. face it, robotech fans, it won't EVEN BE robotech 1st generation. second worry: tobey maguire is looking to star in the movie himself. as hikaru/rick hunter. regardless if you are a macross or a robotech junkie, is this a good thing? ok before any of you cry out "negativity" or "hater", hear me out. admittedly i am a purist when it comes to anime. specially with macross. but with this movie, i am not voicing out my worries as a purist (this is a hollywood production after all, and we have to accept the fact that it will cater to its audience... basically, the general public. and it won't stop a mega million dollar production just because of some loyal fans and purists). however, i would still like to voice concerns as any normal movie-goer, with respect to quality and respect for the source material. i don't have to be the ultimate marvel fanboy to complain about something wrong in a spiderman movie, for example. anyway, in the end, if the robotech live action movie sucks, then macross fans can always say: "ugh. well, we told you so. what do you expect, that's robotech."
  15. haha. WOW. what a reveal! and if ever the MBS drama ever went into the real details of how hikaru and minmei met for the first time, we need look no further than nyan nyan's manager to know who the Source was. "Yes, i was there, that fateful day. it was magic.....i almost died, by the way, coz your "war hero" is as clumsy as hell with a valkyrie." hmm... still feels like minmei for me. after all, misa is the one who ended up with hikaru in the end. so utlimately, in asking "who will you kiss?", the answer was the "other woman", as opposed to the sad soul singing the song. awww... and the clincher for me is this line: "how you’ll protect me but won’t be with me". hikaru has always been her knight in shining armor. in fact, that was his promise in the last episode. "i fight because i want to protect you (and the city)".... but in the end, he isn't with her. i wouldn't be surprised if shoji kawamori had said to gabriel robin/KY: "ok this is what happened in the last episode. this is how their love triangle ended. i want you to compose the song that minmei would have in that situation as she was walking away, that song that hikaru and misa was, figuratively, hearing. (Oh, and yes, never mind that that song already exists, actually. just make a new one)." hehe.
  16. i suddenly remember in macross plus, when isamu interrupts guld's test flight by getting into the line of fire, and suddenly transforming into battroid. in that scene, it looked like isamu's cockpit seat was still the same as in figher configuration, thus he was seated facing the ground, and he had to strain his neck "upward" just to look at guld's direction. i remember being confused about this coz i knew for certain that the pilot's seat rotates 90deg. was this ever explained? was it a case of the valk transforming too fast before the seat could adjust? or an animation error? i know it's probably an old question already, but i just remembered it now because of this talk on the cockpit. gomen. oh, and clay cliff, i recommend you visit mr. march's Macross mecha manual, it has lots of pictures/designs of cockpit interiors, in fighter, gerwalk or battroid form. quite comprehensive. -- http://www.new-un-spacy.com/m3.html
  17. haha. they are indeed a funny group. the ranka-lee fan club, if i recall. i'm wondering about the fly swatter. i'm sure it's an inside joke between them. i can't figure it out just yet. or maybe it hasn't happened yet. oh well.
  18. ackem, did she name the singer from the 18th macross fleet? i'm wondering about the possibility that it's someone we know from the Mac universe. myung? mylene? myung is used to singing with wind all around her in star hill. (although she would be 40 years old by that time) mylene... well, you could say song energy sorta acts like the wind. hehe. (and she would be 25). just wondering.
  19. Haha, then all the better, since if there is any person better than THE MAN, it is most definitely THE WOMAN. Thanks again!
  20. on another note, whose point of view do you think triangler was written from? minmei or misa? i'm guessing minmei. and in that aspect... ouch. poor minmei!
  21. wow, this is so COOL!! to think that triangler is actually theme song for the minmei-hikaru-misa love triangle. haha!! genius!! this just gives the song an entirely new meaning whenever i hear it again. sugoi! and maaya sakamoto is a zentraedi. brilliant! Thanks for the posts, gubaba! (btw, i wonder what elmo kridanik's relation is to the great lord breetai. if there is none, it still funny how a name as fearsome as Vrlitwhai suddenly becomes an "elmo".hehe.) and, oh.... WHERE DO I GET A COPY OF THAT "MBS TRENDY DRAMA"???
  22. Arigatou gozaimasu!! Thank you so much ackem for translating and posting sheryl's blog!! this is a mighty FINE contribution to our community, props, rep and kudos to you! Thanks also to Ippiki Ookami for ranka's blog, you guys are the MEN!! i just love reading the way sheryl thinks. it's just so... natural. she's got this bitchiness about her, but it's not the annoying kind. it's as if she's simply saying, "this is me, take it or leave it, i don't care. but i'll sing for you anyway." i'm loving her even more! haha.
  23. i voted for 7 as well. but i'm rather surprised that ep 8 (high school queen) is getting a low vote. i also loved star date, if just for ranka's how bout my star and the giant panties, but ep8 was much funnier. but i must admit, when it comes to character development of the Big 3 (not, not the celtics), ep 10 does take the prize.
  24. For all we know, Leon has already assigned someone to research just how much chiba units of "song energy" ranka has, as it might come in handy for a showdown with the vajra. actually with this one, i'm already happy enough with the subtle mac7 references. i don't want too much of it. in fact, i may be sensing a pattern. in Mac7, it had subtle references to one series (Macross plus with the sharon apple songs in car radios), and a full-blown nod to DYRL/SDFM (in several instances!). This time, so far, we have subtle references to mac7 (songs in car radios), and a full-blown nod to Macross zero.
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