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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. hmm... that would be weird. that means the frontier has been travelling that long (17 years?) already. on the other hand, if it's a different colony fleet, do citizens actually jump from one to the other? i always thought that a citizen of one fleet stays there until the fleet finds a habitable planet. on the other hand, since the saotome name is very popular in entertainment, i would also understand if the family travels between fleets every number of years... mother left behind? or already dead?
  2. ah, ok, got it now. thanks for trying to explain it from a non-cyborg perspective. greatly appreciated. ok i'm seeing it now. confused credits with the seiyuu. and it looks like i misinterpreted the whole credits discussion. my bad. no, not soccer. been watching macross 7 again...er... ok, let's just go with soccer. nah, plainly i just misunderstood it. a weekend-off logged out from the web does wonders to clear clogged brain circuits. now, as for that other guy who posted an insult (something about an enigma code).... meh, why bother? I don't take him seriously anyway.
  3. haha, i guess so. but you have to admit, the lynns must have milked minmei's popularity for all it's worth to get where it is now.
  4. ah, but are you forgetting that she had grace beside her? now who would bet against grace knowing how to read morse?
  5. jesus christ, the snobbery in this thread is reaching an all-time high. i mean, if you weren't in the mood to explain, why even post? what purpose did it serve? just to spite me, and make it appear i'm clueless? fine. i don't get it, i didn't get it. must have missed it. i'm quite the dumb guy.
  6. ranka has a.... so that glowing thing in ep 7 was.... and it's not only her hair which moves by itself.... Yak! de-culcha!!!!
  7. can you please define what comes across as "clear to anybody" these days? did i miss an episode where they broke grace apart piece by cyborg piece? i know about her being the voice of the agent. can't a seiyuu voice two persons these days? anyway, communicating with her mind ala Kusanagi in GITS i one thing. to have it come out as actual "sound" to a non-person on the other end is another. so she mind melds with a computer, who in turn translates her digitized thoughts into actual sounds, which then talks to leon? and leon's voice get's translated back into digital thoughts? too much effort. i have the impression that she's just listening in to a conversation between leon and the male agent from the last episode. maybe the male agent is her clone, maybe they share the same consciousness. maybe you're right that it's he exact same person, altrhough a pretty-good shape-shifter at that. but to espouse it as the one true and obvious truth is jumping the gun, don't you think.
  8. just watched ep10 again, and i realized something: how Macross Zero would have been much much better if KY had done the music!! I mean, listening to aimo being played as the final song in the macross zero movie. perfect! just goes to show how much of a difference it makes to have KY as your music composer.
  9. march, i'd have to give you props for your relatively objective review of the album. being both a macross fan and a kanno yoko fan, i couldn't be half as objective about reviewing this OST as you were. for example, right now i'm rating it as the best.ever., but somehere in the back of my macross fanboy mind, i know that it's not true, and that there are a lot of better ones, previous KY works included.
  10. very very cool. thanks again! i wonder when i will ever get to see that original "nyan nyan" commercial by lynn minmei... by the way, i also find it shocking that nyannyan would fire ranka for being an idol. when they actually got so galactically popular because of an idol. the idol, actually. where's general manager yotaro when you need him?? hehe.
  11. yup saw it now! cool! ok episode 11 got me thinking (since alto desires to fly in a real atmosphere)... does anyone here know how the inhabitants of a colony fleet are selected? is it voluntary? by lottery? by specific choice (i.e. must have a set number of cooks, entertainers, mechanics, etc)? and do the chosen citizens have a choice? is it like an invitation to join the colony fleet, or more like being drafted? curious questions which would give an insight on post-SW1 level of human freedom.
