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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. yeah!! we can't quit singing until ranka in gubaba's avatar finally wakes up and pops out!!
  2. it's time to add to VFTV1's family tree: Brera is the son of shin and sarah nome!! but seeing as that the same family tree lists ranka as basara and mylene's lovechild, i'm kinda stumped on how to make ranka and brera related.
  3. the problem is that after more than 10 seconds of reading, you would have already scrolled down, and the avatar wouldn't even be visible on the computer screen anymore. all that effort for naught.
  4. does it really make a difference? i mean, if your first instinct upon hearing the song is seeing Sheryl or ranka singing it, you shouldn't be bothered, because the producers/creators seem to intend for you to do so (even going to the extent of making the in-universe liner notes for the OST). it shouldn't really affect your appreciation of the songs. for example, up to now, i refer to the old macross songs as Minmei's songs, not mari ijima's songs. but, of course, it helps that i know, in the back of my mind, the name of the actual artist behind the voice. just to give credit where it's due.
  5. well, at least we know christianity survived, given that christmas episode (romanesque?) in SDFM. as far as age of consent goes, the fact that "sleeping with" mico klan klan would still be an issue, it looks like there's still at least a reasonable line that can't be crossed.
  6. alright!! thanks again ackem! interesting entry about the frontier's landscape changing every now and then. is this for real? what an interesting way to keep people from boredom. "now, where did they move my house today, i wonder? hmmm..." and no sheryl, that's not excitement, you have a fever, you stubborn girl!!
  7. just wondering... is planet dance really good, or is it just that we heard it so many times over the course of 49 episodes, again and frickin again, that our brain has no choice but to like it? hehehe. that being said... No more wasting love! Ai wa muda ni suru na Omae dake o Dareka ga mitsumeru hazu alright!! i think my i-pod's charging up!!
  8. yup, around 8-12 secs. but gubaba's avatar, no go even after 40 secs. (yes, i have nothing better to do than stare at gubaba for 40 secs... so sad.)
  9. The Matrix!!! (huh? what... animatrix came after the matrix? .... oh...) speed racer was ok for me, i enjoyed it. but not having watched the original series in full, i can't argue whether it's a good or a bad adaptation. death note live action is, of course, a good interpretation. but that's not a hollywood production, so that doesn't really help in this discussion. and in fact, i loved the live action version of Initial D (chinese production) and i thought it was even better than the anime. but, again, it isn't holllywood so i can't consider it for this discussion. hmmm.... i can't think of any. star wars 3?? god forbid. in the event a movie does get made about SW1, i surely wouldn't like it to be george lucas-type eye-candy space warfare. it's good for star wars (which is more fantasy than sci fi, anyway), but those laser sound effects, laser fire smorgasboard and space flight movements would be super cheesy on a macross movie. i was thinking more along the line of battlestar galactica, or even starship troopers, style space warfare. gritty, slow and more use of heavy artillery than lasers. now that i've though about it... what if the movie was done with the quality (writing/production/effects/acting) of BSG? if it can be done this way, i'd be all for it.
  10. interesting... i love this episode (and IMO a very good one), but 15 pages into this thread, it seems it's already slowed down almost to a stand still. not to mention that most of it are posts about the next episode and the kamjin lookalike. sucks to be a tweener.
  11. not necessarily the design used exactly in dyrl, but a dyrl type design with bio implants and stuff and... oh nevermind. why am i even defending it? i also don't want him to be just a flashback. i'm just saying it's a possibility that we didn't seriously discuss until eaglearcher pointed it out....
  12. thanks for this. yeah, sadly i read this too. oh well... anyways, i understand how the story just took a different direction. and i have absolutely NO qualms about the ending (before the credits), coz i believe it to be perfect. but given a choice between the two opposite directions taken by the after-credits epilogue, and the prologue, i would have much preferred the latter. actually, the prologue itself would have also made sense as an epilogue. in fact, if gainax hadn't put in that after-credits epilogue, my mind would have assumed that the prologue is the ultimate ending to the series. but as i said... oh well.... maybe that's the way they'll do it in the second movie...
  13. OMFG!! i want me one of those!!
  14. the mp3 song she handed out could have been the carrot song, or something else. i doubt it was aimo, otherwise the director/kawamori would have cast her as mao on the spot. i think the first time he heard aimo was while fishing on the lake in ep 10. as someone here pointed out, the mp3 she handed out was probably the reason she was cast in the movie as an extra.
  15. dyrl design, perhaps? they do seem to prefer using the dyrl templates for reanimating old characters.
  16. haha. i actually thought about that several times. now wouldn't that be the ultimate easter egg... and the shortest one too... seeing as that the vajra would probably run circles around it. hehe. or then again, he could just use it on a rescue mission, because somewhere in the vajra home planet, during the final battle, sheryl is trapped in a hidden base that's about to explode, as the only human captive left alive....
  17. ha! so far, looks like the VF-1 still reigns supreme!! (what a bunch of grannies. hehe).
  18. oops. good point. sorry bout that. now what was the question again...right... so any idea about the citizen selection system? i take it that there is no official word yet on this matter? it could make for an interesting short story or oav, if some people actually want to stay on earth, or want to move to another fleet. oh well. moving on.
  19. Ok, i'm now into episode 20 of my nadesico refresher marathon (damn power failure interrupted it), so here's what i noticed: that's episode 10, where a chulip crash lands into an island in the equator. while the crash itself doesn't look too much like the one in SDFM ep 1, the island sure looks exactly the same as south ataria -- post-crash. yey, finally saw this episode again. the reference was spot on, even to the extent that a big board on stage displayed the winner's votes via a chart with bars. much like the one in SDFM. and while waiting for the results, the nergal officers/ad agency was trying to come up with brand new slogans to attach to the winner of the contest. one of the slogans suggested was "Nadesico: Ai Oboeteimasuka".
  20. ok. so now i see how the dialogue between alto and his mom went in that flashback: alto: mom! look, i'm gonna launch my plane now. see it go. Kyuuuuun!!! mom: that's nice dear. alto:..... alto:.... mom, my plane doesn't seem to be moving like it usually does. what's wrong? mom: oh dear, that's not the real sky anymore. we're in a spaceship now, and that's just a fake sky. alto: fake... sky?...... NNNNNnnnoooooooooo!! mom: oh cut that out, you're such a drama queen... dad saotome: that was perfect!! he'll play the princess!! and that was how the legend of alto-hime the actress began...
  21. actually, if we apply occam's razor, this would be the most simplistic and probable answer. the 33rd fleet could just be reminiscing about the history of their malcontent, and kamjin (DYRL-designed) would be at the forefront of those recollections. but most of us (myself included) would like to hope that this is not the case. otherwise, we've been had!! kawamori has toyed with our emotions again!
  22. well, whoever it was, it sure broke sheryl's heart to see him/her go. just read dem lyrics! awwww....
  23. can i come out now? no more torches?.... ok, since i have this idea of KY as a weird space alien from Kpax visiting our planet temporarily... i always feel that KY just comes up with music that fits perfectly into the anime, and the scene. and if you haven't seen PoTC, i would hazard a guess that the first thought is that Big Boys BGM would sound just right for that particularly scene, as opposed to immediately coughing out "rip-off". the point being, maybe she just came out with the music. maybe she hears something from somewhere, and it becomes an inspiration. maybe some of the people around her might have mentioned that it sounds a bit similar to something from PoTC. to which KY replied.... "eh?" that being said. i'm still dreaming of the day that some big time sci-fi/fantasy movie would recruit KY for the musical score. and she'd win an oscar for it.
  24. still the VF-1. call it nostalgia, but for me, the first is still the best.
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