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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. and lipstick is for the lips. sheryl is hot. Hotlips. *Mash* makes sense to me!
  2. yes, and it shoulda been episode 22. then we wouldn't even have had the "did they or didn't they?" debate.
  3. i'll just put that under "moving in together". coz if they did it once, they did it every night babee. when alto said, "it can't be helped" after sheryl got sorta drunk, what he actually meant was "sigh. aint gonna get any loving tonight." as for the other one... oh, ranka knew. in fact, it was ranka made bobby do it. "if someone's gonna pop Alto's cherry and it isn't me, it might as well be my makeup artist rather than Sheryl!"
  4. pedobea--ao8sinx[-8dca098d5j-0eroiwenr3t4f515345sw()*^$*&^--- arg, wtf, i think my computer's been hacked!!!
  5. Rollo death was sadder than death? i don't get it. but it's good Michael's death ranked high.
  6. and Bobby! why do you keep forgetting Bobby?? Orrrraaaa!!!!
  7. Just realized something... What Ranka knows (before she left for the Vajra homeworld): - Sheryl and Alto went out on a date in Folmo mall; and Sheryl kissed him on the cheek - Sheryl and Alto hang out together a lot (gossip from Nanase) - Sheryl kissed Alto during the filming of Birdman - Alto and Sheryl were hugging on the flight deck of Mihoshi bad enough, right? BUT... What Ranka doesn't know: - alto broke his own vow not to go back to Saotome mansion just to see Sheryl - Alto comforted sheryl (ep22) and more or less promised that he will stay by her side forever - Alto (may have) decided not to pursue Ranka and join the SMS mutiny because of Sheryl - Alto (may have) this time initiated kissing Sheryl in her darkes hour - Alto and Sheryl sort of moved in together - Most, if not all, of NUNS knows that alto and sheryl were going out - Alto and sheryl shared another passionate kiss (ok, all the passion may have come from sheryl. but still...) before the final battle - Alto decided that if he had to, he would kill Ranka AND all this after Ranka had already told him, in no uncertain terms, that she loved him. if she found all this out, I wonder if she would have been as optimistic in throwing that challenge to Sheryl at the end.
  8. yup, and from what i surmised from ep22, Sheryl wanted at least 4 rounds, alto was exhausted and walked out after the first, and that was the time he finally saw the message on his cellphone.
  9. alright, alright... sing-off between Basara and the mountain. and then sheryl joins in (like in your avatar)!
  10. would be cool if Lucifer was official, since the VF25 is the Messiah. did anyone call it in the "name that VF27" thread?
  11. the Ultimate Macross concert? sing-off between Minmay - Mylene - Ranka - Sheryl? my mind absolutely drools at such a thought.
  12. OMG, you're right. Grace is ALIVE! but hey, it wouldn't really be lying if she managed to download herself into a 17 yr old cyborg body, right?
  13. Agreed. gubaba said it was really good, but the bottom line is that i can't remember much, or all, of it. MacPlus and Frontier, on the other hand, i remember fondly. Now... whether that's because the plus and zero had the Kanno Yoko brand name on it, or it's just that the Plus and Frontier music is objectively way way better, i'll never know for sure. but i'd like to think it's the latter.
  14. Macross Zero wasn't bad. I still liked it. Nevertheless, i think i would have liked it even more if Kanno Yoko had done the music.
  15. LOL! ok, is that a bullet, a lipstick, or sorta both?
  16. yeah, i agree that it wasn't really a civil war type of conflict yet. the fact remains, though, that for probably the first time, we saw 2 macross class ships --both of them fleet escorts -- going at it (games excluded coz i wouldn't know, haven't played them).
  17. or to put it simply, if you have all that firepower inside you, it's bound to go BOOM if you get hit.
  18. All those toys!! all those lovely wonderful toys!!!
  19. Yup. her and Bobby. put them together and you're good for Broadway.
  20. Yeah, that's the ideal. interestingly enough, just 50 years down the line, we already have the first fleet vs. fleet conflict (Frontier vs. Galaxy). In the vast future yet to come, and with the differences and independence between fleets becoming more pronounced, who knows how many conflicts like this will arise? hopefully, not as catastrpohic as the ones that plagued the PC civilization.
  21. I'm remembering the Rahxephon movie all of a sudden...
  22. right you are. and with the way he goes alpha-male at times, he could also play Machida.
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