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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. i'd like to withhold voting on this one until i watch the whole series again in its entirety. and besides, like gubaba, i'm probably in a default ep25-voting mode this soon after watching it.
  2. hehe. close enough. judah system is close enough.
  3. sure looks that way, don't it. So the moment Elmo sees Bilrer: *gulp* "D-d-dad?"
  4. Btw, my heartfelt sympathies. While she is certainly alive and headed for full recovery, the glaring lack of airtime given to Nanase must suck. man, if this were a live action drama, i would think that Nanase's character asked for a raise, and the producers simply put her in a coma until the end to keep her docile. yikes. of course, it's certauinly hard to fit in a Nanase reawakening part in all that compressed action, but still... ouch. So... sharon apple loves Luca more now than Isamu? hehe. Good points, though. the Sharon Apple AI just wanted to be given a second chance. of course she's sad. that's her DYRL outfit. 10 minutes after Hikaru dumped her for an older lady. ouch. FTW!!! ya know, Ranka sure knows where to place her head. softest and fluffiest part, i bet. lol! OH COME ON!! it's resolved! it's so obvious! if you look at the final scene, alto is not actually in the middle of the 2 girls as they rush in to meet him. he's actually 10cm closer to Sheryl, if you pause the screen and measure the distances. and if you zoom into alto's face at a 250% resolution, you'll notice that his eyeballs are ever so slightly leaning towards his left, which would be the direction where Sheryl is coming from! See it's all clear! Why can't all of you see it??!! (Ok in case someone doesn't get that i'm fooling around... i made all those measurements up. hehe. but you're welcome to measure, if you want. ) Ok here's a secret from a long-time Sheryl-shipper... it's just between you and me... Episode 24 came and went, and i was still hoping for a AltoxSheryl ending. although i already knew it was possible that there would be no resolution, the strong possibility of a sherylxalto ending still loomed in the horizon. But the moment Ep 25 kicked in, with the way the story was going and developing, 15 minutes into ep25 i already KNEW that the triangle resolution would be open-ended. I got it from Alto's attitude, Sheryl's behavior, Ranka's reactions. Somehow, at that point, a SherylxAlto just didn't feel right. (yes, this was before alto called both of them "his wings"). Somehow, it felt that Alto suddenly choosing Sheryl over Ranka would be out of character for him, and totally inconsistent. the pace the story was going also played a big part. somehow, a resolution where Ranka is saved, but alto would suddenly talks to her to tell her that it was Sheryl all along, didn't suit me. it would feel off actually. Bottom line: i'm not as pissed off by a non-sherylxalto ending as i thought i would be. rather, it felt actually right this time. maybe they'll resolve it later, maybe they won't. but all i can say is that Alto finally enjoying what he's waited for all his life (flying in a real sky, with only an ex-gear) feels like a perfect ending. hey, ranka (getting back a family and singing) and sheryl (staying alive and singing like Minmay) got their wishes, why can't alto? Agreed ten times over!! for now. wait til he gets tired of flying... hehe. DAMN, i knew there was a weird look in Alto's face when he was about to shoot Ai-kun. it was LUV!! Oh NO!! that would imply that the love triangle would remain unresolved for eternity!! which is pretty much the case, i think. hehe. weird analogy though, but i can see how it works. OMG!! this one is full of win!!! made my day, you did, good sir.
  5. I'm sorry. I know this post was way back in page 20, and that most of you may have commented on it already, but hey, it's a fantastic way of looking at it. yes, i DO believe Richard Bilrer could represent all of us macross fans who want to see something like SDFM again. and with the way this series ended, i happily close my "locket" of SDFM memories with bliss and satisfaction. Even in this time, macross fans have a name. My name is Richard Bilrer! My name is Richard Bilrer! Ok... on with the backreading...
  6. I FRACKING LOVE MACROSS!!!!!! :D I have been away for sooo long. way before ep25 came out, i already decided that i wanted to watch it for the first time with subs. it being the last episode, i didn't want to come out of it with anything less than FULL understanding. hence, the wait. and i purposely avoided any contact with MW since thursday, just to avoid the slightest hint of a spoiler. On the other hand, i knew I was going to miss out on some fantastic talkback and discussions on the final episode. Man, how i missed posting here and listening to the comments. i'm gonna be left out. after all this time, where we posted our thougts on the episode immediately, i wold hold back on the final one. arg. it tested my patience to the limit. an honest-to-god marshmallow test, indeed! But all in all, i think it was worth it. i have yet to consolidate my thoughts, but all i know (before any analysis), is that I LOVED this episode! I enjoyed it thoroughly! I'm not sure yet if it's because i'm a macross fan (and there were a LOT of references thrown around that i had to be quick on my feet to keep up with all of them), or the last episode simply stood out on its own as a fantastic one. yes, despite the fact that that idiot alto didn't make a choice between the two (and that the two didn't seem to mind at all). after all, although i hoped for a sheryl ending, i knew it was possible for the triangle to be unresolved. alto just likes his flying. and his new earring. he's soooo GAY. it's probably gonna take me the rest of the day to sift through all the talkback, and the other threads, all of which i'm sure have considerably lengthened since my self-imposed exile. so until then, just a few scenes that almost drove me nuts with excitement (actually, almost the whole episode drove me nuts, but...): - Macross 11 and Macross City!!! OMFG! - Ghost V-9s!!! Wahooo!!! - Luca releasing the limiters on his Ghosts "releasing the strength that drove fear into Macross City"! wow. finally, something cool from Luca. - Mecha porn. valk porn!! amazing battle scenes!! i just can't pinpoint each and everyone of them. all of them were SPECTACULAR, and each with the noticable nod to older series. -human/vajra team up. awww so beautifully done! - Ranka going Hikaru on sheryl. complete with the after-slap pose. (but still, ranka, how dare you?? you just wanted to get even, didn't you??) - song medley FTW!! Stuff that almost drove me nuts with their mystery: - Grace's speech about Protoculture fearing and even emulating the Vajra queen. so the PC faced the Vajra, and lost, and used some of the designs for themselves? so the birdman is a vajra copycat made by the PC? - so Birler is really just another Dr. Chiba? or.... is he someone from Minmay's past? and, while it didn't really drive me nuts, i just still have to say it: - Alto, you idiot. - hey ranka, you dared slap Sheryl??? hehe. Ok time to read!