  12. I think sheryl also called him out to that place. it was a set meeting. queen sheryl beckoned, and alto-hime came a-running. haha. Man, this is a GREAT episode! am i off for loving this one? as far as character episodes go, this one might be the best so far. is it just because it's the lates episode? i don't think so. i'm particularly struck with the balance between all three characters. is it alto's episode? surely, since we see his family background. but it could just as well be ranka's episode, for all the changes that she's going through, and her clear-as-crystal feelings for alto. but hey, don't count sheryl-san out! her constant support and advice for ranka is coupled with her incoming illness (it can't just be the common cold, no sir. that's not fit for Queen Sheryl.) and her insightfulness when it comes to alto's personality. just effin brilliant. ok, some notables: 1. this is a no-brainer: KAMJIN!!!!! wow!! he MUSt be related to Kamjin somehow; a clone, a descendant or what. the fact that they just had to include his face in the preview (with that exact same smirk, no less), is no accident. and that the fleet he belongs to is a group of zentraedi malcontents. ha!! (on this note, any scoops on whether the same seiyuu will play this new character?) 2. is that a britai clone? not too sure. maybe, maybe not (the kamjin close-up took too much attention. hehe.). but if it is, wouldn't it be ironic that one of the 33rd fleet is related to, or descended from, the one zentraedi most responsible for the alliance with humanity? 3. till now, all we've been hearing is alto's father. this episode got me slapping my forehead, "i completely forgot about the mother??". is it just a coincidence that in the one moment of flashback where alto shows his true childhood desire to fly, the one in the flashback with him is her mother? with all this talk about blood, and inheriting his acting skills from his father, isn't it possible that he inherited his skill (and desire) to fly from his mother? hmmm..... 4. i'm loving sheryl even more with this episode. what wily thinking. or at the very least, it was very thoughtful of her. what a great birthday gift. and her whispered "thank you for coming" to alto? priceless! she is just, hands down, the queen! 5. that being said, a soft spot goes to ranka for this episode. very touching story from her end. and you can't help but feel her side of the triangle. awww.... 6. ok, at least that solves the question: grace is not the person/secret agent that leon met back in frontier. from the same group, but not the same person. unless you're gonna tell me that she can talk to leon with her mind? hehe. one thing i know is.. man, she knows everything that's going on. 7. and the references! subtle, and nicely played. the front row ticket! ha, the first thought that came to mind: "ok they have cellphones now, this shouldn't be a problem at all." hehe. but macrossF played a trick on me. instead of going in that direction in this episode, it jumped to another reference: sheryl on the transport jet (with what looks like the same armored-seats in SDFM) with alto's VF25 as an escort. very cool! and the whole episode ends with ranka's diary, a possible nod to the old photo-album ending. 8. was alto selfish? i don't think so. or at least, i didn't get that impression. he did pick the reasonable choice. i mean, he could fly in a real atmosphere. and let's not forget that it's his birthday. not ranka's. so i can understand why ranka doesn't even seem to hold it against him. he should be happy, it's his birthday. basically, sheryl just gave the best gift. it's just unfortunate that by accepting that gift, alto couldn't be present to accept ranka's. to be fair, he gave it a lot of thought. he sure as hell ain't Hikaru, who just stood misa up in the blink of an eye (ok he gave it some though. a second or two) just because minmei called him for a date. and he didn't even call or leave a message. from that perspective, alto sure acted a lot better. but as to why he sent micheal? i'd like tt give him the benefit of the doubt with this one. he could have called but the phone was busy. he could have left a message, but he wanted to make sure someone was there at the meeting place in case she didn't get the message. the root of it all, maybe he was guilty at not showing up. as opposed to hikaru, alto seems to have an understanding of what his act of standing up ranka means. in that sense, maybe he was just too guilty, so he sent the cavalry. questions: 1 does ozma know it was alto that ranka kissed in the movie? 2. who sang the new ED song? it should be nakajima megumi, since it was her diary and all. but she's also starting to sound like maaya sakamoto already...
  13. the difference being...?
  14. aside from Macross DYRL where almost the entire planet looks the same (you gotta give the zentraedi for their principle of Equality in Annhilation), i would tend to give my vote to Tokyo as worse off, seeing as it's the home of Godzilla and all his ilk, while all new york has going for it is the cloverfield monster and all his icky parts. and let's face it, if the statue of liberty is still partiall standing (as is the case in ALL films involving new york), it can't be that bad, can it? my friend, you need look no further than macross 7. that series was just a sitar away from being bollywood. peace!
