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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. I'd buy THAT for a dollar!
  2. Ah yes, you would be referring to the Super Dimension Hand - with its own fold crystals for instantaneous movement.
  3. nope. but i'd be happy enough with just the french maids.
  4. oh my. inspired naming!
  5. yup, except this time with a 3rd hand. it was too similar to be a coincidence, given that their hands were never animated that way throughout the course of the series.
  6. whoa! subtletly, thine name is Grace o'Connor. and... hawkeyes, thine name is grss1982!
  7. alto didn't sound like he was oblivious about much of it. in fact, i think he understood a lot about his relationship between the two. just so happens he wasn't ready to commit to either one just yet, or that he much prefers to fly at this point.
  8. sheryl nome should guest on the Late Show. It's been a long time since Madonna.
  9. But, but, alto wasn't inside his plane when he was shot down. and he wasn't even using his valk-of-choice, the VF25, and alto was distracted because of the giant ranka, and... and... sigh. is it so obvious that i just want Alto to be the better pilot? haha. oh well, screw that, she got the girls anyway.
  10. yeah, i find it weird too. maybe all the people who want to give in their talkback really are the same people here.
  11. actual mental translation of what was said (i.e. what they really meant), ergo: Ranka: "I won't give up in song, or in love." what she really means: "I am gonna steal him from you bit#h." Sheryl: "I accept your challenge." what she really means: "oh, daamn, bring it on, bit#h!" Sheryl's "kira" sign what it really means: Gang sign for "death to boy-stealing bit#hes" it was really simple enough to translate if anyone paid any attention at all.
  12. OH.MY.GOD. i cannot believe that came out. i can't believe it's still there. it lingers. can't get it out. i get it now... I am the super mother bug! help. i don't want to remain this way. Put a bullet to me. Bullet in the brain pan. Squish.
  13. haha. well, i have a Lopez in my name, unfortunately it's not from that particular family. i wonder how the talkback in that AICN entry is. but if it's just all of us saying the same things all over again, i'll just stick with MW.
  14. y'know, that was the exact same part that really gave me a smile. and all the scenes of sheryl flashed into my mind. yup, perfect two sentences, each and every word.
  15. agreed. good writing by the Duke. but hey, I'M an eccentric billonaire, and hell yeah i say, DAMN THE COST, let's bring all this to the western world... ahem... well, like you said, I can dream, right?
  16. actually thought of adding this, but i realized most of you would vote this just for the fun of it. heck, i would. same as above. and i'd couch it as: flower girl - flowers - radio. hmmm... that's definitely an interesting vote. actually, that triangle would only be 4th for me (after SDFM, Frontier and Plus, in that order) only because of its lack of real development. i always believed that a triangle is only a triangle if it can go either way. macross zero's triangle was heavily leaning towards shin-sara, that i thought of it more as a direct line with a little squiggle in the far right. but thinking of it from a philosophical perspective... as a choice between tradition and modernity (dare I say, Protoculture and Humanity?)... never thought of it that way. thanks for the new perspective. good point on the SDFM triangle being a sneak attack. it was clearly a hikaru-minmay story at the start; the triangle only came about halfway through the series. and of course, since we had no history or prior stories to fall back on, no one expected a triangle. On the other hand, because of the success of that triangle (hey, it took more -- much MORE - than its fair share of attention from the mecha and the space wars), it became so much a tradition that you come to expect it already in any macross series. on the other hand, i wouldn't say that the macross triangles are relatively weak. rather, i think it's the subtlety at work that makes these triangles convincing and endearing, imho. Other typical anime triangles have extreme depictions of their triangles or harems (to the point of depicitng man-hungry love struck females and inexplicably naive and clueless men). macross triangles just give enough romance to tease the viewers, without taking away from the plot too much. EDIT: typographical error. YES, that's ALL it WAS!!
  17. No way anyone could have guessed. setting up Grace as a mere side character was flawlessly done. watching ep 1 again, she was literally just at the sidelines. no weird change in voice or attitude. no change in the eyes. no close-up of a misplaced smile or smirk. she was literally a wallflower. she had us ALL fooled.
  18. well everyone else answered this quite quickly and accurately. thanks guys. at least as early as ep3, we know that the writers already knew where they were headed. i was really amazed when i heard ranka cry it out in ep 3. amazing how close it was to the truth that took more than 20 episodes to reveal.
  19. Most of us watched the series immediately as each episode came out. and most of us will probably embark on the time-honored tradition of any anime or macross fan: the Marathon!! the experience of watching the series again in its entirety, and without weeklong breaks in between, is well worth it. And also, having seen the whole series already, we can now watch the series from a different perspective, and notice subtle details, hints and dialogues that would have new meaning in light of the series as a whole. I'm in episode 7 of my MF marathon (continuing tomorrow), and here are just some: Episode 1 (broadcast edition): - The broadcast edition more or less starts with alto trying to fly, but finding that the sky is not high enough. Ep25 ends with alto finally happy about being able to fly in a real sky. quite appropriate. Episode 3: - Upon seeing an injured Ozma, Ranka screams: "why are you doing this? I kept it a secret like you told me to!" I think someone already pointed this out in another thread. amazing how she channeled "baby ranka" and was talking to Brera this early in the series. - In deciding to join SMS, Alto says, "I will live by myself; I will die by myself." quite a far cry from alto saying in the last episode "we are alone. that's why we love!"
  20. i knew i should have added that additional qualifier to my statement, coz someone was going to go technical on me. i just knew it. yeah, i know that, of course. but the bottom line is, if grace was able to accomplish her network, history would still point to "Humanity" as the culprit, regardless of how little (or no) "humanity" grace had left in her. undiscovered alien race: "damn humans, look at the mess they made with this one."
  21. The more i see fanart of the new Triangler (Alto-Sheryl-Ranka), and with the way it ended a bit unresolved (at least for now), i have this feeling that it will stand the test of time as one of those classic love triangles. In fact, IMO, given a few years and enough fan 'shipping (face it, there's a LOT), it could even rival the beloved original, specially for a new generation of Macross fans. So now, this got me thinking: In a Macross universe where love triangles are the norm, which one is the best for you? I'm not setting any criteria for your choices on this one, so whatever floats your boat.
  22. good points about humanity pretty much continuing where the PC left off. so instead of parallel lines, we have a single line being continued by humanity. On the other hand, maybe that's the cycle of life in the universe. for all we know, the PC just stepped into the shoes of another, more ancient and long-dead galactic civlization. oh well, but that's just pure speculation. in any sense, Humanity seems destined to be greater than the PC. also, Humanity came this close to controlling the entire galaxy, or universe.
  23. Good observations about the sheryl-ranka dynamic. can't wait to start my own MF marathon.
  24. also strikes me as Alto's way of saying, "please enough about the triangle. i don't want to think about that now; i just want to fly."
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