  7. looking at britai's original design, I just realized... would you really trust that face if he tells you that he will protect your fleet from now on?
  8. EXACTLY what i was thinking!!! then Sheryl, listening to Wilder's statement, slowly smiles. and then continues singing! I've been getting DYRL vibes so far with all these pics!
  9. I believe you completely about your prophetic read on the luca-shinji analogy, but only until you make another "Misa Hayes" type of statement.
  10. now you made me sad. but i'm still holding out that everything will end relatively happy for everyone. except grace and leon.
  11. hmmm... now why do i suddenly have a feeling that they will come up with a Macross Frontier movie special, and it will come out in four and half months?
  12. wow, that's a LOT of ships. now why am i getting "DYRL final charge" vibes all of a sudden?
  13. thank you, thank you. ah, but herein lies the problem: if SW1 does happen for real (and assuming we surive), chances are that episode 25 will never be aired as it was originally intended. we would then have to wait at least 51 more years before we find out what really happens, and we have to make sure we're aboard the macross Frontier to see it happen.
  14. maybe they limited the SDF (Super Dimension Fortress) designation to ships meant for grand colonization or attack purposes. but they didn't give it to a ship designed to escort a research fleet, regardless of the fact that it is an old macross-class ship. in other words, maybe it's the purpose of the ship that determines whether or not it will get an SDF designation, not the class of the vessel.
  15. one hour before the airing of ep25, a zentraedi fleet folds into earthspace and attempts to make contact; but then a huge blast of energy from somewhere in the south of japan fires towards the fleet. and because of this, all broadcasts from japan and all over the world are indefinitely postponed. question! do we scream, "DAMN IT, ZENTRAEDI WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME NOW?? I WANT MY EP 25!!! GET the FRACK OUTTA HERE" OR "OMG IT'S HAPPENING FOR REAL! IT'S MACROSS! GOTTA GET TO SOUTH ATARIA NOW!! Ep 25? huh? ep 25 of what?" ??? I honestly don't know how to answer this.
  16. i think he might have already read the thread. otherwise, i have no idea how he would make a luca-shinji connection.
  17. I share your high hopes for Bilrer's final reveal. (his economic reason has already been revealed, but his "sentimental" reason remains a mystery.) on the other hand, i think the series has already revealed grace's true purpose (basically, world domination via fold network and/or surpassing protoculture). but then again, if she turns out to be the last remnant of protoculture... (hehe, how's that for a surprise reveal?) As for leon... well, i have the impression that he's already happy where he is. president of the frontier and of whatever plant it colonizes. remember, he plans to kill the mother queen, thus making the fold network entirely useless. so, i'm guessing he has not interest in grace's angle of things.
  18. how could i forget, you were so convinced that you saw it animated or printed in some way. turns out, it was (the horror!!).
  19. and THAT doesn't bother me a miniscule as much as the fact that some people aren't. or that some people would dismiss my dismay as "pointless". that may be your perspective, dear sir, and i completely disagree, but i will stop short of ever calling it a "pointless" perspective.
  20. No, i don't want her dead. rather, i would like her to be kept unconscious and tied up in a lab somewhere, where they would draw fresh vials of her blood whenever a hero needs healing. Now THAT'S being useful!
  21. What the... the Macross turns into... Minmay?!!!
  22. Dunno myself. i just keep hearing the word as if it will explain everything, and the meaning of life twice over. maybe it's a fashion thing. just give me my daily dose of my macross cartoons everyday! seriously now- i don't think nee-san is as commonly used as "sempai", in a non-blood related sense. whenever i hear "nee-san" in an anime, i assume it's because they're sisters, unless the series shows otherwise. maybe it's some kind of pixie sisterhood between klan and nene, but certainly i think it's more than a synonym to "sempai". so i wouldn't go as far as dismissing anyone who makes an assumption about "nee-san" as someone who doesn't watch anime.
  23. doesn't have to be one in particular, if i remember my zoology... actually i don't. who knows the details about the birds and the bees about.. well... the bees?
  24. poor queen, that must be a big..... well, they DO start off as eggs after all. maybe they start the same size, then they grow accordingly depending on their designation.
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