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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. is it just me, or does ranka look a bit "off" in this pic? i'm thinking "simple jack" type of off (if you've seen tropic thunder).
  2. Great review Tochiro, thanks!! wowwwww....... i can't begin to explain how MUCH i wanted to be there! i definitely hope a DVD of this Live comes along. any of you guys find any clips from utube or other sites?
  3. wow! must have been amazing! i hope a video of it comes out.
  4. If she's chasing after her panties again, i reckon she'd go even farther and faster than alto and michael.
  5. Here's something i didn't notice the first time: In episode 14, while Ranka was still being held by the vajra queen, while they were travelling in the fold tunnel, ranka said "I want to go home. To where my friends are." Now if the sub was accurate, it was basically the same thing that Misa said in DYRL (before she and Hikaru decided to get it on). i'll have to check later, though, if the actual japanese phrase used was the same.
  6. and it's not necessarily so bad. as with any work of fiction, it's a work-in-process. things change midstream. if writers stuck to the original outline from when they started, and disregarded sudden inspirational thoughts and characters, a lot of masterpieces might not have been made as they are.
  7. oh YEAH! i knew it was familiar. that SDFM marathon of yours is paying dividends, huh?
  8. with alto's "nee-san" playing alto, and alto playing Sheryl?
  9. you're honestly surprised about this? the signs of sheryl's extreme popularity in MW is all around, and most of the polls had her winning via landslide. i'm actually surprised that Ozma is making a fight out of it (i expected the 2nd placer to be klanklan).
  10. i agree. i think the moment he applied his "acting" quote ("think not and you will blossom...") to piloting, he finally embraced flying as his new artform. if there was any issue about "running away", it was resolved right there.
  11. Ep 3: - alto, sheryl and ranka being trapped in a hold, is a nod to Hikaru and Minmay being trapped inside the Macross in both SDFM and DYRL - maguro buns is a nod to the constant reference of maguro in SDFM/DYRL. in fact, it could be a reference to the fact that in both DYRL and SDFM, Hikaru and Minmay always found a tuna while they were trapped. this time, it just happened to be a tuna bun. - Cathy Glass' (when she rescued sheryl) suit looks like a curious version of the SDFM flight suit. - Ozma getting injured with blood in the cockpit felt a bit like focker getting killed (at the time ep3 came out, we had no idea that a more blatant reference to focker's death would still be coming) - ranka is about to join a miss macross contest!
  12. Ep 2: - alto keeps shooting the vajra with his gunpod in gerwalk mode, like Hikaru shooting the Zentraedi in SDFM - Alto, still in gerwalk, scoops up Ranka with the VF's right hand, similar to the way Hikaru rescued Minmay - zero-g love! alto's VF's right arm gets shot and separated, ranka falls (this time upwards), alto opens the cockpit to rescue her. Direct reference to Hikaru rescuing Minmay mid-air in SDFM. - ranka sitting on alto's lap after the rescue, somewhat reminiscent of Minmay sitting on Hikaru's lap in his jet (Hikaru you sly sly dog) - Sheryl's glasses (while in disguise) looks a lot like Minmay's glasses in DYRL, also while in disguise
  13. thanks all. updated OP summary list.
  14. ALRIGHT!! Thanks as always gubaba!
  15. far as i can tell, you're the only one thinking of her in that way. the rest of us are just greeting a kid a happy birthday.
  16. wow. any chance your parents were closet macross fans?
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINMAY!!! :D As far as understatements go, yours takes the cake...
  18. you knew it was coming the moment daflip702 put the words "alto" and "virgin" in the same sentence.
  19. fixed. bobby had his way with him while michael and luca weren't looking.
  20. Not necessarily. some macross fans may have been indoctrinated through robotech, and their hatred for RT Minmay may have been carried over. some might have also been voting for misa to get the guy, and in the process grew to hate minmay (yes, even then, i guess there were 'shippers, though there wasn't a name for them yet). a while back, there was a discussion that the first macross that you watched (RT/DYRL/SDFM) could play into how you feel about Minmay.
  21. while i commend your keen sense of observation in catching that one, I am now cursed with the thought that ozma might have been trying to get into alto's pants.
  22. hmmm.... with all the "i actually love minmay!" confessions going around recently (my own testimonial included), i'm starting to wonder whether minmay really is as hated as much as i thought among macross fans outside of japan.
  23. eva 1 derrierre. we should also add the evangelion reference when nanase was comatose and bandaged in the hospital bed and luca.... wait? huh, what? that scene was censored out? oh... oh well...
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