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Everything posted by dreamweaver13

  1. aha! it's an act. by the next concert, that manager will try to kill May'n. If Mayn's next concert is in a war-torn country with threats of insurrection, be prepared for the worst.
  2. haha. i know i said from the very start that Macross 7 was not my expertise and that i would be hardpressed to remember dogfights from that series.... but shame on me for not remembering Basara vs. Emilia! gomen gomen. and Pedro also takes the prize for the single greatest c**kblock in history.
  3. bloody awesome!! 2 arcs into season one, i love it already. even if they dont make sense of the disjointed arcs, i would love the series. but now that you say that there's a bigger picture, i'm gonna love it even more.
  4. First 4 eps of "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" totally blew me away! i'm hooked. show me those cute school girls !!
  5. I wonder who voted for "Roy vs. Anti-Unification pilot (Zero, ep 1)". while by no means among the best dogfights in macross history, it certainly deserves a nod for showing the transformation from valkyrie to battroid in slo-mo. man, i remember the first time i watched it, and i remember thinking "F*CK THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER!!" I replayed the damn thing (in even more slo-mo) about five times the first time. definitely one of the best moments of M0 for me. This is history in the making boys. watch sloooowly.
  6. I already expected Isamu-Guld to take the top spot, but i expected Max v. Milla (DYRL) to come close behind. so far, looks like i'm wrong about that one.
  7. Oh come on. if you're making a case about the best dogfight in macross history, are you even gonna look at any isamu/guld showdown other than the last one?
  8. Missed that one! added Klan vs. Brera to the poll.
  9. from the OP: "If the pilots faced off several times, take your pick as to which battle you want to use as your reference." I can't be more specific coz i'll run out of poll slots.
  10. if a poll was already made that included MF, my sincerest apologies.
  11. yeah certainly deserves an honorable mention. not a "dogfight" technically speaking, but how can i even think of not putting it in this list? hence i just added the "confrontation" qualifier. hehe.
  12. Same here. My 2 favorite dogfights of all time (and not just in-macross). in the end, i had to choose Isamu vs. Guld. i remember how my jaw dropped when i watched it the first time (son, what's that thing on the floor??). still the standard by which all other dogfights are measured, IMHO.
  13. Simple question, choose your favorite! If the pilots faced off several times, take your pick as to which battle you want to use as your reference. I'm having some trouble nominating other dogfights from M7, since all i can remember is Basara going around in circles avoiding missiles again and again and again.... and again. Suggestions for M7 dogfights (or if i missed any from the other series) are more than welcome.
  14. Ok, now time to bring you back to life... Omae wa kaze ni naru nara Hateshinai sora ni naritai Hageshii amaoto ni tachi sukumu toki wa Guitar o kakinarashi kokoro o shizumeyou Come on people kanjite hoshii Ima sugu wakanakute ii kara Come on people inochi no kagiri Omae o mamoritsuzukeru My soul for you
  15. Wolf, how's Gai Rei Zero? any good?
  16. Mom, mom, it's morning now!! time to watch my cartoons!!wake up and turn on the TV!
  17. 'xcept your member name, as much as you would like it to.
  18. What more do you need? i mean, really?
  19. i believe in this power! and by that time Sharon was too horny for isamu already, she forgot to turn the mic off. hence her downfall.
  20. with the way it's going, i wonder if there's any chance of a grand macross performance with may'n and megumi in this year's Kohaku? a guy can hope...
  21. The way you said that, i'd think you haven't seen the final episode yet. would i be right?
  22. It's only now that Hikaru's about to get it on with Misa that i realize... man, hikaru's DYRL flightsuit is so gayyyy.
  23. Or as Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) would say it: "Oh, Jesus, not that crap again!"
  24. how hard it must be! hmmm... if Istar is Audrey in Roman Holiday, is Sheryl Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany's?
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