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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. thanks! 1st post updated. References from 7, plus and zero are welcome, but i'll only be adding the SDFM/DYRL/FB2012 references to the OP summary. it's long enough already.
  2. I'd believe her more if she won Ms. Macross, and wasn't just a runner-up. as the story of ranka shows, for a mere runner-up or contestant to get anywhere, she has to exert a LOT of effort; whereas the actual winner gets a free ride (not to mention a helicopter trip) to the top. in a way, cathy may have some regrets because she gave up too easily. but the fact that she even joined the contest shows that she had some desire to be a celebrity. hence, she was showing some resentment about ranka's rise to fame from obscurity in ep11.
  3. yup. and we don't know if this applies to half-zolans/half-zentraedi. as i said, raramia seems to have pointier ears. like michael's.
  4. after watching, i thought that he was alive. at least that's my interpretation of it. that link you gave actually listed a lot of signs that made me more convinced; but more than that, what really made me think he was alive was something that was not in that article: Lelouche told Suzaku that Schneizel would still follow Zero/Suzaku's orders. In fact, in the last scenes, we see that Schneizel is still Zero and Nunnaly's lapdog. If Lelouch really died, wouldn't the geass over Scheizel have been broken? Would Lelouche even risk keeping a master schemer as Schneizel alive unless he knew that he still had COMPLETE control over him?
  5. finally finished the series! while it was a bit of a stretch and became convoluted in the middle parts (that all part about charles and marianne just didn't make sense to me), the ending was fantastic. i really felt for the characters in this one. add nunnaly's scream to my list of all time primal screams (Ikari Shinji still tops that list). all in all, Code Geass (in its entirety) will remain as one of the more memorable animes for me. and that's saying something.
  6. not really hypothesising, just wondering. klan did sort of exclude her when it came to discussing the zentraedis as their ancestors.
  7. at least that's one question down. on the other hand, if zolans can macronize, then it's still possible. looking at her, she does have pointy ears, moreso than a regular zentraedi. maybe a half-zolan/zentraedi? oh well, who knows?
  8. Yes! Even in space! this is Max JENIUS ladies and gentlemen! don't think about it, just believe!
  9. nice catches. some of them i didn't realize yet until your post. ok, here's some more: Ep 12: - The opening scene is a homage to the opening scene of DYRL. Two zentraedi which look a lot like Britai and Exedole. Both of them are speaking in Zentraedi language, in that typical booming voice, the exedole look-alike is giving a report to the commander. - Exedole look-alike's head/brain also glows, like exedole in DYRL - Appearance of Temjin, the look-alike/clone of Kamujin. - Zentraedi uniforms are the same as the zentraedi uniorms in DYRL - Temjin demands to be given a ship in exchange for the lives of the hostages, including Sheryl the galactic fairy. Exactly what Kamjin did in SDFM. - Ranka singing while on the backseat of the VF25, as Alto pilots. reminiscent of Hikaru and Minmay around saturn's rings in DYRL. - Sheryl looking out a balcony/ledge, presumably thinking about alto and ranka being together. Misa does this in SDFM. a lot. - VF25 crashing, and the passengers seeing some shocking wreckage afterwards. Reminiscent of Hikaru and Misa crashing the VF1, and discovering the wreckage of the Prometheus in DYRL. - ummm.... WTF-1! nuff said. - and right after that, another healthy dose of "Ai Oboiteimasuka". really, SK wasn't trolling everyone. suuuure. LOL - preview for next episode: "first-class generation Macross. Rise of a Legend. Memory of Global". wow, all this remembering the WTF-1 fiasco is giving me headaches. LOL Ep 13: - "Memory of GLOBAL". what, the title not enough for you? - A MACROSS! a friggin original-design MACROSS!! - The number of the pill (639) that Grace was giving Sheryl is the same number attached to Milla's name (Milla 639) in DYRL. - Ranka was trapped in some kind of cage/bubble in the Bajra mothership, with alto trying to get in and rescue her. However, a strong blast drives Alto away, thus he was unable to rescue her. Much like what happened in DYRL where Hikaru (and Misa) was trying to rescue Minmay (and Kaifun) before a blast forced Hikaru's VF-1 out - Sheryl in Michael's VF25, about to take control of the plane from the backseat by grabbing the stick. good thing she didn't; she might have crashed the VF like Misa did. - The exedole look-alike was blown away, screaming "de-culcha!", similar to how Laplamis died in DYRL
  10. 1) Ok after watching ep 12: remember that scene before WTF-1, where alto was flying, with ranka in the backseat? there was this moment where i thought they looked at each other, caught each other looking at him/her, and both blushed and laughed about it. i thought this was actually one instance that alto showed some interest towards ranka. i apparently got that wrong. right before that moment, alto was looking to his left, saying "sky". he was looking longingly at the sky. Ranka, on the other hand, was also looking to her left, but presumably she was thinking about being alone with alto. two entirely different things. they caught themselves daydreaming about two different things (well, i don't know if ranka knows what alto was thinking about). 2) In ep 11, when the ranka gang found out about the uprising in Galia 4 (and in fact even saw sheryl fall sick from the plane), all she could think of was "Alto..." In Ep 12, when Michael said that ranka and alto could have been affected by the d-pulse (and at worst, both of them could have crashed), all sheryl could think about was "Alto..." Are these 2 really friends, or what?
  11. a lot. and I ain't naming names. haha.
  12. didn't even have to think about this one. Sheryl.
  13. Put Max in that makeshift birdplane that Isamu and Guld constructed during their childhood, and he'd still beat the crap out of everyone.
  14. in Ep 8, ozma handing in the report to Cathy a bit pissed off, and then calling her a nag... reminded me a lot of a pissed-off Hikaru submitting his report to Misa, while berating her for being a duty-nag, or something of the sort.
  15. actually just finished re-watching ep11 last night and this is also something i wanted to discuss; you beat me to it. i presumed that the entire pixie squadron are zentraedi, but after realizing in ep11 that klan only makes mention of the zentraedi as ancestors in reference to herself and Nene only; and that Nene is the only one who seems close enough to Klan to call her nee-san, is it possible that Raramia is not actually a zentraedi? could she be a zolan? (for the M7 experts out there, can zolans be macronized in the first place?) (or for those who have finished their marathons, have we ever seen raramia in macro size in the first place?)
  16. well, most wars are only stopped when one side wins it, anyway.
  17. yeah, i know. but it's the closest thing i can think of right now. trying to single out a film that gives music a memorable role in warfare, space or earthbound (i'm sure there is), but i can't remember one just yet. EDIT: WAIT!! one just popped into my head... Full Metal Jacket where they sang the Micke Mouse Club theme at the end. does that count?
  18. Damn! how could i have forgotten the trash can robot?! arg!
  19. That's also what sheryl calls him. you do love him!!
  20. and in reply, he'll just sing: "'Scuse me, while i kiss the sky!" *cue hendrix guitar riff*
  21. i already did a full SDFM/DYRL marathon sometime between eps 14 and 15 of Frontier. i'll probably do another one after my MF and M0 marathon. then i'll o Macross Plus. i don't think i have the energy to re-watch M7 all over again, though.
  22. yeah but that was just a split second. i was thinking more along the lines of gurren lagann and Boota consistently playing around in yoko's boobies.
  23. wow. just.... wow.
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