  15. yikes, really? it did well there? ugh. anyway, if indeed japan is feeling some measure of pride from having their movies done by hollywood, i guess i could understand where they're comin from, since i myself live outside of america. maybe it's pride, maybe it's curiosity, but to actually see something that your country came up with, and to have it made by hollywood and shown around the world, hey i'd at least be curious enough to watch it. and later on, either love it or heckle the death out of it. my point being... do the japanese really have to wail about it? maybe wailing about it is not even worth their time. for all we know, maybe after watching the movie, people in japan just laughed about godzilla, muttering all the while, "silly americans. what will they come up with next?"
  16. hahaha! funny thing is, i can actually see it happening.
  17. w-what?? i say it again, w-w-what??? he's coming back? haven't seen the preview yet, of course.
  18. i guess japan is interested when one of their products are being re-made into hollywood movies. case in point: japanese newspapers were the ones who scooped the promo pics for the upcoming DBZ flick.
  19. haha. yes, but with mylene having lived with humans since birth, she's having difficulty trying to figure out the possible sexual connotation of her mother's statement.
  20. now that you've explained it, pineapple salad does seem like a good choice for a non-anime fan. good call. hahaha. showing your girl all of macross7 when it took you so much effort to get her to watch one SDF macross episode and listen to a few songs? good luck with that!
  21. hmmm... haven't we gone a bit off topic here already? i mean, it's the old macross v. robotech debate all over again. and i'm sure that's been done so many times over and over to infinity already. so when you're already asking other people to explain why they hate robotech with a vengeance, it's just rekindling that old debate. and it no longer has anything to do with the production of the live-action robotech movie (which is, by the way, the topic of this thread). by now, we know, there are macross fans who HATE robotech. there are those who like it or accept it. there are those who are indifferent. is there any point anymore in trying to convince people from one group to jump to the other? once they know the facts, let them decide for themselves. asking for why i hate robotech is just a form of picking a fight, IMHO. when there's actually no need. sure, i want to, but what's the point? you're not gonna change your mind, are you? yes, this is a discussion on the live action robotech movie, so it's only natural for our biases for or against RT to come out. but that doesn't mean we have to explain all over again why we have such biases. let's just join this discussion, with the assumption that not all people agree on their opinion of the robotech series. the insults will come, and the corresponding defenses, but let's roll with the punches, and continue the discussion of the movie, if you still want to. that being said... ok, everyone seems to agree that the driving force of hollywood for making this movie will always be the money. so, if that is the common point, i don't see how it is possible that the producers would use any storyline other than the Macross storyline. i assume that most RT fans, even those who know nothing about macross, find the 1st saga to be the most memorable. in fact, first instinct of the "common" rt viewer is to equate RT with the SDF-1 and the story of hunter, hayes and minmay. so it wouldn't make financial sense to adopt any other storyline. so if we agree on that point (that the macross saga of RT will be the one adapted into live action), therein lies the problem. how much can WB really adapt the story, names and mecha design without trampling on Nue/Big West? sure, the jap company isn't doing anything now to battle the control of HG. but if it is already a multi-million international endeavor we're talking about, then WB might find itself awakening a sleeping giant.
  22. haha, nice. now i'm wondering what silly honeymoon "tip" milia is shouting at mylene. and why doesn't gubaba look happy at all? poor guy, looks like it's the floor for him from here on.
  23. i'd actually withhold commenting on the third... until after i see the scene where Tobey dances in the nyan nyan restaurant bar, interrupting the chinese girl while she's singing on stage. yeah, it's probably gonna happen. you know it's gonna happen.
  24. is this gonna be another "bumblebee" type homage? where we see this jet that doesn't look like it can fly at all, side by side with an F-14 Tomcat. and tobey maqguire will hop onto the weird-looking jet, smash the f-14 tomcat with the propulsion while taking off, shrug, and wink at the camera? ugh. ok. now i get the analogy with transformers (which, by the way, i don't hate as much as gubaba, but i don't love as much as the rest of the world, either). but it'll be just like seeing optimus prime with a mouth! no matter how many justifications i hear about that ("he needs it to portray emotions!"), it just feels fracking wrong on so many levels. and for me, it will be the same way with alpha-type designs on a live-action movie disguising itself as the 1st generation of robotech. but if it's gonna be a film about the 2nd or 3rd gen, they can make the movie, do what they want, and have a blast, and i couldn't care less about any of the details. and i''ll probably watch it coz it's a sci-fi/mech movie.
  25. hey, it's the real VFTF1. welcome back!
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