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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. BOMBA!!! add Bobby and Klan into the mix, and you really do have Fairy Bomber.
  2. newtypes in macross!
  3. It's because people are not sure if they really like the song, or if it was simply burned into their brains because of the endless play it got throughout the series.
  4. ' i will gladly help after i take up japanese reading courses. let me get back to you in a year or so. but, hey, i'm all here for the occasional moral support, and to regularly remind you that "YOU GUYS ROCK!!" Now, isn't that WAY better than me contributing translations?
  5. this is awesome! Thanks for starting this thread! thanks for taking the effort to translate the Chronicles, and thanks in advance to everyone else who will contribute to this worthwhile endeavor.
  6. I voted for Nyan Nyan Service Medley, simply because it gives me goosebumps whenever i hear it. the arrangement is amazing. 7 minutes of pure macross goodness. and my favorite part? near the end when Sheryl singing Lion overlaps with Ranka singing Ai Oboetimasuka. hauntingly beautiful. Northern Cross comes a close second.
  7. I like Protoculture, but the title's weird. the BGM makes me think more of the Vajra than the Protoculture.
  8. nope not at all, we don't even know each other, actually. but you just made me realize that we do have common letters in our names... this post is brought to you by the letters D and V; and by the number 3. *cue Sesame Street music* and, again, Maka is sooooo cute.
  9. now this is a weird statement. as a rabid fan of Studio Ghibli movies, i am quite uncomfortable (read as: having epileptic seizures) with them being described as fitting "western standards". *cough* madagascar *cough*.
  10. Like you said, I wouldn't put all this on Japan. hey at least they're trying to come up with new concepts (Deathnote was a way out there concept, just as an example) even though they play on the same market and patterns. But generally, the whole entertainment world may be running out of ideas (with notable exceptions of course). look at hollywood... all the buzz i hear are about movies based on tv series, comics, and older movies. we've reached the point where novel ideas are just jumping from one forum to another. a comic series turned movie. a movie continued on tv. a tv series continued in comics. an animated version. and then a remake movie. it is at this time that i give props to anyone with a totally original idea (and for this, i hionestly believe that Japan is still offering a lot, compared to the west). Granted, even in original ideas, they would have to put some standard cliches in order for it to sell. otherwise, who would put up the money to make them? hey, it's way better than not getting to see these original ideas at all, right?
  11. Contrary to popular belief, that was actually Descarte's first and most popular philosophical thesis. "cogito ergo sum" was merely a far far second during its time.
  12. Judging from your avatar, Sheryl seems to be one too. imagine the Hopes and Dreams that come with that particular fantasy.
  13. And if it has the same capabilities as Hikaru's super bike in Phantasm, I am SOLD on it, name your price!!
  14. I LOLed! as if your obsession towards Nanase isn't enough to convince everyone of your breasts fixation... unfortunately, after the vajra war of 2059, whenever they hear Seikan Hikou, all they have is the memory of that ship fighting... and nothing else... but if it's Northern Cross they hear, that's a different story!
  15. I'm now into episode 20 of Soul Eater. Am i weird for finding Maka terribly cute .
  16. yes and no. if people are driven to check out the source material, it would be from a purely RT perspective. while they may appreciate the macross universe, they would still look at it as something that simply "inspired" RT. Hence, a new generation of people aware of Macross, but with an RT twist. and the cycle begins anew. as for the pressure, i think it would work to our disadvantage. the more the demand, the stronger HG will hold on to its rights over the property. (with the prospect of big money, you expect HG to suddenly go soft? hell, no.). and if there is indeed pressure, it will come from the new generation of RT/Macross fans, who would be happy enough with an HG version of RT merchandise; original macross merch be damned.
  17. ah so lovely! and if they did the same pose as in the pic that d3v posted, that would be even more great!
  18. So the Vajra are actually the ancient ancestors of Dr. Zoiberg??
  19. well, there you have it. we have been invaded by Skrulls, after all. On the other hand, come on vftf1, you can come out of the closet now too, don't be shy.
  20. hey, thanks for this! it's cool that Code Geass and MF characters were consistently on top.
  21. it's a very valid theory, and i would even dare say that it's right more often than not. remember the old people's saying "youth is wasted on the young"? hence, the same applies: "All those cool mechas are wasted on the young, goddammit!" but not for me, at least. i have absolutely no qualms about the young ones still piloting the mechas. and as far as projection goes, hey i may not be young anymore, but who's to stop me from projecting myself on a hot-blooded teenager with similarly hotblooded teenage women going after him?? i say bring it on!
  22. i wonder...if you scratch out ep8, would we still have complaints about how MF overdid its high school drama stuff? i agree it's a filler, and as a filler, it went ALL OUT in cramming all the supposed cliches of high school anime into that one episode. outside of ep 8, i don't think there was much left in the other episodes, was there? but all in all, i loved ep 8. I had a blast watching it. is it still the highest rating ep of MF in japan, even up to ep25?
  23. And if he's also the guy kissing the girl along the street in MF Ep 14, as a lot have theorized, he sure made up good. grandaddy would be proud...in between hiding from his wife and his still-alive mom, and dreaming terrible dreams about the original bridge bunnies, of course.
  24. precisely. anime pilots have almost always been young. besides, who gives a flying frack about old geezers in army uniforms anyway. we saw it in macross 7, and it wasn't nice. hehe:p i think their gripe is that it has reached some kind of "boiling point", but I don't really see it.
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